Chapter 569

"Hehe, let us be your opponents!"

Originally, these dark creatures thought that their heroes could quickly change to their detriment after going into battle, but how could they have been targeted by the gods of heaven on the opposite side as soon as they showed their heads, and because they were late strikers, the heroes among these dark creatures were all attacked by themselves one after another. Opponents with similar attributes blocked their way, which was really unexpected for them.

However, there is one guy that no one can completely restrain, and that is the leader of the Lich with the ice attribute.Dongfang Huaizhu, who was originally a fire attribute, might have a showdown with this guy, but the boss of the opponent, Ming Shiyin, has not yet appeared, so Tianting should also have reservations.What's more, our lord of heaven doesn't want his wife to take risks, so there is an empty seat.

"Husband, let me go out! To deal with this kind of guy, I am afraid that only I with the fire attribute can fight against his ice power!"

Seeing that the situation on the field seemed to be a little passive, under the influence of the Lich's ice, the actions and attack speed of many great gods became quite slow, Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't help it.

But even if her Demon Extinguishing Divine Fire has the blessing of immortal energy in her body, it is really a question of whether she can deal with the opponent's Wannian Xuanbing. Looking at the entire heaven, there are probably only two people who can deal with this Lich, and one is naturally ours. Xiao Chen is the boss, and the other one is lying on Yue Ti Xia's hospital bed at the moment, so he won't be able to make it in a while, right?
However, when Dongfang Huaizhu took the initiative to invite Ying, red leaves suddenly floated up behind the two of them, but when they fell to the ground, they ignited fire, and then a very hot divine power descended from the sky.

"Hehe, what's so lively?"

That was the voice of High God Bai Qian. After receiving the message from the Heavenly Court, the master of the fox demon stopped retreating and rushed over.Of course, the Huo Maple Leaf just now was not written by Aunt Tushan, but a gimmick made by the Bifang beast who was inseparable from her. Yan Shangshen must be nearby.

"I have seen a few seniors, thank you for coming to help! But I don't seem to see Zheyan Shangshen, this time, old man?"

Originally, the probability of letting Dongfang Huaizhu's words be all is at most only [-]%, but if the ancient phoenix is ​​willing to help, then it will only be an instant to eliminate the lich. After all, the fire phoenix is ​​the master of all fires in this world, and it is also It is the human beings who have the fire that can give birth to a new civilization.

"Hehe, that old phoenix can't wait to rush up by himself. Why did you meet such a strong ice lord after so much difficulty, how can you do it if you don't have a good fight?"

God Bai Qian was still so radiant, and she was full of all kinds of confidence in her gestures. Following the direction of her finger, she saw a red glow rushing towards the battle circle with incomparable heat.

Although this old phoenix is ​​very powerful in combat, his temper is very weird.No one can make her move except this aunt Bai Qian in front of her.So the most powerful ability of our High God Bai Qian is not her immortal energy, but her ability to summon fire phoenixes.

"Don't worry! It's definitely okay to hand over that ice bump to Old Phoenix, we'll just watch the show here!"

This Bai Qian Shangshen is really leisurely!Not only did he have no intention of helping at all, but he took out a jug of wine and a plate of grapes from nowhere like a magic trick, and just ate and drank like this.

"Well, Aunt Baiqian, I'll help you call Honghong and the others!"

Although Bai Qian Shangshen came to help, Xiao Chen didn't dare to send him directly because of his seniority. It would be easier to let her disciples and grandchildren come and accompany her.

"You don't need to be called Honghong. When I came here just now, I saw this little girl fighting bravely in front. This is a good opportunity to practice. Let this little girl accumulate more practical experience! You put the other two Just call me over, little girl, anyway, if that old monster doesn’t show up in today’s battle, we’ll have to wait.”

It turns out that the old monster our Lord Bai Qian spoke of is none other than Ming Shiyin, the lord of creatures outside the circle.High God Bai Qian also mentioned this point in Shili Taolin last time, but someone always thought she was talking about Jiang Ziya. This High God Bai Xue had always known about Ming Shiyin's existence, but he hadn't grasped the current situation.

On the other side, Shangshen Zheyan, who rushed into the enemy line with flames, really helped a lot. Everyone, including those orc warriors and the God of Heaven, under the reflection of the phoenix fire, all the frost effects on their bodies were removed. All of a sudden, 100% of their vitality was restored.

"You, you are from back then, the phoenix that chased and killed me all the way back then, why are you still alive?"

After seeing the familiar figure in front of him, the Lich Commander of the creatures outside the circle was stunned.You must know that this guy is not a native creature in the outside world, but an outsider.

The Lich back then was actually a mysterious ice monster. Because of the chaos in the world, he was expelled all the way by a heavenly god, and he hid in the world outside the circle in a panic.

Originally, this guy thought that after so many years, the phoenix from back then should have fallen together with Tianting. Who would have thought that he would still stand in front of you gracefully, with more power than before!

"Hehe, if it wasn't for the familiar icy aura emanating from you, I would have almost missed recognizing you. However, no matter how much you change in appearance, this old man will definitely carry out the mission of the year and freeze you. Bones are annihilated forever!"

It turned out that God Zheyan came here not for entertainment, he also had a predestined enemy to deal with, it seems that today the Lich leader is doomed.

"Hehe, do you really think that I am still the guy you chased all the way back then? I have been practicing hard these years, and my current strength seems to be much more refined than before! Be careful that the mission is not completed, and you will become an ice sculpture oh!"

Although he was very uneasy in his heart, this Lich leader must not lose face in front of his subordinates. Otherwise, if he, the commander, is persuaded, the gang under his subordinates will not be defeated!

"Okay, it just so happens that I haven't fought for many years. You know that our fire phoenix family basically increases in strength when lying still. It's just that I haven't had an opponent for so many years. I don't know what stage I have grown to now. ? Why don't you just ask you to try it for me?"

This is really not afraid of comparing people, but afraid of comparing goods.Ancient beasts like Zheyan don't need to practice at all, just drink like this every day, do poetry, and live long enough to get stronger power, and there doesn't seem to be any bottleneck, it is definitely against the sky unbelievable.

"Damn guy, don't be too complacent! Since you took the initiative to come here to die, let you try this!"

In fact, this Lich commander had already started preparing his own big move when he faced Zheyan Shangshen.To deal with such a powerful opponent, those ordinary moves are useless at all, and they must be amplified as soon as they come up, so that it is possible to completely suppress the opponent.

It is a bead formed by the condensation of pure ice energy. Once it is released, it will quickly decompose into countless ice energy and attack in all directions. The closer it is to the opponent, the more attacks it will suffer. , It is definitely a big move with terrifying single-body lethality!
"Hehe, what was I doing at that time? It was just a small ice bead, no, you still like to make surprise attacks without saying hello so much!"

Facing the spreading ice bead in front of us, our God Zheyan didn't panic at all, a fiery firepower spewed out from his mouth instantly covered all the attack range of that ice bead!

(End of this chapter)

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