Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 610 Bibi Dong VS Saitama

Chapter 610 Bibi Dong VS Saitama
"An envoy of God? Is this how your world calls a strong man like me? This word literally means the envoy of God, right? It seems to be the same thing, I am indeed regarded as an envoy The same was sent to you!"

Finally, when someone asked about his origin, our little bald-headed comrade naturally answered in a neither humble nor overbearing manner. As a foreign god, he only wanted to hunt down Ming Shiyin. To the people of this world, the title of God Envoy seems to be true. It's apt.

And seeing the little bald man in front of him admit his true identity so openly, the Bibi Dong on the opposite side immediately took several steps back in surprise.Although she and the elders of the Spirit Hall had already had similar guesses, hearing the other party say it in person, the shock inside was still immeasurable.

Fortunately, our Pope Bibidong had already agreed before the battle that he wanted to show the young man next to him how to use the twin martial souls, which can be regarded as leaving a way for himself and the elders next to him.But the act of a mortal like her challenging the envoy of the gods is simply committing suicide!
But the previous challenge has already been done, and it is too late to admit defeat now.Then bite the bullet, even if the other party is an envoy, the dignity of the Spirit Hall must be maintained.

"Senior, be careful, I'm going to activate my skills!"

As soon as Bibi Dong finished speaking, her entire body disappeared from the spot.Even though Bibi Dong is now over 40 years old, her physical strength and flexibility are no worse than those of young people around 16 years old. Come up with your own trick!
At this moment, the sky is approaching dusk, and the twin martial souls in Bibi can provide a dark effect, so the Pope in front of him becomes quite mysterious in the eyes of outsiders. The running step reappears, and the following step disappears...

On the surface this seems to be some kind of soul skill, but in fact it is the effect of two twin spirits being used alternately. Tang San on the side seems to feel something, but he can't fully grasp this intuition. So he closed his eyes unknowingly, and stretched out his left hand in front of his forehead, constantly feeling the alternation of energy in the air.

This is a process of epiphany, although it is not so simple and easy to understand, but it is obvious that this live drill of Bibi Dong is the best teaching for him, it is far more brilliant than a master who only has theoretical knowledge, and it is also more effective in actual combat.

But our little bald-headed comrade didn't seem to take it seriously, and directly waved a light circle towards the air in front of him.


It was a kind of collision between air and air, which shows that the group that this little bald head swung out just now has quite a lot of power!
Bibi Dong didn't seem to be heading in this direction, did she? Did this little bald senior do it on purpose?
Just when everyone was extremely puzzled, a scream suddenly came from the office, which seemed to be the tone of Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace, and then a black figure fell out of midair.


"Senior, how do you know the direction of my attack, I obviously haven't turned here yet!"

"Hehe, that means I'm lucky!"

This conversation on the scene may only be understood by the two contestants in front of them, and all the people around them are confused.

But Bibi Dong knew very well in her heart that on the surface she wanted to attack from the side, but in fact he and she wanted to deliver a fatal blow from the opponent's front under the cover of fake moves, but the opponent discovered her attack 0.01 seconds earlier. Intent, quickly stopped the past.

And if it wasn't for this punch hitting the air, it would have hit Bibi Dong on the forehead after a little more 0.01 seconds, and in a sense, it seemed that Master Huang himself had sent him to his door to be beaten. of.

Where is this luck?It's clearly God's prediction!So there is no need for this match at all, Bibi Dong will definitely lose from the very beginning, she can easily predict your every move and next attack attempt, that's why you can so easily control Just stop it now.

"Hehe, senior, you really know how to joke! But it seems that I was careless just now, and I didn't drive to the extreme speed, and it won't happen in the future!"

Although an offensive opportunity was easily smashed by someone before, Bibi Dong still seemed unwilling to let go of her dignity, especially since there were so many people who knew her present, if she was defeated by the opponent in a very embarrassing situation, it would not only be a loss. It's her, the face of the Pope of the Wuhundian, which will destroy the reputation of the Wuhundian for hundreds of years!

"Hehe, it turns out that you still have another trick! Then what else do you need to hide, hurry up and try to attack me with your fastest speed, I have become very excited! Unexpectedly, I can use someone to make a fool of myself!" Only fists to deal with you, this woman, this should be the happiest time I have fought on the road to your side!"

Saitama did not lie or exaggerate at all. On the surface, Bibi Dong seemed to be at a disadvantage just now, but with this woman's agility, she was able to perfectly avoid the little bald head's piercing punch. This is already a very rare intuition. Even the cosmic bandit Poros back then is nothing more than that!

How can it make people unhappy to meet such an opponent in such a place?This little baldhead is originally a person who is very interested in martial arts, and in the constant struggle with all kinds of weirdos, he has also experienced various fighting skills, which in itself is also helpful for the improvement of the little baldhead's strength .

And the personality of Bibi Dong on the opposite side seems to be very similar to our little bald head, and she is not the kind of person who will easily retreat and admit defeat.If these two people meet together, they must decide the outcome, at least they must knock each other down!

So the next moment, Bibi Dong's figure disappeared again, and this time the opponent was so fast that even Tang San couldn't keep up, even if he opened the Purple Demon Eye, he only saw a black flash .


It seemed to be a muffled thunder sound from the sky, although it is indeed close to dusk, but there is no sign of a dark cloud or lightning cloud in the sky, so the only person who created this movement is the one from the Spirit Hall pope.

The twin martial souls are really powerful, and the two martial souls in the comparison are both spider-type, and what's more coincidentally, the martial souls are twins. This is simply an inexplicable thunderstorm!

And judging from the direction in which the thunder and lightning spread, it was faintly striking towards the little bald head not far away. This is really a very wonderful record!
"That's right, that's right. This move is much better than just now. Let me crack it! Let me see this time, throwing straight punches should not have much effect. You have already learned to dodge it? So how about this? One uppercut will do, right?"

Seeing that Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall who was slowly approaching him, but there was no trace to follow, the little baldhead at this moment only became a little tangled: on the one hand, he wanted to lower his fist as much as possible, Don't hurt the other girl (actually she is an aunt, but she looks young); on the other hand, Saitama also wants to quickly resolve the opponent's move, so as to avoid being hit by others, What a shame!
(End of this chapter)

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