Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 515 Eliminate Dissidents

Chapter 515 Eliminate Dissidents
"Jiang Ziya, you finally said something that I like to hear. Let me do what you said! Pick out those rebellious guys and let them play forward. If I can take down the world Of course it’s good, if they can’t be defeated, let them fend for themselves!”

Ming Shiyin is now ready to fight a protracted war, and he doesn't have time to explain those objections one by one. The easiest way is to eliminate them all directly.

So the next battle is not to occupy the territory in the circle, but a feint attack launched by these guys to eradicate dissidents.

"I don't know Master, who do you think is the real thorn in the head? As long as you nod, I can arrange it right away to ensure that everything is perfect without anyone noticing it!"

When it comes to conspiracies and tricks, this Jiang Ziya is the most energetic, and he is also the kind with a full stomach.The old boy also knew that just offering advice to his master would not strengthen his position, the most he could do was ensure that he would not be killed.

"Hehe, you old boy, don't pretend to me. Don't you know what I'm thinking? Then let me remind you. This black fox empress is very decent. I decided to help her get the position. Next, you should Do you know how to do it?"

Obviously the leaders of the orc clan are Thrall and the tauren chieftain. The black fox is just the weakest branch of their clan, so the current situation is that all the work is handed over to the black fox clan, and the credit and benefits are The bull's head would not be distributed to others at all, and even wanted to get the woman's idea, all of this violated Ming Shiyin's bottom line.

"Master, rest assured, I know what I should do next? I will definitely satisfy both you and that lady, and I am very grateful to Master for giving me this opportunity to pay off my merits. I will definitely cherish it! "

"Now that we know it, don't hurry up to do it. Our time is so precious, and it's best to let those people be aware of our intentions, do you understand?"

Ok!It seems that a certain old scalper is going to be unlucky, but he probably doesn't know that disaster is coming, right?

"Old Niu, you already know the news of the failure of the vanguard of those dark guys, right? What do you think, let's hear it!"

When Jiang Ziya met the tauren chief again, the guy seemed to be arrogantly accusing the crypt lord, and the latter was like a stuffy gourd, with his head bowed without saying a word, and he kept nodding.

"Brother Niutou, you are right. We really underestimated the enemy this time, otherwise we would not have fallen for those guys, but the flames released by that human child were indeed too scary. I almost didn't escape. !"

Although the Crypt Lord didn't take the lead in the charge, he still led his men to lurk out. Fortunately, they had been hiding in the cave, otherwise the whole army would have been wiped out.

So the crypt lord still has lingering fears.Although what they lost this time was just a group of cannon fodder, those human Taoist priests still left an indelible impression on them, so that the leaders who had vowed before (the Lich King and the Dread Demon King) felt that something was wrong. It's not right, just don't mention the second round of attacks.

"Okay! Xiaoqiang, you loser, don't talk too much. We originally thought that you dark creatures could take the lead in helping us take down the southern country, so that we would have enough territory to expand to other places, but now they are just Your army has been dealt with in one fire, you are really embarrassing us!"

On the surface, Jiang Ziya seemed to be satirizing the crypt lords and their dark army, but he was actually talking to the tauren chief next to him. This guy was hinting that the tauren would send troops!
"Jiang Ziya, you are right. I told the adults that these boneless guys are unreliable. If we gave up the opportunity to attack the main attack, the Southern Kingdom has already planted our flag! Our orc clan The soldiers here are different from these ghouls, their little blood volume is not enough to be burned, but our soldiers can dance in the flames!"

All right!This old cow probably really wants to get the mission to go out, but the problem is that the seal has been completely closed now, even if he has this ambition, he will not have that chance, right?

"Hehe, don't be so discouraged. The master has already found a way to continue to open the seal, but this second attack must be handed over to the right person. If the entire army is wiped out by others, then our There is really no place to put face!"

Jiang Ziya's next words were actually aimed at the tauren chief, and the Xiaoqiang next to him was basically ignored.

"Can Taigong Jiang take a step to speak? I suddenly thought of a way to win, and the master will definitely like it!"

Perhaps seeing an opportunity, the tauren chief directly pulled Jiang Ziya aside, and found a bunch of glittering treasures in his pocket. What is this old cow trying to do?

"Old Niu, we have been friends for so many years. I know exactly what you want to do. Even if this time the task is not handed over to these dark creatures, isn't there still a night elf? Their family is also very concerned about this time. The task expressed great interest, and it made me very embarrassed if you came like this!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to have bitten the hook, although Jiang Ziya liked it very much in his heart, he still pretended to be embarrassed on the surface.

"Brother Jiang, you are so boring! Don't you know the relationship between our two brothers? This is just an initial deposit. After I get an opportunity to attack, I will share half of it with you when I snatch good things from the human world!"

All right!It seems that this tauren chief is determined to win the next attack right!
"That's it, let me think about it! Master, I can indeed say good things for you, but I heard that Thrall seems to be a very cautious guy. What if he objects to sending troops?"

"He dares! If he objects to us getting the credit for this time, he must first ask the big ax in my hand whether he agrees or not? Please rest assured on this point, even if I tie this guy up, I will tie him up. , whether he agrees or not!"

"Okay, I'm relieved with your words, brother. I'll accept your deposit first, and you go back and wait for my good news! Remember, in order to overwhelm those night elves, you must Put all the troops on me, do you understand?"

Well, you Jiang Ziya, this trick is really poisonous.While the tauren chieftain was in a daze, he wanted to uproot their clan!But if this is really the case, then the Black Fox Clan will definitely take over in the future. Although they are not the most noble bloodlines, they still have no problem dealing with the old, weak, women and children of the Beast Clan.It seems that from this point of view, old man Jiang has done things beautifully.

Whether it's the tauren chief or the guy named Thrall, they all have very strong strength, and the foundation of the biological clock outside the circle is deep enough, sometimes even the guys like Ming Shiyin dare to violate the tasks.

It seems that it is time to settle the accounts with them. As long as these guys are sent over in the next strategy, even if humans cannot wipe them all out, it will definitely hurt the vitality of this race. Dare to challenge the boss.

As for the Dark Clan represented by the Lich King and the Dread Demon King, although there are a large number of them, they will be the first to vote for every request Ming Shiyin puts forward and spare no effort to do so, so if it is If Chief Niucun and the others are suppressed, they must be the ones who benefit the most.

(End of this chapter)

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