Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 627 Yan Ling Ji's Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 627 Yan Ling Ji's Meeting Ceremony

"Master, please wait here for a moment, I have a small matter to solve!"

It may be that Quicksand acted too high-profile this time, or it may be that their behavior has already been watched by others. Before the two of them left the border of Zhao State, there were already uninvited guests waiting in front of them.

It was a small inn on the side of the road, relying on the business of merchants.It's because there is only one resident in the entire shop that is currently in turmoil, and that is a very beautiful girl, and her clothes don't look like people from the Central Plains.

It is impossible for Wei Zhuang and the others to eat and sleep in the open, and this is the last transit point before leaving Zhao Guo, so the other party has been waiting for them here.

"Yan Lingji, you'd better figure out who you are. If you must make trouble here, first ask me if I agree with the sword in my hand?"

This woman looks very beautiful, but anyone who is familiar with her knows that there is a burning heart under this beautiful skin. This guy has a kind of magical power that can be burned all over his body. Unless a person is allowed to, he is sure to be burned to a coke.

And although this woman doesn't have much malice towards Quicksand, she is definitely not their partner, at least so far she has her own clear purpose.It's very intriguing that this guy is targeting the master behind him today, as for who is behind this, I don't know.

"Hehe, Master Wei Zhuang, why are you talking so fiercely? The little girl is just passing by this place, and she didn't come here on purpose to wait for you, so don't be too sentimental!"

As the saying goes, a woman's mouth is a deceitful ghost, Yan Lingji is the only one in the entire inn, will she take advantage of this turbulent time to come and see the scenery?

"Since that's the case, there's nothing I can do about it!"

Wei Zhuang is Guiguzi's apprentice, and there are very few people in the world who can fool him.So just now when I saw that the woman in front of me didn't intend to tell the truth, the sword in her hand was already out of its sheath.

"Oh, I'm so scared to death! Little girl, I'm just curious about what kind of characters appeared this time, so I wanted to come over and take a look, but I didn't want to follow you against me, why bother to use knives and guns? Let's talk about the latter An adult is not as rude as you!"

In fact, Wei Zhuang seems to be the most nervous person right now. The atomic warrior next to him didn't even look at the beautiful woman in front of him, as if there was nothing in this world that could distract him.

"Master, do you want to see this shop?"

Now that the other party has already said so, Wei Zhuang, who is a member of Quicksand, shouldn't go too far!After all, he is also a well-known swordsman, and it would be detrimental to his reputation if he spread the word about a woman without knowing it!
"This place of yours is really strange. Originally, I thought that the people here mainly focus on honing their body and willpower, but I didn't expect to see a man who practiced spells today! Although he is a very good fire magician, but It's a pity that a girl practicing this kind of spell is not very dignified!"

As a celestial being, although the Atomic Warrior does not practice spells, he can still see the difference in the kung fu of the two people in front of him at a glance.

The woman in front of her named Yan Lingji seems to have used some method to integrate the power of flames into her body, that is to say, she is now a container. It must be the kind of person with high endurance and great hatred in his heart who can do it!
However, the current world of Heavenly Xingjiuge seems to be a chaotic world of disputes during the Warring States Period. Shouldn't it be a big deal for such a situation to occur in a chaotic world?

"My lord is really astute! I never imagined that the little girl would let you see through the details just by standing here! According to the rumors outside, my lord, you are a god from the sky. Is this true?"

This woman's speech is different from that of a man. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Yan Lingji is a very dangerous creature, but she has an angel-like face. Just talking can make people feel excited.According to a popular modern saying: You can rely on your face to make a living, but you have to turn yourself into a stove.

"Hehe, if you believe me, you can think of me as a fairy, if you don't believe me, you can also think of me as a passerby on the side of the road, it doesn't matter. Both identity and name are just symbols. , what I am really pursuing is the ultimate in strength!"

After the atomic warrior becomes a celestial being, his lifespan is already unlimited, so unlike ordinary people whose lifespan is only a few decades, he doesn't care much about many external objects.So as long as this beautiful fire beauty doesn't do anything out of the ordinary, the atomic warrior doesn't want to have any disputes with her at all.

So seeing the attitude of the master beside him, Wei Zhuang let go of all his vigilance, and the two of them lived in a house just on the left and right of Yan Lingji.

"Hey, since the two of you and the little girl are so destined, let me be the host to invite you to have a drink tonight! And then I have some small things I want to ask the master, I don't know if it is okay? I will listen to the rules of the master. Having said that, although I don’t have any news about Luo Wang, I have some recent news about Ye Mu, these guys and Luo Wang are the superiors and subordinates, I wonder if you two are interested?”

Ok!This Yan Lingji really has something to do. As the descendants of Beiyue, their lineage has been trying to find ways to restore the country. After learning that there are god-like existences in the world, of course they must find a way to confirm it.

It's a pity that everyone is wrong. Even if our Atomic Warrior is a real celestial being, he can only fight and knows nothing about national affairs. The most important thing is that he has no interest in human affairs at all. One of the reasons why the Lord of Heaven was so relieved to send him over.

No matter what kind of movement this atomic warrior makes in this world of nine songs in the sky?Neither will affect the normal historical trend of this world, and he himself will not have any ambitions.

"I only listen to news that interests me. As for your other attempts, it has nothing to do with me. Girl, I want to remind you and the people behind you that you should not be too persistent in doing anything, otherwise it may backfire. In this Living in troubled times with your strength should not be a problem, don't think about those illusory things!"

Although he didn't know what the flaming beauty in front of him wanted to say, the Atomic Warrior, who was a celestial being, could still see the layers of fog in the opponent's heart.It may be that she is in a troubled world, so that such a young flower-like girl has become a tool in the hands of some forces, and she herself seems to have accepted this fate.

"Thank you, master, for your guidance. The little girl has been educated! The news I want to tell you is that recently our people discovered that there seems to be a mysterious contact person behind the general in South Korea. We are still investigating the specific identity. The superficial The guy seems to be a fisherman, but he is still in charge of most of the major events that happened in the Six Kingdoms. So we have reason to suspect that this guy is the intelligence officer of the net, and they are manipulating and controlling everything in South Korea behind the night!"

On the surface, in addition to being in the hands of the royal family, the large groups in South Korea also have a pivotal position, but now it seems that most of the rich and powerful in South Korea have been secretly controlled by the net. This is Yan Lingji A greeting gift for someone.

(End of this chapter)

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