Chapter 549 The army opens

"Seniors, I, Dongfang Yueyue, have just ascended to the position of leader of the Yiqidao League just now. I have to rely on the support of my seniors for many things. Since the war is imminent, I will not talk nonsense with you. Our army is scheduled to Tomorrow morning, please go back and check the food and personnel for the last time, this time will be a big battle for us humans to turn around, only success, no failure!"

As the new leader of Yiqidao League, although Dongfang Yueyue does not hold any real power yet, he still has to do the pre-war mobilization. After all, these are all matters of face.

This time it was actually the gods in Heaven who really led the war. Just as the Yiqidao League’s swearing-in meeting just opened, the army of orcs had already quietly walked out of their hiding place, just like the Tauren chief As promised, this group of guys became the vanguard officers of the human race and the demon race, using their most familiar route to move out of the circle.

As for the gods of heaven, under the leadership of Xiao Chen, they collectively hid in the orc army. If it wasn't for their piercing eyes, it would be hard to spot who was who?
And this time, Tianting also used a trick that was very deceptive, enough to confuse the public. They even thought of Jiang Ziya and the tauren chief walking side by side, and they tried to stir up as much dust as possible, for fear that the other party's spies would not find out.

"Stinky old man, you have to think about it for me. If you do anything unusual later, I will directly send you to heaven with queen worship!"

Due to historical reasons, our Daji little fox demon can be said to hate this Jiang Ziya so much that he even speaks with a chill.

"Yes, yes, my little aunt, I was wrong at the beginning! But anyway, I am also the great god you created! I have accepted the offer of heaven, and we are real companions now, don't treat me like this Big prejudice, okay?"

Jiang Ziya knew in his heart that the little fox behind him was not the only one who was aiming at him now, there were at least 3 to 5 masters who had the power to kill him instantly.

"Hmph, who came up with this idea? Let us walk together with these stinky weirdos to deceive people? Didn't we fight against those outsiders last time, no matter what tricks they use , can you escape my tornado?"

All right!It seems that not everyone is used to this kind of disguise. If there is no order from above, this trembling tornado may directly blow the few troll warriors around into the sky.The long-range soldiers of this group of orcs not only don't take a shower, but also have bad breath. Being mixed with this group of guys is simply tormenting for a beauty lover like her.

"Miss Long Juan, why don't you come to my side, these shaman masters can speak some incomprehensible words, but their body smell is not bad!"

Seeing his companion complaining while walking in front, King kindly mentioned something.It's just that the green-haired young lady didn't appreciate it at all.

"Huh, these orc shamans feel like they are chanting scriptures. My head hurts from arguing. You should stay with them by yourself! I really hope that the battle will start soon, and my sister will definitely let those outsiders Know what true power is!"

Although there were various discomforts in the process of launching the army, the overall situation is still very good.So far, apart from the spies who discovered a few black foxes earlier, there is nothing abnormal.

And just when the orc army was about to approach the seal of the outer world, there were two more teams behind them.The leader is of course the Demon League troop led by Tu Shanhonghong, including the Demon Emperor Beishan and Huandu Qingtian, and even the sand foxes from the Western Regions have sent representatives; while the leader of the other troop, Of course, it is our young and promising Dongfang Lunchu, followed closely by royal power and wealth, but it seems that Shilong and the others are more majestic!
Anyway, these three troops marched all the way, not hiding their whereabouts at all, which also made the creatures outside the circle feel pressured.

"Master, Niutou and Thrall are really not good news, they really brought all humans and monsters in!"

"The guy in the lead seems to be that old guy Jiang Ziya. I didn't expect this guy to get involved with Lao Niu! It seems that he has always been in Cao Ying, and his heart is in Han!"

"Master, please let me lead the vanguard to fight, I must let him know what real fear is!"

Seeing that the opponent's army was approaching the city, the fearful demon king of the dark clan took the initiative to stand up. This guy has always been at odds with Jiang Ziya, and today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill this old guy!
"Everyone, don't be impatient, haven't you noticed that the most important person has not appeared?"

Looking at the gang of boys eager to try, Ming Shiyin was naturally very satisfied.Under the premise of facing the opponent's three-party coalition forces, these men of his not only did not show any timidity, but also showed excitement, which shows that the next battle will not be very difficult.

But this cunning Ming Shiyin still forcibly pushed down the dreaded demon king, but how could this impulsive guy understand his master's real worry?
"Master, are you worried about me? Do you think this is okay? I only bring those cannon fodder ghouls, and I don't want any high-level troops. Even if I fail, at most I will be killed by them alone, and I will definitely not get involved. Troops, I beg the master to give me this opportunity!"

"You idiot, why are you talking to the master like this? Didn't you see that none of the great gods in the heavens appeared? Our real enemy is not at all these little bastards in front of you. You have to find out who you are!"

Just when the fearful demon king was swearing, he was suddenly kicked in the buttocks.The one who kicked him was none other than the eldest lich of the dark clan.This cunning Lich Mage had the same idea as their boss from the very beginning, so he was also the one who saw it most clearly.

"Hehe, you still know me, kid! But do you think these gods are mixed in the team, or are they going to surprise us by appearing suddenly?"

Maybe the smell of the beast race is too strong, so even Ming Shiyin is not sure, where are the gods in the heaven?
"Master, I think it's unlikely that these guys will be mixed among these human races or monster races, and it's impossible to be among these orcs. The most likely thing is that they are hiding in a certain rear area to wait and see what happens. If we If they press all their forces, they will find the right opportunity to attack decisively, and carry out targeted and focused attacks on the elite among us!"

This is the lich's idea, because this is a normal and not ordinary solo fight, so you must use the best plan to deal with your own origin. If these creatures outside the circle take the initiative to attack, they will definitely do this of.

After all, history is written by the victors. Even if all the miscellaneous soldiers in front of them are wiped out like this, as long as they can win the final victory, those history book writers can completely write it as a glorious epic. Out, those rising stars will never be missing.

"Well, although I heard that those guys in the Heavenly Court are upright and upright, but it hasn't been long since the previous miserable failure. It's impossible for these guys not to have a long memory? But this time, you all remember me, No one in the Heavenly Court can be let go, and it is precisely because we let them slip through the net that we have today's battle!"

These creatures outside the circle are actually quite aggrieved. In fact, as early as in the previous heaven and earth war, they had already destroyed the original heaven, and then built a nine heaven to replace it.

And Xiao Chen's appearance was completely out of their plan, and it was also because of the kindling that was left for the Heavenly Court before!

(End of this chapter)

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