Chapter 668 Young Xiang Yu
Just when our Ninth Young Master went to Wei State to buy food, the Atomic Warrior who originally stayed in South Korea also started his own actions. They have already changed their identities, but how could these mortals escape the eyes of the gods?

And our atomic warriors are only looking for the whereabouts of Ming Shiyin or his direct subordinates, so the other small fish and shrimps are not interested, and they won't make too much trouble when they investigate, unless these guys don't know each other...

"You, who are you? Didn't you see the sign posted at my door? We have already put all the grain in storage today, and we don't sell any of it! If you really want to buy it, you can go to other stores to have a look! "

This is an ordinary grocery store located in the Great Chu Kingdom. It mainly sells dry goods and grains from the north and the south. Recently, they received good news about the soaring food prices in South Korea. Today they are planning to close their doors and sell all the good things in South Korea.But this guy holding a strange slender samurai sword in front of him is blocking the door of the store. This kid doesn't buy anything and has no other requirements, so he wants to find their manager here. Isn't this a joke?
"Where did you come from, are you looking for something on purpose? Do you know who is the master behind our property? That is the famous General Xiang. If you don't want to make trouble, get out of the way!"

This general surnamed Xiang is now the top general of the Chu State fighting against Qin, so no one would dare to mess with the property under their name, not to mention the Chu State, and even people from other countries would shy away after hearing this name.

"I'll say it again, I want to see your steward. My name is Atomic Warrior. Hurry up and report to me! I'll wait for you to have a cup of tea at most, or I'll demolish your small shop!"

Originally, Atomic Samurai didn't believe that Zhongliang from Chu State could have anything to do with Luo Wang, but if Jing Ke hadn't lied, this humble grocery store in front of him was still a branch of Chu State Luo Wang half a month ago.

Even if these guys change their families, there is still one person in charge!In other words, as long as you find the owner of this store, you can follow the clues to find the person in charge of the highest level of the network, right?
"Who dares to make noise outside my house, let me take a look!"

Just when there was a commotion outside, a boy who looked only in his teens came out holding a red-tasseled gun. Although the boy didn't look very old, there was a heroic spirit between his brows that is rare for ordinary people .

"Master Yu, how did you come here? You don't need to bother the young master with such a trivial matter, we just let the servants get rid of it!"

Obviously, this heroic young man is a very important figure in this family, and his status may even be higher than that of the shopkeeper!
Moreover, this young man named Xiang Yu seemed to be the type who likes to meddle in other people's business. Even though the servants around him tried to dissuade him, this guy still stood majestically in front of the Atomic Warrior.

"You look like a samurai too, but you don't know what's good or bad? You don't even look at where this place is. Is it when an unknown person like you comes to act wild?"

After this little Xiang Yu said this, since he showed the red-tasseled gun in his hand, he put on the appearance of a contest between the medicine and the atomic warrior.

"I don't have much to say to you, little doll. It seems that you are not bad, you must be born with supernatural power! Since you are the young master of this family, let me ask you, what is the relationship between your shop and Luo Wang? If It would be great if you can explain clearly, if you don't know anything, I'd better find you, the head of the family!"

Although I don't have any hope, since the adults of this family have not appeared so far, let's ask this handsome young man.

"What? You bastard, how do you know how to snare the net! These guys ran to our side and used my granary as a gathering point while my patriarch was away. Fortunately, my uncle found out and wiped them out. Is there no one in the Xiang family? You are also a trapper, right? I think you look a bit like this, so don’t worry about it, let you have a taste of my Xiang family’s marksmanship first!"

Just now Xiang Yu was also a fluffy young man. When he saw the Atomic Warrior holding an incomprehensible knife in his hand, he actually regarded the other party as an enemy who came to find something. He took the weapon in his hand and pointed at the other party without asking clearly He rushed over, this kid didn't even look at who he was facing!

"Hehe, you young man has a lot of drive! Yes, yes, it seems that there are really many talents in this land! It's a pity that you haven't grown your hair yet, and you haven't reached the stage of our Heavenly Court selection Standard, but it can be considered in the future!"

Since the world is now in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there will eventually be one or two families who are good at Kung Fu in all the vassal states, which is also created by the historical environment.

Zhao Guo came out with a Lianpo, Yan Guo found Jing Ke, and Qin Guo had Bai Qi and King Qin Yingzheng, all of whom were reserve members who had conditions to enter the Heavenly Court.Unexpectedly, this well-known Chu country also produced a talent like a bully, that is, the boy named Xiang Yu in front of him.

Seeing this majestic little Xiang Yu, our atomic warrior's love for talents was born again, so he won't hurt this rising star.Although the red-tasseled gun in the opponent's hand seemed a bit aggressive, the Atomic Warrior just fiddled with the weapon in the opponent's hand lightly with his scabbard, and the gun in the hand of the brat named Xiang Yu flew out unconsciously, and then The body couldn't help but rolled to the left for more than a dozen laps before stopping.

Seeing that his young master suffered such a big loss, how dare the servants next to him be negligent, and come up one by one to save him!
"Master Yu, don't worry!"

Fortunately, our Atomic Warrior is only here today to inquire about news, and seeing that the kid named Xiang Yu has potential, he doesn't want to embarrass him immediately, otherwise how could these guys in front of him be able to stop a great god?

"Boy, you have great strength. If it were an ordinary person, it would be impossible to take over the trick I just made, but young people are brave and foolish. You have to go through it before doing something next time." Brain!"

Now that he has a heart of love for talents, our atomic warrior will definitely not embarrass this young man named Xiang Yu.And what he is doing now seems to be scolding others on the surface, but it is actually a reminder to this little Xiang Yu.

Bravery is of course very important in this world, but those who can truly win the world must be brave and resourceful.Leaving aside, let’s just talk about that King Qin Yingzheng. This kid’s force will definitely not be inferior to Xiang Yu’s, but he can’t charge into battle like Bai Qi. Instead, he hides behind Chen’s army and strategizes. This is a master The master of.

Another example is that Zhang Liang in South Korea is also such a type of talent. As long as there are tanks like Lian Po in front to block the enemy's attack, these guys hiding behind can give full play to their combat and attack power. Kill the enemy as much as possible, but if you let this little Xiang Yu understand these principles, it seems a bit difficult. In short, what this kid will develop in the future is his own fortune!

(End of this chapter)

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