Chapter 618

"Rong Rong, what are you doing buying so much fresh meat, little girl? It's not a year or a festival, so don't tell me you want to hibernate!"

When Tu Shan Rongrong was preparing the ingredients for the dinner, he suddenly met his sister Tu Shan Yaya, who was buying wine as usual.

"Sister, brother Xiao is coming tonight, and I plan to cook a table of special dishes for him to taste. After all, he has been in that world for more than ten years, so he must be starved to death, right?"

Seeing that her behavior was broken by her sister, Tu Shan Rongrong simply explained the situation.Originally, he still invited his eldest sister Tu Shan Honghong, but the other party shied away because she had something to do...

"Brother Xiao? Which Brother Xiao are you talking about? Is there anyone named this among the people we know?"

Tu Shan Yaya was probably drunk, and she was talking in a daze.But from her bright eyes, it's not difficult for us to see a gleam of excitement, just like the kind of little friends who are better than newly married relatives.

It's just that Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong are a pair of sisters with completely opposite personalities. The former clearly thinks about it but doesn't say it, while the latter just has the same heart and mouth, so it's more likable!
As for that Tu Shan Honghong who still has some headaches, this woman has never figured out whether the person she has the most in her heart is the surname Xiao, or the boy named Dongfang Yuechu, who is the boss of Tu Shanhong Xianxian. Shan Honghong seems to be unable to grasp her own feelings at this moment.

"It's the Lord of the Heavenly Court. Sister, have you forgotten about him after too much time, but it's not your fault. After all, people don't get drunk, people get drunk!"

Tu Shan Yaya's attitude made Tu Shan Rongrong very happy, after all, she would get the most attention from one less person in the future.When Tu Shan Honghong and that little guy got closer before, Tu Shan Rongrong was also supportive, and even deliberately created opportunities for them. Now it seems that this is actually the smartest move.

And Tu Shan Yaya in front of her has even forgotten who the other party is, this result is even more ideal!

"You stinky girl, drink less wine when you eat later, and be careful if you get drunk! Otherwise, if you drink at night, I, my sister, will block the bar for you!"

This guy Tu Shan Yaya, just now kept saying that he was not interested, and even forgot who he was, but now he said that he wanted to have a drink together. If you don't know her very well, you really think this big sister is playing crazy. up!

"Sister, don't bother us, we don't know how to drink! Besides, brother Xiao came here this time with serious business to do. He is here to help us Tushan build that alien passage! Maybe we will eat half of the banquet." If you have to help, sister, don’t worry!”

Tu Shan Rongrong is trying her best to stop the alcoholic Sister Yaya from messing up the water!
"Hmph, brat!"

Seeing her sister being so recalcitrant, Tu Shan Yaya let out a cold snort, and left with her wine gourd on her back.Obviously, her intentions have already been seen through by the clever younger sister in front of her, but she didn't point it out!

"Sister walk slowly!"

Tu Shan Rongrong was full of smiles, after all, the most important thing was not bought yet, and this kind of thing was the real surprise that Tu Shan Rongrong prepared for others.

"Three masters, I have prepared all the spices you ordered before, and put them all in this bag. I hope you don't open them before making them, otherwise the fragrance will go away!"

Well, in order to entertain the lord of heaven, Tu Shan Rongrong not only prepared a table of good wine and food, but more importantly, this ingenious Tu Shan Rongrong personally sewed a sachet, which contained a lot of Spices that only they have in Tushan!I believe someone will feel very happy after getting it!

"Well, thank you very much! If the effect is good this time, our next purchase will be booked from you. What do you think?"

"Hey, Boss Yourong is taking care of my business, what else can I think? Of course the door is open to welcome!"

Everyone in this world knows that Tu Shan Rongrong is now the chief executive of the Demon League, as long as any business gets in touch with her, it will mean a lot of money.And this time, among the herbs they asked for was Tushan's specialty Ji Xiangsi, which was a round bean covered with a grass-like aroma, and it was edible.I just don't know what Tushan Rongrong wants to do with these herbs...

At the appointed time, we arrived at the lord of the heaven as promised. At this moment, the door of Tu Shan Rongrong's boudoir has already been opened, and the table is filled with steaming and delicious food.

"Well, it's really fragrant, Rongrong, how did you know that I came here at this time? The heat of these dishes is just right, and it can definitely reflect the perfection of your craftsmanship!"

Is Xiao Chen praising him?
"Brother Xiao, close your eyes, I will give you a present, which is made by myself!"

Although Tu Shan Rongrong is no longer a little girl, she still looks very playful and cute in front of someone, just like when they first met.

So our lord of the heaven obediently closed his eyes, and soon he smelled a very quiet fragrance in his nose, as if he was in a valley full of flowers.

"What? What kind of fragrance is this? It seems to be different from the food on the table. Is it a sachet?"

"Brother Xiao is really smart. This is the sachet I sewed for you. Next time you think of me, you can take it out and smell it when we are Tushan."

Tu Shan Rongrong originally wanted to say "When you miss me", knowing why she only spoke half of the words, she hurriedly added a sentence to cover up, and the image of a shy little woman was clearly seen.

"What is this quiet fragrance? I seem to have smelled it somewhere!"

"This is our unique spice in Tushan. We call it acacia beans. Do you know? Every couple who come to Tushan to renew their fate can eat an acacia bean. It is said that this can help them in the future. It is easier to recognize each other in the reincarnation!"

It turns out that there is such a saying about this thing, it seems that our little Rongrong really has a heart.And she clearly expressed her heart to the other party with a lovesickness bean.

A certain person seemed to have said that when the world is peaceful, he will return to Tushan to fulfill his promise. Has this time already come?Although the guy named Ming Shiyin is still at large, it is impossible to pose any threat to the Heavenly Court, right?
"Rongrong, you are so caring. Do you know? When I was in this other world, I was thinking about you almost every day before going to bed..."

In such a situation, with a single man and a widow living together in the same room, anyone would be moved, right?And our lord Xiao Chen has already obtained the approval of the empress of the palace before doing this, and the next thing can be done anytime and anywhere.

"Ahem, cough, why do I smell the smell of wine? Little girl, didn't you say that you don't drink? Did you even fool me, sister?"

Just when the two looked at each other, suddenly a very familiar and somewhat sour voice appeared, it was Tu Shan Yaya.Didn't this woman say that she would not come to disrupt the situation, why did she appear again at this time?And Tu Shan Rongrong just made a rice dumpling made of wine, how could it be said by the other party that it has the aroma of wine?

(End of this chapter)

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