Chapter 565

"Hehe, the reaction of these guys seems to be slower than I expected. I thought they would attack immediately after I ordered these puppets, but I didn't expect it to take so long to get together!"

Although he was not as careful in grasping the overall situation as the king's power and wealth, Dongfang Yuechu also expected that the other party would have such a trick.After all, the trick he measured just now has great lethality against these dark creatures, so it is only natural for them to focus on defending him.

Moreover, Dongfang Yuechu also hoped that the opponents could gather together in a large area, so that his demon-killing divine fire could exert its greatest power. In fact, the guys on the opposite side were preparing for the next round of attack in the direction Dongfang Yuechu expected. .

"I know your Pure Yang Yan is very powerful, but don't you forget how strong the opponent is? Let me help you!"

The king's power and wealth are not here to grab credit. As a Taoist soldier, he originally wanted to eradicate evil for the world, but now that the king's power and wealth have his own judgment ability, he will only attack those monsters that harm the world. And there happened to be a large group in front of them.

"The Young Hero of the East is really a hero born out of a boy! Unexpectedly, you are only one person, but you can win the effect of thousands of troops!"

Seeing the big problem that humans called Dongfang Yuechu helped him solve, Thrall, the prophet of the orc family, hurried over to express his gratitude. Behind him was the tauren chief, but this guy seemed a little unconvinced, so he didn't you are welcome.

"Everyone is an ally, so don't say that! The next battle still needs your combat power assistance. I just happen to know some small spells, which happened to help me!"

Looking at this group of weird-looking orcs in front of him, Dongfang Yueyue actually greeted them politely. If it were those old men in the Yiqi Dao League, they would definitely disdain to join forces with these so-called monsters in front of them.

"Young Hero Dongfang is really humble, but I think those guys are going to come up with a trick next time. Let us deal with this kind of hard work!"

Seeing that the limelight was taken away by the little Taoist priest in front of him, the tauren chief was naturally very upset, so he offered to continue to let his subordinates continue to fight. Only continuous fighting can make them feel honored as a fighting race.

"Don't be in a hurry, let me help you go one more time, wait until the enemy's formation is disrupted, and then trouble you to send powerful troops to sweep them!"

Obviously, Dongfang Yueyue must use his pure Yangyan to further expand the results of the battle, but he must not be able to wipe out so many enemies with his own strength, so it is very appropriate to have a good relationship with these orcs at this moment of.

"Hehe, I'll have to thank you two young heroes! But please rest assured, our soldiers will definitely defend the surrounding area. If anything goes wrong, they will immediately rush to rescue you!"

The meaning of Dongfang Yueyue's words is obvious, that is, I hope that the group of thin people in front of me will not act rashly, let alone hinder them from doing things.

Although these words sound a bit crazy, this Dongfang Yuechu can better help the orcs preserve their physical strength and combat effectiveness. After fighting bravely some time ago, everyone, including the Tauren chief, needs to rest. It's not an endless fighting instrument!

"Okay, then I'll take care of everything!"

Due to the tense situation, Wang Quanfugui expressed his position on behalf of Dongfang Yuechu.

And just after the group of orcs and Dongfang Yuechu agreed on the rhythm of the attack, a new change finally occurred on the opposite battlefield: it seemed to be a group of monsters gathered by various legends, these outsiders Call them abominations.Not only are they huge in size, their body damage is accompanied by green plague virus gas, and most of the abominations also hold a rusty weapon like a kitchen knife in their hands, which is definitely the type that is not easy to mess with anyway.

But this is not the ultimate unit of dark creatures. Not long after these big fat men with poisonous gas appeared on the battlefield, I saw a huge frost dragon also appearing in the sky above the opposing army: this thing is the ultimate The dark troop is huge, invulnerable to swords and guns, and can spit out white ice breath from its mouth. It can not only freeze people and animals into popsicles, but also turn a large house into an ice cave in an instant. Pretty tough opponent.

What's more, water and fire are two kinds of power that mutually generate and restrain each other. Although the pure Yang Yan in Dongfang Yueyue's body is powerful, but the number is limited after all, it will definitely be eclipsed in front of the ice dragon, which can also use water spells.

"Cousin at the beginning of the month, let's stick to the old rules! Those big fat guys on the ground will be handed over to you. I hope your demon-killing divine fire can teach them how to be monsters in the next life? And these guys in the sky can just be me. No one is allowed to snatch the satisfactory answer from the pioneering work!"

Ok!Unexpectedly, this ideal of royal power and wealth is quite lofty. He immediately took a fancy to the ultimate weapon of the opponent's dark creatures, that is, those frost dragons hovering in the air, and threatened to deal with them all!

"Hehe, so today should be the moment when the legendary sword of kingship reappears? It seems that I, Dongfang Yueyue, was very lucky today, and I was able to witness the strongest blow of the legendary Taoist soldier! "

Regarding the arrangement of royal power and wealth, Dongfang Yueyue naturally agreed without saying a word.And this kid also understands the painstaking efforts of the other party. On the surface, it seems that the royal power and wealth are for the limelight, but in fact, he takes away the most difficult and dangerous jobs. What else do you have to say?

"Hmph! Cousin Dongfang Yueyue's old Daoist soldiers are long gone, and now I am fighting to protect the common people in the world!"

I have to admit that what Wang Quan Fugui said was very handsome, and after he finished being handsome, this guy actually directly flew towards those huge ice dragons with Wang Quan sword, and at this moment those people The ice dragon is hovering over the opposite dark creature camp, probably waiting for further instructions.

And our royal power and wealth don't care about these, this kid directly picked a relatively small frost dragon to attack.



Although the target chosen by the royal power and wealth looks far smaller than the individual next to him, he is still a giant frost dragon!

Did you, a royal and rich man who has no importance or importance, cut it with a sword like this?

It may be because of its huge size, or it may be because it has never encountered a natural enemy before. At this time, the Frost Dragon did not pay attention to the human who rushed towards him at all.In this guy's view, these human beings are small and fragile beings, and they are completely out of their sight.

And because of being influenced by this kind of arrogance, these guys have no independent thinking ability at all.To use an old saying to describe them, they should have well-developed limbs and simple minds!
"Wang Quan strikes with a sword, take my strike!"

But the big move that the king's power and wealth erupted is not so insignificant!

The king power sword, which seemed to be at most the size of a toothpick, rushed towards the opponent under the control of king power and wealth, but it exuded a golden sword aura, and produced a sword with a diameter of at least eight meters and a length of about 20 meters. A huge golden phantom around [-] meters away.

This is a unique move that our Mr. Wang Quan Fugui has just realized in the past few days. It is a special attack method that this kid combines ordinary moves and big moves.No matter how powerful the enemy in front of you is, and no matter how strong the opponent's defense is, in front of the sword of heaven and earth, any monster who wants to resist is ridiculous!

(End of this chapter)

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