Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 601 Let's All Together

Chapter 601 Let's All Go Together

"Um, does the signal flare of that color mean urgency? We are our Master Juhuaguan who discovered the target person this time? Then wait for us to help?"

Although these masters of Wuhundian are not convinced by each other, but facing such attractive rewards and conditions (if the task is fulfilled, they will be famous and established), anyone will move forward without looking back. !

Although I don't know why this selfish Chrysanthemum Douluo is so generous this time, but those titled Douluo who are about the same strength as him rushed out without thinking about fighting. Anyway, they were chosen by some fighters with relatively low combat effectiveness. Wait and see for now, after all, these guys can't afford to lose!
"Hey, there are a total of 40 people here, plus this guy in front of you, you can all be regarded as a super team, right?"

This kind of large-scale siege, I am afraid that only Tang Hao and his wife had the opportunity to witness it with their own eyes!

Although these guys were not taken seriously by Saitama, they still attracted his attention.

"What did you do to Master Ju? Did you cause all these injuries on his body? I heard from the brothers who came back before that you are a character who likes to attack! So this time we specially brought enough The staff came here, so that you have nowhere to escape!"

The one who said this was a guy named Ghost Douluo, and it was this guy who, together with Juhuaguan, drove Tang Hao and his wife into a corner.

This time they wanted to repeat the old tricks by taking advantage of the large numbers of people, but it was a pity that the bald man in front of them was not comparable to those people back then. Kneel down and beg for mercy!

"Hehe, I really didn't expect that this Wuhun Hall of yours is really powerful. The kid who plays throwing knives is basically top-notch on this big road, right? But there are a few of you here who are similar to him Guys, the other dozens are also first-class players, it seems that more than half of the players in the entire Douluo Continent have been recruited by you, right?"

At this moment, Saitama's eyes were shining brightly, and his eyes were like a video recorder, deeply recording every face in front of him.This is not because our little bald-headed comrade is really afraid of the opponent's posture. On the contrary, he likes this situation very much. A Chrysanthemum Pass may not help but fight. If a group of guys with similar strength come, they can definitely accompany him. It's fun.

Although it was so boring when I fought in the outer world last time, didn’t there also appear a black fox empress who could blacken this little bald head? Not to mention how exciting it was, it also made him see his own dark side more clearly.

And since he came to this Douluo Continent, in order to uphold the low-key principle in the Heavenly Court, this guy only used one finger in the final battle, which was extremely boring.

But for the little bald man in front of us, the group of Wuhundian masters on the opposite side didn't have the slightest awareness. They all thought that their aura had already overwhelmed the kid in front of them.

"Hehe, it's good for you to know! But since you dare to challenge us again and again, today we will never let you go. Although our lord Pope asked to see you with his own eyes, he didn't He said how hard he wanted to beat you. So I think it’s fine as long as you have one breath left, what do you think?”

While talking arrogantly, this Ghost Douluo kept winking with Chrysanthemum Douluo next to him.When these two old friends cooperate, they can use powerful martial soul fusion skills. The routine is basically the same as the previous golden iron triangle, but the power is much stronger.

"Hehe, I think you may have misunderstood me! I'm not afraid of you at all, but I'm worried that you guys will be like the guy with the throwing knife just now. Don't talk about first come, first served, in my opinion Let's all go together, it is best to display some powerful martial soul fusion skills, I think that is very interesting!"

I've seen crazy people, but I didn't expect this kid to be so crazy.He actually threatened to challenge the 60 masters of the Wuhun Hall, including the six top titled Douluo who lined up on the main road.If there are so many people going up together, even Bibi Dong, the current Pope of the Spirit Hall, might not be able to stop him. Why is this kid who doesn't even have soul power so crazy?

But when everyone saw the distressed appearance before Juhuaguan, they immediately glanced at each other.The next moment, 60 figures rose into the sky together, and suddenly there were colorful lights in the sky, the most powerful of which was the martial soul fusion skill between Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo. A super skill that restricts anyone's ability to move, the effect is almost like standing still in time.

"Hey, the combination of two useless woods has such a powerful ability, what do you call it?"

Obviously, our little bald-headed comrade was also affected by this martial soul fusion technique for the first time, and he even let out a cry of surprise.

"Hehe, this trick is called your doomsday!"

Seeing that the prey in front of him was locked by him, that Ghost Douluo was naturally very happy, and those companions around him also took out their strongest tricks without losing the opportunity, and rushed towards the bald man in front of him.

Hey, this powerful energy shock wave has caught up with the nuclear explosion in another world, most of the sky is reddened by the flames, and the residents of the surrounding towns obviously feel the ground under their feet trembling, even the natural world Also had to bow to the mighty power.

"It's interesting, it's really interesting! But your strength is not enough to restrict my hands and feet, at most it just makes me feel a little hard. But I enjoy this moment very much, so I plan to give you a copy Thank you!"

Just when those powerful attacks were about to hit the little bald head, the guy's whole body suddenly glowed like a light bulb, and then a yellow light like a golden bell appeared outside the guy's body, and Under the watchful eyes of everyone, all attacks were blocked outside.

"What? Why is this guy still able to move? He actually made such a powerful defensive move in the first place? How is it possible, how could he block the attacks of all of us, even a god can't do this!"

This Ghost Douluo also seems to know that there are gods in this world, but the god in his impression should actually be someone who has evolved to a very high strength, so that there will be such qualitative changes and leaps!



Those were two very thin but ear-piercing voices, respectively coming from Juhuaguan and Ghost Douluo who had used the martial soul fusion technique. To be precise, it should be the movement from the spirit rings on their bodies.

Under the eyes of everyone, these two peerless powerhouses who are using their martial soul fusion skills to restrain the little bald head, the powerful soul rings emanating from the two of them are falling apart at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like the hands of those folk artists. Like icing, it is incredibly crunchy.

And as the soul rings collapsed one by one, the two guys' martial soul fusion skills were completely ineffective. The two people who were originally suspended in mid-air suddenly lost all support, and they fell to the ground in embarrassment. The ground smashed down, and then I saw two human-shaped craters more than ten meters deep at the landing point, but no one crawled out of the craters for a long time.

That's right, two people whose soul rings were all torn apart, fell from such a high altitude, how could they be fine?Unless it's a dream, right?
(End of this chapter)

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