Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 595 Reappearance of the Golden Iron Triangle

Chapter 595 Reappearance of the Golden Iron Triangle

"Hehe, it's really lively here! Are you all Tang San's masters? I can feel your strength in that little guy's dancing soul. It seems that today is really getting more and more interesting!"

What our teacher Saitama didn't expect was that a small discussion would cause waves one after another, which shocked the masters of the entire Shrek Academy.But since these guys seem to be more or less related to the kid who uses the blue silver grass, our little bald comrade intends to wait and see what happens, so as to avoid further misunderstandings between each other.

"Uh, this senior! We probably know a little bit about the quarrel between you and Wuhundian before, but what about you now?"

Since he was the last one to arrive just now, the owl principal didn't know what happened before, so he could only come up and clap his fists as a signal.Anyway, there are many masters in this world who can't tell their age, so it won't hurt to call someone a senior, right?

"Hehe, let me declare first! I didn't do it myself just now, but this girl of yours wanted to test my strength. I have already seen that Tang San might hold back because of his face. You are still planning to fight with me. Am I going to make it through? If I have time, maybe I will play with you, but I really have important tasks to complete right now, if you really want to learn from each other, let’s wait another day!”

Saitama also knows the reason to stay on the front line so that we can meet each other in the future.What's more, I feel that there is no big festival in the first place, so there is no need to make it so tense!
And now this Liu Erlong has not suffered any damage, why not let this matter pass like this?
"Okay! Senior, we may have been abrupt about what happened just now. I apologize to you on behalf of myself and Erlong. We will let you go..."

The person who answered the conversation was the master, and he basically understood what was going on as long as he turned his head a little: it should be Liu Erlong who wanted to compete with him, that's why he made such a big noise.The bald man on the opposite side obviously didn't want to hurt Erlong, so he didn't deal with the three of them like he did with the Wuhundian gang.

At this time, one must be sensible, right?

But the problem happened at this time, when our master was planning to make the big things smaller and the small things smaller.Our Liu Erlong suddenly grabbed Grandmaster's shoulder, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Strictly speaking, this Liu Erlong was beaten down without even touching the opponent's fist.This is a great shame, especially for the hot-tempered Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, this is a slap in the face of their family!
"Erlong, don't be self-willed, hurry up and apologize to the adult in front of you!"

This was originally a small matter that was very easy to solve, but because of the presence of this unyielding woman, the matter would only become more and more complicated.

Although Liu Erlong alone can't deal with Saitama-kun in front of him, but what if the strength of the three of them is combined?

It is said that the three guys in front of me are the golden iron triangle that shocked the world back then. The combination of the strength of the three of them is not just an increase in strength, it can be said to be a qualitative leap.

It seems that Liu Erlong wanted to use the fusion technique to challenge the little bald head in front of him again.

"Okay! We really can't beat you, so we have no choice but to continue to challenge this senior!"

In fact, following Liu Erlong's stubbornness, he was the first to stand up, and it was indeed the calm and calm Principal Frank.It is said that this old owl was also secretly in love with Liu Erlong, but this woman has long been in love with the master next to her, but judging from the behavior of this old man, it seems that she doesn't want to give up.

"Boss Fu, why are you fooling around with her?"

Although he couldn't figure out the details of the bald man in front of him, the master knew that a guy who could easily bring down the platinum bishop of the Wuhun Palace was definitely not someone who would be taken lightly.And although the other party doesn't have any hostility towards the three of us, if you keep ignoring what is good or bad again and again, anyone will feel impatient.

"Hehe, it's interesting! Two very powerful soul masters and one guy who can't break through himself, is there any difference in the combination of the three of you? Let me see, now I have started to treat you this way. The mainland is getting more and more interested!"

In fact, our Saitama teacher is too boring. Originally, he thought that if he defeated a platinum bishop, those guys in the Wuhun Temple would find Ming Shiyin to avenge them, but now it seems that those guys There seems to be no response at all.

Then why not take this opportunity to look around in this Douluo Continent, wander around, and experience the splendor of this world!
And according to the relevant information passed by Jiang Ziya before, the three people in front of them seem to be a very famous combination in the world, and their name is the Golden Iron Triangle.

This seems to be a very cool name, but why are these three guys called the golden iron triangle?To be honest, the curiosity of our little bald comrade has been aroused again!

"Since the seniors are generous with their teachings, then the three of us are offended! Please stop giving seniors some advice, so as not to hurt everyone's feelings!"

To be honest, our master has actually not used his power for a long time. His soul power has been stuck at around level 30 due to personal physical reasons, and there is no way to continue to improve.Moreover, his Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex's martial soul had also mutated into the fat Luo Sanpao in front of him, which was definitely a disabled martial soul.

But if their golden iron triangle gathers together again, then the seemingly useless martial soul in our master's hand will grow into the strongest state again, and that feels really cool!

And now the little bald man in front of him seems to be willing to be a sandbag for the three of them. Where can he find such an opportunity?
So he was no longer polite to the little bald man in front of him.Master, Frank and Liu Erlong, while raising all their soul power, occupied three corners in an equilateral triangle, and combined their own energy sources, a triangular light array appeared on the ground .


It was a huge golden dragon, soaring into the sky without knowing it, and in the last second, this golden dragon was still Luo Sanpao, the useless martial soul on the ground who couldn't get up.

"Hehe, I know why you are called the Golden Iron Triangle! This golden dragon may have already broken through the boundaries of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex? Interesting, this is really very interesting! I thought your combined skills It's just superimposing the energy of the three guys, I didn't expect you to conjure up this thing?"

Although the only one who can attack is the golden dragon in front of him, this guy has five times more energy than the original three combined. If you run into these three guys, you may not get any benefits.

"Senior, we are about to attack, please get ready!"

This is the voice of the master, it may be the confidence after possessing a powerful martial soul, this guy's tone is full of confidence now, giving people a feeling of going forward.

"Well, come on, come on, after the previous continuous testing, this time I will continue to use one finger, the left hand. Don't worry, I won't break such a beautiful golden dragon into pieces, if If you feel that you can't stand it, you can immediately withdraw your soul power, do you understand what I mean?"

Facts have proved that basically none of the senior soul masters that our teacher Saitama has encountered can resist the power of his finger.If this is the case for a long time, I am afraid that his name as Superman with one punch will be changed to Superman with one finger, right?
(End of this chapter)

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