Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 584 The Black Fox Empress Is Sure enough

Chapter 584 The Black Fox Empress Is Really Back

"Hehe, my cousin at the beginning of the month! You don't need to stand and talk without back pain. Do you know how much effort it took me to set up this stall? And what about you? In principle, hundreds of thousands of people in the Yiqi Daomeng You are in charge of it alone, what else are you unhappy about?"

Wang Quanfugui's words are obviously insincere!Others don't know about Dongfang Yuechu's situation, so how could he, a cousin, not know about it?
"Oh, I really don't want to talk about it! I thought that as a puppet leader, I should be able to show off my power, such as going out with a big sedan chair, and walking on the road with dozens of followers! But now? There are several tails staring at the back of the toilet when I go to the toilet, I really don’t know if I am their hostage or the leader of the Yiqidao League!"

What Dongfang Yuechu said was actually a bit exaggerated. The reason why Elder Shi and Huo sent people to follow him was because we had left without saying goodbye several times in Dongfang Yuechu.Speaking of which, he just went down the mountain for a casual stroll, but the old men of Daomeng thought he was a kid and quit!

Although it is an era of peace, it is not a small matter if the leader of the Qidao League disappears. After all, in the human empires of the whole world, all people, big and small, are closely related to them. If you really act recklessly, wouldn't the entire human world be in chaos?
"Hehe, then next time you have nothing to do, come to my Wangquan Villa and sit down! Anyway, in name, our side is also affiliated to the Yiqi Dao League, and you can do whatever you want with us!"

It seems that our kingship and wealth have found a new use for the kingship villa: after all, the power of the kingship hegemony is still there. After Dongfang Yueyue really entered the kingpower villa, the tails responsible for monitoring were naturally thrown off.Furthermore, the current royal power and wealth are also in the name of the elders of the Qi Dao League. Unless those old men give orders in person, no one dares to forcefully break in!

Of course, Dongfang Yueyue would not just hide from the royal power and wealth without doing anything.Every time the cousins ​​meet, they will discuss some major events in the world, such as the union between the human world and the demon race, or the sighting reports of creatures outside the circle.

Of course!The most tangled thing is that those black fox sighting reports that appear all the time, there is definite evidence that the boss of the black fox clan, that is, the black fox lady who used the chaos technique in the outside world, should have already Quietly sneaked back to the human world, or should be hiding in the areas of the boundary between the demon world and the human world, giving people a feeling that it is impossible to guard against.

"Unexpectedly, this old monster really came back. How did they pass through that seal?"

This is the most difficult thing for royal power and wealth.It stands to reason that after the end of the last war, the seal that separated the outer world from the inner world was once again repaired by God Zheyan. It is said that the effect of the partition is even better than before.

But I don't know why, maybe that Ming Shiyin from back then, when he called the Black Fox Empress in private for questioning, told these guys something about how to quickly break through the seal!
"My people are still investigating the specific situation, but now we have discovered a strange phenomenon. The guys that these black fox demons are targeting seem to have been to Tushan before, whether they are humans or monsters. So I am thinking about this Does this matter still have something to do with the continuation of the Misery Tree?"

It seems that these black foxes are more unscrupulous than they were back then. This is probably because the identities of these black foxes have been exposed in this war in the outside world, and the royal power and wealth have also announced their real identities on the The world, so there is nothing to hide.

And according to the analysis of the information obtained now, this gang of black foxes still chose the Tushan fox monster as the target of attack. The specific method of operation is to snatch the monster power of the reincarnated monster. After all, the monster who made a wish in Tushan will give at least [-]% Some people will use all their own power as a medium, and as long as they successfully capture this part of power, they can greatly increase their own power, which is definitely the most cost-effective deal in the world.

"Young master, don't you know if I can come in? Someone brought a portrait of a monster from my place, and it happens that Master Dongfang is also here. I would like to invite you two to taste it!"

This really meant that Cao Cao had arrived. On this day when Dongfang Yueyue and Wang Quan Fugui were staying in the room to plan the next step, the housekeeper of Wang Quan Villa came and brought a very beautiful portrait of a woman.

"Steward Fei, please come in. We are all on our own and don't need to feel so alienated. From now on, we can share all the news sources of our King Power Villa with my cousin, and he will also bring the latest news from the Yiqi Daomeng." !"

At this time, the real power of the Yiqi Dao League has basically fallen into the hands of the Shi family and the Huo family. There are some core news that these guys even conceal from Dongfang Yueyue. Fighting openly and secretly is no worse than monsters.

However, when the painting in the butler's hand appeared in front of Dongfang Yueyue and Wang Quanfugui, the two young men had a look of surprise in their eyes: a beautiful woman who was dressed very dignifiedly and looked like a fairy. But in front of her was a large group of black fox demons of various sizes kneeling in darkness. This was a picture scroll recorded by the Taoist priests who were investigating with secret methods, and the effect was similar to that of today's cameras.

After seeing this scene, Dongfang Yuechu was the most surprised, because he had seen a similar scene of foxes worshiping on Tushan before, but the scene in front of him had an indescribably dark atmosphere.

"Well, how is this woman possible?"

"Could it be, could it be that she is the legendary black fox empress? Cousin Yue Yue, do you remember that on the battlefield in the outer world, there was an expert with a bright head who was fascinated by the opponent's illusion? Although we I can't get closer to see what's going on, but I think it probably has something to do with this woman!"

To Dongfang Yueyue's surprise, Wang Quanfugui's performance was not bad, and he had even vaguely guessed the identity of this woman.

Yes, that's right, this is the Black Fox Empress!Don't look at this guy as a seemingly weak woman, she can even be said to be a beautiful woman, but this woman's status in the Black Fox Clan is equivalent to Tu Shan Honghong on Tushan, she is definitely the number one leader of the Black Fox Clan .

In other words, a series of strange things that happened in the human world and the demon world recently have the shadow of this woman behind them.

"Housekeeper, can I meet the friend who found this image, I want to talk to him face to face about some details, if possible, please help me?"

I don't know if it was because he was worried about Tu Shan Honghong, or because he was worried about Yiqi Daomeng. Dongfang Yuechu's reaction to this matter was quite big.

It's a pity that when our Eastern hero asked about the spy, the old butler in front of him lowered his head and sighed.

"Hey, it's a pity that the excellent retainer was killed shortly after finding this picture. Fortunately, this thing didn't fall into the hands of those guys, otherwise we really returned without success this time!"

It seems that these black foxes are quite vigilant!They should also know by now that they are being targeted by King Quan Villa, right?
"This group of cunning black foxes, since the black fox lady has appeared, my cousin and I will focus on this old monster in the next strategy. Please tell the housekeeper to go down as soon as we find the whereabouts of these guys. Inform me, you must not fight alone!"

Wang Quan Fugui had captured black foxes before, and he also knew how these guys could control the human spirit. Without the assistance of Wang Quan Sword, even the best experts might not be able to deal with these black fox demons!

(End of this chapter)

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