Chapter 538 Awaken Daji
"Master, that's basically it. The attack route of the creatures outside the circle this time is basically like this. Although Ming Shiyin may delay the time of the general attack, their deployment of troops cannot be changed in a short while, so 6 Master, if you want, I can take your vanguards to attack them anytime and anywhere! If you don’t trust me, just supervise me like that old cow, I promise I won’t cost any soldiers from your human allies , you can extend the main battlefield to the world outside the circle!"

This Jiang Ziya probably wanted to atone for his crimes too much. Not only did he list all of Ming Shiyin's troop distribution maps, he even volunteered to lead the gang of orcs to attack.

Although this is destined to be a shocking battle, if the Heavenly Court takes the initiative to attack this time, there is a high probability that the decisive battle will take place in a world outside the circle, so that the human world will not be affected in any way, and the vanguard will be those orcs. Take responsibility, so that the coalition forces of humans and monsters can be preserved more perfectly, which seems to be the best solution now.

"Hehe, it seems that you, an old fellow, really want to eliminate Ming Shiyin! Could it be that you want to replace him?"

In fact, Xiao Chen could guess the little things in Jiang Ziya's stomach, but everyone is a sensible person, so there is no need to wear some words so lightly.

"Master, I admit that I have selfish intentions. I have been controlling these people by that guy and have done many things against my will. I don't want to go on like this. As long as I have a chance, I will kill him personally, but in front of you How dare I make small moves, I just want to spend the rest of my life in peace!"

It is true that even if all the creatures in the world outside the circle are really wiped out, Jiang Ziya will never have a second chance. Whether he can save his old life will depend on the mood of Master Xiao Chen in front of him, and replace it with this kind of The thing is a joke.

"Hehe, I have to discuss the specific action plan with the gods. But are you really sure that if you serve as a supervisor in the orc army, you won't be torn to pieces by these guys?"

Although no one knew anything about what Jiang Ziya did in the outside world, but if the orcs were really brought back, they would know everything sooner or later. This seemed to be no different from sending sheep to tigers.

"These are all my own faults. Although the things I did before were instructed by Ming Shiyin, I still owe them! If Sal and Lao Niu feel that they can't let me go, then after the war is over Let them handle my old life!"

Anyway, the old man Jiang Ziya was just looking for a way out for himself, because if he fell into Xiao Chen's hands, even if the lord of the heaven would forgive him, Dongfang Huaizhu and the other gods would definitely not will spare him.

On the contrary, he was mixed in the team of orcs, and this old man might still have a glimmer of life.

"Hehe, you are really an old guy who is good at bargaining, but I basically agree with your strategy, but don't treat all these orcs as cannon fodder. I don't think the guy named Thrall is very bad. Remember to give me Keep it!"

All right!It seems that Xiao Chen's way of employing people has also changed a lot in these years. As the saying goes, seeking common ground while reserving differences, as long as the opponent's ability is helpful to Heaven, even a guy from a hostile force can be absorbed.

The guy named Thrall can see the enemy's trend, and if he uses it well, it will be a full map function.Although similar abilities can also be possessed by the Heavenly Court System, you don't necessarily have to let the Lord of the Heavenly Court lead the troops to fight by himself!
There is also the tauren chief, according to the conclusion that Tu Shanhonghong and the others came to after consulting the classics, the ancestor of this kid is very likely to be the bull demon king back then.And this Bull Demon King disappeared almost at the same time as Monkey King. To solve this eternal mystery, perhaps this Tauren chief is a good opportunity.

So many things seem to be destined by God. Some people and things that seem completely unrelated, as long as you connect them all together, you will see a different kind of cave.

"Have you two finished talking about the world's major events? Can you let me say a few words?"

Just when Xiao Chen was about to question Jiang Ziya, Dongfang Huaizhu walked over gracefully.However, the expression on the face of the First Lady of Heaven is very cold at this moment. Dongfang Huaizhu will not have a good look at this old man Jiang who is full of lies.

"Madam, when Jiang Ziya visited Madam, I did something wrong before. Madam, if you want to beat or punish me, I will never complain. I will blame myself!"

Seeing Mrs. Dongfang's expression, Jiang Ziya knew what he had done.During the time when Xiao Chen was away, Mr. Jiang's big flicker made the First Lady of Heaven miserable.It can be shown that most of the information that Shiyin knows is directly or indirectly obtained from her mouth.

"Hmph, I'll settle the matter with you later on about your leak of information, what do you say about Daji, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

Well, it turns out our Mrs. Dongfang Huaizhu was talking about this matter.

However, the little Daji has been imprisoned in the prison of the Heavenly Court all these years, and she has suffered a lot of grievances. Now it is time to return her innocence.

"Madam, I, the puppet technique I performed on that little fox is more advanced than others, and I need to crack it face to face. I don't know if Madam is willing to give me this opportunity. I promise to work under your supervision and never dare to do it again." Any little action!"

This old man Jiang is indeed telling the truth. In order to allow the little fox demon Daji to have a double identity, this old man really spent a lot of effort.And now, if we want to get everything back on track, it will definitely take a lot of effort.

"I don't care, I will give you three days. If you can't cure her, no matter what agreement you make with this guy, I will burn your old bones with a fire. Do you understand?"

This Dongfang Huaizhu is really ruthless. She has endured this matter for more than 20 years. If it can't be done today, our Xiao will probably rearrange his personnel to attack the world outside the circle.

And if Jiang Ziya wanted to keep his eating guy, he had to agree if he could do it at this moment, and he was not allowed to say no if he couldn't.

"Mrs. Huaizhu's lesson is that it's because of my wife's kindness that my old bones can live safely until now. I will definitely work hard these days. I'm going to think of a plan now, thinking about it while going to the prison , I went!"

Under the heavy pressure, Jiang Ziya didn't care about his original image of immortality, so he retreated in embarrassment after being grateful, and went straight to the prison!

The saying "Time is money, efficiency is life" is now applied to Jiang Taigong at this moment, it is really appropriate!

"Hey, isn't this Jiang Taigong? You haven't come to our prison for a while, what kind of wind brought you here today!"

The news that Jiang Ziya was a helper of creatures outside the circle did not spread widely, at least not to those low-level heavenly soldiers.After all, the old man's reputation is not low. If there is a thunderstorm at this time, it will definitely cause a lot of unnecessary panic.Now that even Dongfang Huaizhu has said that he will let him go first, then this matter should only be known to the upper echelons of the Heavenly Court, and it can be regarded as saving the old man some face.

"Well, the old man came to interrogate Daji under the order of Mrs. Huaizhu. Please avoid irrelevant people. You all understand the rules, so I don't need to repeat them one by one!"

Hearing what the guard called him, Jiang Ziya was taken aback for a moment, but he quickly realized it.Although the expression on his face is the same as usual, there is a warm current rising in his heart, this is what people want!

(End of this chapter)

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