Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 521 Tu Shan Honghong VS Tauren

Chapter 521 Tu Shan Honghong VS Tauren

"Damn it, your little fox's claws are really sharp, but I'm the tauren chief, and my recovery speed is much faster than your attack speed!"

Just as Wang Quan Fugui and Shi Long were fighting against the black sword Zhang Zheng, Tu Shan Honghong and Dongfang Yuechu also ran into a large army of dark creatures headed by the tauren chief.

Similar to the previous expectation, the combined fire and rain that can burn the ghoul army to ashes did not do very good damage to these green-skinned orcs. Those guys in the team suffered minor injuries at best.

And these green-skinned orcs seem to be more and more violent as their injuries get deeper. Not only will they use their giant axes to attack human Taoist priests, some of them will even bite with their sharp fangs. Out of stock.

Therefore, in line with the attitude of capturing the thief first, Tu Shanhonghong directly faced the boss of the opponent, that is, the tauren chief.

"Aren't you talking too much nonsense, Minotaur? If you can keep up with my speed, then just come, I, Tu Shanhonghong, will not be afraid of a guy like you!"

Although Tu Shanhonghong said so, her heart was already full of turmoil.Not to mention the thick skin of the old cow in front of him, his ability to heal wounds is also super strong.It stands to reason that it is difficult for ordinary monsters or humans to recover from being injured by Tu Shanhonghong's insulating claws, but the dark creature in front of him has just performed the previous move and has not kept up with the subsequent moves. The wound has been completely closed, won't this fight become a protracted war?

"Hmph, I've heard that gray fox say that there are actually a group of fox demons exactly like them in the world in this circle, it seems that it's you!"

Although these dark creatures focus on guarding against the gods of heaven, they still know some information about the Tushan fox demon, especially this Tushan Honghong's insulated claws. The woman casts it, and she is completely immune!
So the current situation is that both of them feel very headache about the enemy in front of them. The tauren chief is because he can't solve the battle quickly, and Tu Shanhonghong doesn't want to fall into a protracted war.

As for Dongfang Yuechu, he is also in trouble at the moment. The mage riding the big bad wolf seems to be able to cast lightning spells, and the witch doctor who follows behind can use healing spells, which also made Dongfang Yuechu feel very headache. Even if he wanted to meet Tu Shanhonghong, he was interrupted.

"Stinky boy, that's where our bull boss and your fox monster boss are dueling, let's not get in the way!"

Although Prophet Thrall did not support the tauren chief's reckless behavior, he still tried his best to help him hold Dongfang Yuechu.This cute-looking human being, the trick he performed with that fox demon before was really scary. If their kind of fire rain were to happen again, at least half of the injured warriors of the orc clan would fall down. The huge loss is not something they orc leaders can bear.

"Hey, where did you monsters come from? Why have I never seen green-skinned guys like you before!"

Dongfang Yueyue naturally knew that he was facing creatures outside the circle, but judging from his previous combat experience, his Demon Extinguishing Fire should have a strong restraint effect on all monsters in the world, but the guys in front of him obviously did not belong to this group. Otherwise, Dongfang Yuechu and Tu Shanhonghong wouldn't be fighting so hard.

"Hehe, so the soft bones in your circle will be wiped out by us! This world is the survival of the fittest. If it wasn't for that monkey back then, I'm afraid this world would already be ours!"

Hearing Dongfang Yuexin's dissatisfied words, the witch doctor also walked up slowly, and by the way, turned a master who had reached the out-of-body stage into a sheep.

"Dongfang Yueyue, don't worry about me, deal with your enemies well, I can handle this old cow in front of me!"

It may be that Dongfang Yueyue is approaching her regardless of her own safety, and Tu Shanhonghong's heart warms up, but she can't make mistakes at this time, otherwise it may be life-threatening.

"Hey, hey, are you little fox looking down on my old cow? You still have something on your mind to remind others when you are fighting me!"

After the tauren chief finished speaking, he slashed at the opponent with another giant axe.Now all his magic attacks are useless against Tu Shanhonghong, and he can only use brute force for physical attacks. However, his ax seems too slow in front of Tu Shanhonghong's flexible figure, and he is about to It hit the opponent's head, but the blade of the big ax slipped past the opponent's neck.

No, that's not Tu Shan Honghong's body, but also the afterimage caused by the opponent's speed!

"Stupid cow, eat my kick!"

It is not that Tu Shanhonghong is without weapons. There is a golden ring tied around her ankle. It looks like some kind of decoration on the surface, but it still hurts to hit her face.

But the Tauren chief's attack just now missed, and the huge inertia caused his whole body to lean forward a little bit. Naturally, Tu Shanhonghong couldn't let go of this once-in-a-lifetime attack opportunity, and kicked the old man directly. On the cow's right cheek, the huge force directly kicked the behemoth to the ground, and the whole body slid on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.

This is the most violent collision between these two big monsters since the battle. Tu Shan Honghong looks a little slender, but he is a powerful physical attack player. It won't be too long to get up after this kick.

However, this tauren chief is a tyrannical creature from outside the circle. Although Tu Shan Honghong's kick just now was very painful, and even kicked half of this guy's face, but relying on his tenacious vitality, this old cow is still alive. Get up in the blink of an eye.

It's just that after the recklessness just now, the tauren chief put away his initial underestimation of the enemy, raised his battle ax across his chest, and even assumed a defensive posture.

"Oh? Did you get hurt? Don't think that the monsters in our circle are soft-legged shrimps. If you want to pass by me, Tu Shanhonghong, you are not qualified!"

Looking at the tauren chief who is getting serious in front of her, Tu Shanhonghong's aura is constantly rising. Behind her, there is even a huge phantom of a nine-tailed red fox. This is the demon king with extreme fighting power Only then can we have the power!

"I admit that what the gray fox said is very reasonable. You Tushan fox monsters are really not easy to deal with, especially you, the king of fox monsters, you can't be fooled by appearances at all!"

As the tauren chief said, the durable halo from before appeared under his feet.This was originally what he planned to use when dealing with the gods in the heavens, and it was prepared to be used as a trump card.But there is no other way now, if you continue to use the original state, you will be beaten into a pig's head by Tu Shanhonghong sooner or later, so you have to use it in advance!
"Oh? So you still have a hidden hole card! What is that circle? I feel that your system is rapidly improving in all aspects. It seems that you have already planned to use all your strength?"

Although it was the first time for Tu Shanhonghong to see the tauren chief's durable halo, with the eyes of the leader of the Monster League, Tu Shanhonghong still saw that the other party was not easy.Maybe the guy before was hiding his strength all the time, and the opponent in front of him didn't plan to really get serious until he took a solid kick from Tu Shanhonghong?
"Hehe, if you can push my tauren chief to this point, you, Tu Shanhonghong, can be considered!"

(End of this chapter)

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