Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 622 Let the Atomic Warrior Go

Chapter 622 Let the Atomic Warrior Go

"Lord Xiao, Miss San, let us remind the two of you that everything has been completed. When is it convenient for you to go to the giant tree of misery?"

As soon as the seal here was completed, Tu Shanhonghong sent her silver fox guards to notify Xiao Chen and Tu Shan Rongrong who were having a big meal.In fact, as the eldest sister, Tu Shanhonghong always knew what her younger sister was doing?
It's just that now she seems to have created a gap with that big brother Xiao. It can be said that he doesn't even know what he is doing.

"Okay! Fortunately, we've finished our meal, and it's time to digest."

In fact, Xiao Chen also felt quite embarrassed. It was really embarrassing for this guy to hide in Rongrong's boudoir for such a big thing as Tu Shan's connection to another world!

But now that Tu Shanhonghong has already sent someone over to invite her, it wouldn't be a good thing to keep procrastinating, right?
"Please go back and tell my sister, Brother Xiao and I will be there soon, and now I have cleaned up the dishes!"

Although all the things I wanted to do before were disturbed by Tu Shan Yaya's appearance, Tu Shan Rongrong was still very happy to be able to finish this meal with someone alone.

"Obey, Miss San! We're going to report back to the boss!"

These silver fox guards who were following Tu Shanhonghong naturally knew who they were talking to, so they didn't say a word of unnecessary nonsense, and just gave way to the road.


"Hehe, I'm sorry everyone, but the dishes made by our family's Rong Rong are really delicious, so I couldn't help but drink an extra bowl of soup. But there is Taiyi Daoist who arranges everything here, and I am the master. Very relieved!"

At this moment, Boss Xiao already regarded Tu Shan Rongrong as his family without any hesitation.But I don't know why, when Tu Shan Honghong saw this scene, not only did she not have the jealousy of Tu Shan Yaya on her face, but she instinctively stepped back a few steps, and the figure of a second-rate Taoist priest appeared in her mind .

It seems that our master already has someone else in his heart, but it's just inconvenient to say it right now.

This was a very embarrassing scene, but fortunately Tu Shan Rongrong noticed it in time.

"Brother Xiao, if you think the dishes I cook are delicious, then you can come here often. But do we have more important things now? I remember you said that in the world of nine songs in the sky, you found There is a new dark atmosphere, should we send someone over to investigate now?"

In fact, the Heavenly Court has already made an internal decision on this, but it has not been announced to the public.Tu Shan Rongrong raised such a question at this time and it also attracted everyone's attention very well, making Tu Shan Honghong's personal emotional problems unchanged and so prominent.

"Hehe, in fact, we already have a suitable candidate. In the selection of candidates who just joined our Heavenly Court this time, we selected a guy called Atomic Warrior. Both his character design and the spirit in him are in line with The world of Tian Xing Jiu Ge is very suitable. This time, as long as we act in a low-key manner, we should not be noticed by the other party."

While talking, Xiao Chen opened his heavenly system, and that guy named Atomic Warrior slowly appeared in front of everyone through a golden light.

"Master, I'm all ready! I've been asking myself to train myself according to the samurai's rules and regulations all these years, but it's definitely my honor to be able to experience such a similar real world!"

Ok!Although the times have been advancing, not every modern person is suitable for this human life. Some people's behavior and thinking inertia may be incompatible with the current society, but if you put him in an ancient order, this There's a good chance that the guy is an exceptional talent.

And this guy called Atomic Samurai is obviously that kind of person.He originally came from the same world as the little bald head, and was even a very high-ranked S-class hero.But this guy's popularity doesn't seem to be as high as that guy named King.

But in the face of this new world of Tian Xing Jiu Ge, it will obviously become the personal stage of Atomic Warrior, and everyone present is looking forward to this kid's next performance.

"The task I give you little nephew is also very simple, that is, no matter how much trouble you go to that world, you can't change the key historical trend there, but it's still possible to compete with those guys who don't like you! If you find that Ming Shiyin Or the guy who has something to do with him, try to catch as much as possible, if not, just kill him!"

Although Xiao Chen's requirements for this atomic warrior are not much different from that little bald head, but I believe this guy will definitely do better than Saitama-kun, after all, this guy was born to travel to ancient times.

"Please rest assured, Master, I will definitely let that guy be pierced by the knife in my hand without knowing it! No matter what homework I have done before, the world of Tian Xing Jiu Song seems to be a very chaotic world." In the era, seven different forces, big and small, have been fighting there for hundreds of years, I really don't know what these guys are fighting for?"

All right!If this atomic samurai has read the history of China, he should know that the world in front of him is very close to the era of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period that China experienced before.That was an era when heroes were born in large numbers. If you have the strength, you can basically walk sideways in this era!
However, for the vast majority of ordinary people, this era of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period is definitely very dark and difficult. Coupled with the interference of some unknown external forces, ordinary people's lives are even more difficult.At this time, a great power needs to appear to save the common people, at least drive away those guys who don't belong to this era!

At this time, our Heavenly Court sent someone, and this guy is the Atomic Warrior!
When this seemingly foolish warrior walked out of the portal, there was a faint smell of blood in the air. It seemed that the coordinates of this guy's landing were not very good, and he came to an ancient battlefield.

"The guy in front gave me his name. You don't look like a soldier of the Qin army. Who are you?"

what's the situation?Qin soldiers?What kind of road is this?

Fortunately, our atomic warrior had done a lot of homework before he came. Looking at the group of armored soldiers walking towards him, he immediately understood his situation.It seems that this is a battlefield between a small country and the Qin army. According to the introduction in the information, as long as it is related to Qin in this era, basically nothing good will happen.And the army called Qin Jun can basically be equal to Wu Di.

It's just that these guys are a bit like a scourge in the eyes of the other six princes. Obviously, our atomic warrior is not very lucky. People mistakenly thought they were the enemy.

what to do?Want to say hello to these guys?Or just kill these armored warriors?
For the Atomic Samurai who has already become a celestial being, it is not difficult to deal with these human soldiers. As long as he pulls out the sword in his hand and shakes his hand, these guys in front of him will definitely be calmed down, and then Fall into the endless darkness (fall)!
(End of this chapter)

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