Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 644 Heroes Cherish Heroes

Chapter 644 Heroes Cherish Heroes

"What's the matter with you guys? I've already said that this is a misunderstanding. Why are you so stubborn? This is South Korea, right? Do you think this is still the country of Zhao? That Zhao of yours Kuo already lost in the Battle of Changping, so what's there to show off!"

To be honest, our atomic warriors are already very angry. If it weren't for the recognition of old general Lian Po, the heads of these guards would have been destroyed long ago.

Is it a joke that a group of mortals and a great god are bargaining here!Just because the atomic samurai has a good temper doesn't mean he is unprincipled!
"What's going on? You all get out of the way!"

Perhaps disturbed by the noisy environment outside, Old General Lian Po took the initiative to appear in front of everyone.But as a veteran, it's okay not to show up, but it made the guards next to him feel even more nervous, and some of them even took their swords out of their sheaths!
"You are General Lian Po, right? You are also a battle-tested person. Can you tell them that I have a murderous look? I thought you were a hero during the Battle of Changping, so I didn't make things difficult for you. Those subordinates, but don’t force me to turn against you this time!”

Although I didn't meet Lian Po at the beginning, there was still a story about an old fairy appearing in Zhao Guojun, and the old general Lian Po knew about it at the time.

"You, are you the god who appeared at the beginning? These soldiers under me are too nervous. They have no malicious intentions. Please don't take offense!"

Although I haven't seen the Atomic Warrior himself, Lian Po has seen the portrait, and you recognize him right away.

"Hehe, it seems that you, an old boy, are not as good as they say. If you were allowed to fight in the previous battle, Zhao Guo couldn't have lost so badly, right?"

This is really a hero cherishing a hero. Although there is no medicine for regret in this world, anyone with a discerning eye knows that if Zhao Guo didn't change people easily, there would be no such fiasco!

"What your lord said is that it's a pity that our country of Zhao will never have the power to fight against the Qin Dynasty from now on. Our only hope is to negotiate a joint alliance, otherwise none of the six countries will be able to escape!"

This is an ending that no one could have imagined. It is impossible to recover from Lian Po alone, but the spirit of this veteran is still very admirable!
"Hehe, I didn't expect that you, an old boy, can be regarded as stubborn. If you really can't get along in the future, come and find me. I will recommend you a place where you can show your talent. Maybe you can save even more people." There are so many people!"

This general named Lian Po could be considered a hero at that time. It would be a pity if he really died in this place. Isn't our Lord of Heaven just recruiting people?It's perfectly fine for this guy to run over and be a tank, right?
"Thank you for your kindness, sir. I, Lian Posheng, are from the state of Zhao. I will not condescend like the second master. Please forgive me for this!"

What is a loyal and brave man?The old general in front of him is it!Today's Zhao State is already in panic, and many people with connections have already begun to flee to other places. Only a few loyal ministers like him are still running around, hoping to save this distressed Zhao State!
It's a pity that this kind of thing is very easy to say, but it is very difficult to do.Now that the Qin State has a strong army and horses, who would dare to mess with it?

Everyone understands the truth of dying lips and teeth, but how many people can really do it?
"Hehe, I'm not in a hurry. Anyway, I still have things to do and I have plenty of time to wait for you. I believe that one day you will change your mind, and that may be your only way out!"

According to the logical order of history, even if the current six countries are all united, they will eventually be unified by Qin State, at most it is only a matter of time.So this atomic warrior has plenty of time to wait, and the adult will definitely approve when he hears that there are new heroes joining!

"Then Mr. Lao is worried about it, but I don't know if you can do me a favor now, sir? I don't think you are an ordinary person. You should be able to help us meet King Han. We have entrusted many relationships, but we have not seen each other in the end. After passing the king, I don’t know if there is a way for you, sir?”

I have to admit that Lian Po's intuition is quite accurate. He actually instinctively realized that the status of atomic warriors in this South Korea is unusual. Perhaps this is the only key to their success.

"Hehe, you old boy is quite good at building relationships. Although I can't bring you directly to the King of Han, I can introduce his son to you. He is the ninth son named Han Fei. I don't know if you have heard of it before." No?"

Atomic Samurai is also a straightforward person. Since he was asked for help, he naturally wouldn't go around in circles.

"Are you talking about the Ninth Young Master? I have heard of his name. This Ninth Young Master is definitely a great talent. Hearing a hundred times is worth seeing once! If your lord can really help introduce you, no matter how much gold you need, just ask!"

Seeing the road in front of him, this Lian Po couldn't help but shine his eyes, even if he lost his fortune, he would be willing!

"I'm not interested in your money at all, and I don't need any thanks from you. I just promise to take you to meet. As for whether people want to cooperate with you, I don't care!"

Atomic Samurai didn't think so much, he was just a guide at most, which is considered a good deed every day!

"Thank you anyway. If our trip to South Korea can be successful this time, then we will be more confident in lobbying other countries!"

Although Qin State has not reached here yet, it will be a matter of time, and everyone present knows it well, so Lian Po's proposal is not only to save Zhao Guo himself, but also to save the common people!

Although he had things in his heart, when he heard that the guest was Zhao Guo veteran Lian Po, our Ninth Young Master didn't even change his clothes, so he came directly to meet him.

"Hehe, it seems that I, the one who led the way, did a good deed today. Let's talk slowly, I'll go to the next door for tea!"

Just as described before, our atomic warrior is not interested in mortal affairs at all. I'm afraid he only has that guy named Ming Shiyin in his mind!

"Thank you, Mr. Lian Po, for leading the way. You are our eternal friend of Zhao Guo. If you have any assignments from the Mister in the future, I will definitely go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate to do so! My children and grandchildren will always fulfill this sentence!"

(End of this chapter)

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