Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 524 The Cunning Dongfang Yuechu

Chapter 524 The Cunning Dongfang Yuechu

"Hehe, why don't you put down the weapon in your hand first? How about having a good talk with me? Maybe I can introduce you to a panda girl!"

Dongfang Yueyue saw that there seemed to be a trace of confusion in the eyes of the panda wine fairy in front of him, and immediately came up with a crooked idea.After all, although the current situation is not as stressful as before, it is not as difficult as 01:30 to get rid of the powerful orc leaders in front of us in a short time.

And even if Wang Quanfugui stepped forward to help suppress the other party, they still couldn't completely help Tu Shanhonghong.

So Dongfang Yueyue rolled his eyes and thought of a way to find another way. If he succeeds, it will definitely win by surprise, but even if he fails, it can greatly delay the time.

On the surface, these creatures from outside the circle are more fierce than each other, but in fact, apart from their relatively strong strength, these guys have obvious weaknesses in other aspects.

Especially in terms of cognition, take the panda wine fairy in front of me as an example. This guy is like an old boy who is interested in everything. It was obvious that the eyeballs were about to pop out.

"You cunning human being, don't try to use this method to interfere with my concentration. My hair is unique in the world. You have the ability to find someone like me and count me as loser!"

All right!As the saying goes, there are all kinds of wonders in the world, it seems that the panda Jiuxian in front of him is the only panda in the world outside the circle, so much so that he thought he was an orphan in this world.

"How do you know I'm lying to you? Have you seen those soldiers from the southern country? Look at the hill to the west, are those guys with shields and knives your kind?"

The royal guards in the southern kingdom seem to have always been served by the panda family. Including the panda minister, Dongfang has seen at least five black and white animals of this kind, so he has the confidence.

"What? You kid, you just said some inexplicable things!"

"Let's do this! Let's take ten steps back each, and you just take a glance over there. I promise I won't sneak attack you. That's okay, right? Besides, the pure Yang Yan that I'm good at has been destroyed by your fire." Now, what else do you have to worry about?"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be a little moved, Dongfang Yueyue stepped back directly, regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, anyway, he had already made the gesture.

"What? Well, those guys really..."

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Although this Panda Jiuxian is not a cat, he is full of curiosity, or he is also full of desire for the same kind, so he happened to glance over there, and then happened to be there. There are two panda warriors fighting the enemy bravely.

Although the two panda warriors were men, they made the Panda Jiuxian unable to take his eyes off him.

"The same kind, really the same kind, why do you have my kind in the world inside your circle?"

At this moment, the Panda Jiuxian is extremely excited. He has lived in the world outside the circle for an unknown amount of time, but this is the first time he has seen someone who looks exactly like him. How can I describe this visual and psychological shock? ?
"This can only explain one thing, you guy or your ancestors were supposed to live in our world, and for some reason, you were involved in the world outside the circle. Well, that is to say, you and that old man The cow and the guy riding the man are not in the same group at all, they are lying to you!"

This is a tactic similar to the psychological warfare of later generations. Dongfang Yuechu accurately grasped the mentality of the panda Jiuxian in front of him, and tried to pull him to his side, at least to let him relax his vigilance against humans.

"No, it's impossible. I'm a creature outside the circle, and you are our enemies. Master Ming Shiyin's words are the most correct. You guys don't want to blind my eyes."

Although the Panda Jiuxian was already trembling all over, his mouth was still very hard. After all, they had been brainwashed by their boss in the outside world. It was undoubtedly like a dream to turn the other party around with just a few words.

"Hahaha, what good is it for me to lie to you? Besides, those two guys are there, including the panda girl I told you about, who is also in that direction. Your hands and feet are under your control. Why don't you personally How about going to confirm? I think you have always been alone in the whole country and the world, why do you still hesitate when you finally meet the same kind?"

At this moment, Dongfang Yueyue had a flattering smile on his face. If he could disarm the pandaren, then he could go directly to help Tu Shanhonghong.

And the other two guys, including the tauren chief and the guy riding the wolf, are too busy to take care of themselves at the moment, they don't have time to take care of this cute giant panda, and they don't even think about Dongfang Yuechu's plan at all.

"Okay, let me expose your lies! Find a few guys and paint them with the same color as me. Do you really think your grandpa panda will believe your human mouths?"

"You will know if you go up and have a look, do you still need me to invite you?"

Although he said that he was not happy, the feet of the panda Jiuxian were not under command. As Dongfang Yuechu gave way to the road, this naive pandaren rushed towards the mountain first, and even helped the Two besieged panda warriors from the southern kingdom were rescued.

"Sir, what are you?"

Those orc warriors who were pushed away by Panda Jiuxian suddenly fainted. They didn't think about why their leader would help the enemy?
"You guys, get out of here first, I have something to confirm!"

Compared with the Panda Jiuxian in front of him, the panda guards in the southern country are completely incomparable in strength. If the Panda Jiuxian hadn't rescued them in time, the two brothers would probably be reduced to meat sauce soon.

"You, who are you? Are you the same kind? Why is there a panda in the world outside the circle?"

Seeing that they were rescued by the almost identical Panda Jiuxian in front of them, the two southern royal guard pandamen immediately relaxed their vigilance. When they put down the shields in their hands, the pattern on their bodies was actually similar to that of the guy in front of them. , this is not the performance of the same kind, what else can it be?
"Where did you two guys come from? Is this hair real or fake? I want to identify it!"

After close contact, the Panda Jiuxian has already confirmed that the two boys in front of him are his own kind, but he still can't help reaching out and pinching them to make sure that the black and white hair of the other party is not dyed, but it is not dyed by outsiders. Come on, this action is as ridiculous as it needs to be.

"What's your name? The two of us are the guards of the Southern Kingdom. My name is Xiongda. This is my younger brother. His name is Yuji!"

All right!After all, they are members of the same clan, and the panda clan itself is sparsely populated, so after confirming the other party's identity, Panda Jiuxian immediately put down the weapon in his hand, and even helped the two people who met for the first time. The same kind of haircut.

"I really didn't expect to see you two boys here, so is your clan also in this place? I wandered alone in the world outside the circle for a long time. I thought I was a unique monster in this world. Unexpectedly, my roots are in this place!"

I don't know which sage said it, whether it is a human or a monster, every encounter is not accidental, and there must be a causal relationship.If it wasn't for the Panda Jiuxian's invasion of the human world with the army of orcs this time, how could he have found his own kind by such a chance, and how could he continue to think about how to spend his life?
It seems that Dongfang Yueyue's unintentional planting of willows is really in the right place.

(End of this chapter)

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