Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 597 Tang Hao asks for advice

Chapter 597 Tang Hao asks for advice
"You mean that the person hiding behind the pope is probably the target person I'm looking for? What's his name in this world?"

"I'm not very clear about this, because there are only a handful of people who have seen that guy on this Douluo Continent, and some people even wonder if that old guy is long gone. After all, even the top titled Douluo is not Maybe the passage of time has passed! But if that guy is still alive, even if he is not the person you are looking for, senior, he must know a lot of truth about this world!"

All right!Although what Tang Hao knew was very limited, it was still very helpful.At least it gave our little bald Saitama a sense of direction, which is better than his own investigation like a headless chicken.

"Hehe, I am very satisfied with the information you gave me. Just use this as your exchange condition. Do you want me to use the strength of a few fingers?"

So it is comfortable to deal with smart people. Although Tang Hao didn't say anything clearly, his actions have shown what he thinks in his heart.As a stranger, since he wanted to ask the expert in front of him for advice, he must give him a certain reward.Money is of no use to experts, but not everyone knows the secret information about the mainland. I believe that what the bald senior in front of him needs most is to figure out the situation in this regard.

"Thank you for your success, senior. I hope you can use the power of two fingers. If my Clear Sky Hammer is smashed by you, it can only be blamed on me for not being good at learning. I can't blame anyone else for counting!"

Different from the previous Golden Iron Triangle, this Tang Hao of the Clear Sky School is the direct descendant of the master, and the best way for him to improve his combat power is to fight against higher-level enemies.

However, Saitama likes Tang Hao's character very much. It is a spirit of dedicating himself to the pursuit of extreme strength, which is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Haha, your character is quite to my liking, so as you wish, I will use the two fingers of my left hand to have a good fight with your martial soul!"

For Saitama, he also hopes to find an opponent who can fight with him for a few rounds, otherwise it seems too boring to kill with one move every time.

If it wasn't for Xiao Chen, the lord of heaven, reminded by Jiang Ziya, our Saitama teacher would have already beaten the platinum archbishop into a vegetable.

And the Tang Hao in front of him has even said the disclaimer, this attitude is really very gratifying.

"Haotianzong Tang Hao, please enlighten me, senior!"

After getting the answer he wanted, Tang Hao's entire expression changed, and crackling blue lightning also appeared on his Clear Sky Hammer, fused together with the martial soul on this guy, it was simply It's like a god descending from the earth.

"Hey, this momentum is very good! Don't be polite, in fact, use all your strength to attack!"

In order to satisfy the opponent's wish, Saitama took the initiative to stretch out two fingers and put on a defensive posture. Although he could not use all his strength, this kind of aura still made our comrade Saitama very excited.


The battles between masters are far from being as frequent and long-lasting as imagined. Most of the time, the outcome can be seen in just a few breaths.

Tang Hao at this moment is like a blue lightning bolt, his body is completely fused with the Clear Sky Hammer, and he directs all his strength towards the opponent's two fingers and rushes forward without hesitation.



Was that the sound of some kind of metal cracking? Could it be that the Clear Sky Hammer couldn't withstand the impact of two powerful forces, and cracks had already formed?
No, no, although the dense golden cracks like spider webs appear on the surface of the hammer, you can still feel the huge power generated by this artifact.

"Clap clap clap!"

It was energy flying debris all over the sky, it was sent out from the Clear Sky Hammer, but after these so-called debris drifted away, the hammer was still there, but there was still a layer of faint golden luster around the body.

Could it be that the blow just now caused this artifact to undergo a transformation and upgrade?Just like a snake sheds its old skin, it is for the next body to continue to thrive!
"Hehe, you kid can do it! You actually took the risk of being blown up by me with the hammer, and it transformed it, and your strength should have more than doubled, right?"

On the surface, the previous confrontation seems to be very dangerous for Tang Hao, but as the saying goes, wealth is in danger, but if the result is not like this, how can his strength be improved?
As long as a soul master has cultivated to Tang Hao's level, even if he has not reached the bottleneck, his progress will be as slow as a tortoise crawling. This is why this guy must find a master like Xiaobald to compete.

There are not many opportunities to advance by leaps and bounds like this, and most of the time, fighting this level of battle is often a life-and-death duel. People who can go to the end like our Saitama teacher, and even turn around to help you are absolutely It is rare in all ages!
"Senior, you have noticed this, so I will send you another message for free! The current pope is a woman, her name is Bibi Dong, and like your son, this woman also has twin martial souls, but Her two spirits are mainly spiders, and they fit together better than your son's Blue Silver Grass and Clear Sky Hammer, so if you really want to fight her, I advise seniors to think twice Okay!"

This is a secret that several people in the entire Douluo Continent know, because this Bibi Dong was once the woman of the previous pope, but this woman returned the previous pope to death ruthlessly.

Because our Mr. Tang Hao once fought with the previous Pope of Wuhundian, and severely injured him.Now the outside world is rumored that this abandoned disciple of the Haotian School killed the Pope of the Wuhun Palace, but Comrade Tang himself still knows how much his own skills are worth.

I believe that there may not be more than five people in the entire Douluo Continent who know this news.And this pope named Bibi Dong, with two twin martial souls superimposed together, can increase her power geometrically, it is definitely not something ordinary Title Douluo can deal with, even Tang Hao in his heyday is in the opponent's hands. I'm afraid I can't find 100 rounds here.

"Are you trying to tell me that this woman may be related to the person I'm looking for? The twin martial souls on her body should be unique in this Douluo Continent, right?"

Although the guy opposite didn't say it clearly, our Saitama-sensei still guessed something.From the outsiders' point of view, this woman named Bibi Dong might think that she is very lucky, but how can there be so many accidental things in this world?
The only thing that can be explained is that the power of this Bibi thing is forcibly inserted by others, it seems that our lord of the heaven often does this kind of thing, the most common way is to put the ordinary strong Being promoted to Heaven will not only allow them to have many abilities that they did not have before, but it will also be amazing in terms of combat power improvement.

If this guess can be established, you can basically be sure that the guy who boosted Bibi Dong's energy should be Ming Shiyin or someone around him.

Then the next thing is very straightforward, as long as you find the current female Pope of Wuhun Temple named Bibidong, you should be able to solve this matter.

I just don't know if the new pope's mouth will be quite hard?And our little bald comrade has nothing to do with women, especially when it comes to interrogation...

(End of this chapter)

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