Chapter 716

"Hehe, although we don't know whether you are sincere or fake, we still accept you. But you'd better stay on the sidelines honestly. We will ask Miss Jing Ke to keep an eye on you. If you find something wrong with you We don’t want to say hello to you!”

Qin Wang Yingzheng squinted his eyes and looked at Sima Yi in front of him. According to the information they got before, this guy should be similar to a military advisor.If other people surrendered, they might not need to take such precautions, but this Sima Yi had to take precautions. What if this guy came up with some tricks?
That is to say, Sima Yi's current surrender is likely to be discussed with Cao Cao, because when the two armies officially confront each other, the scene will definitely be quite chaotic. If Sima Yi takes the opportunity to make trouble at this time, it is really a hidden secret. sword!
"Your Majesty Mingcha, the villain's life was saved by Miss Jing Ke. How could I avenge my kindness? Besides, you should have seen what happened to me just now, right? That guy named Cao Chao didn't take us down at all. People's lives are taken seriously, I was almost wiped out by him! I know you will definitely not believe me, you are probably playing tricks because of me, I can only say that the clearer will clear up, next please let Let me demonstrate it to you in action!"

Who is Sima Yi?This guy's IQ will definitely not be weaker than Zhang Liang's. Although the other party didn't say it clearly, the meaning has already been made clear, so it's good to chat with smart people. Everyone knows it, so they won't be too tired.

"Hehe, if you really sincerely trust us, we will give you an explanation after today's matter is over. Of course, what we said just now is just a courtesy before a soldier. You have already shown your If you perform well, there will be unexpected rewards!"

Qin Wang Yingzheng's art of controlling people is definitely superior to that of atomic warriors. Basically, he hits a stick and gives you a carrot to keep your appetite forever. After all, this guy is also the king of the world. Similar psychological tactics can be used Incisively and vividly!
He didn't know if he was really angry, or if he was cooperating with Sima Yi in acting. When Sima Yi knelt in front of Qin Wang Yingzheng, Cao Cao's voice was like a male duck.

"Sima Yi, you rebellious boy, I have already seen that you are born rebellious. I didn't expect you to fight back at this critical moment. When I catch you back, you will definitely make your life worse than death. Let me let you know What will happen to Cao Cao who betrayed me?"

Regardless of other aspects, from Cao Cao's attitude, it seems that this guy is really angry, but everyone is on the scene, and everyone knows that some things are true or false.

"Old man on the other side, don't think too highly of yourself, you will all surrender to us later! Hurry up and call out that kid named Lu Bu, he ran away after half a fight with me last time, it's too useless Interesting!"

Before our boss Yingzheng could refute Cao Cao, the young man named Xiang Yu couldn't help but go back to the past.Among the guys on the opposite side, except for Lu Bu, Xiang Yu looked down on anyone.The two didn't decide the winner last time, so Xiang Yu wanted to take this opportunity to completely defeat Lu Bu, but he didn't know if the other party would give him a chance!
"You brat, do you really think that I, Lu Fengxian, are afraid of him?"

According to Lu Bu's personality, everyone has already called for battle in the front, if he doesn't show up again, it seems too cowardly, the problem is that now Lu Bu is not alone, he still has to worry about Diao Chan's safety.

"General, don't! We've all seen what happened to that Sima Yi. That Cao Cao doesn't care about our lives at all, and if the general goes out without authorization, he will put all the responsibility on you. Why should we do that? The villain is risking his life!"

Don't look at Diao Chan as just a woman, but she is a mage anyway, and her insight ability is definitely not comparable to that of Lu Bu, and what Diao Chan said this time is very correct. Even Cao Cao didn't issue an order. Why do subordinates have to be so active?

"Madam's words are very true. Let's wait and see. This Cao Mengde seems to be a ruthless person. Let's protect ourselves first!"

In fact, it wasn't that Cao Cao didn't want to give orders, but that this guy took it for granted that a reckless man like Lu Bu would jump out first. After all, this guy has always been such a piss, looking very brave, but in fact he is just an inch!
"Prime Minister, Lu Fengxian doesn't seem to be responding at all, so let me Dian Wei go! This time I was able to come back to life thanks to the Prime Minister's care, so let me take down that kid named Xiang Yu!"

As Cao Cao's direct army, besides Xiahoudun, Dian Wei is also an indispensable figure. This guy Zhijie had already fallen when he was dealing with Tianting, but he was later resurrected by Ming Shiyin through some method, so this berserk warrior was You can work for Cao Cao!
"Dianwei, give me peace of mind. Now is not the time for you to go out. We are all our own people, so let these outsiders come in first. I believe that none of you can be as soft as Sima Yi, so you and I Save it for last!"

This Cao Cao has a beautiful idea. He wants to keep his direct line troops until the end. If there is any dangerous work, let the side line go. Help the guy with no effort!

"Dian Wei complied, but it seems a pity to do so. That kid named Xiang Yu is definitely a good opponent. I really want to chop him in half with this ax in my hand!"

This Dian Wei is also a militant, his combat style is even more powerful than Lu Bu, and he basically belongs to the type of endless death!
It's a pity that Cao Cao's resurrection is quite troublesome, and there will be a lot of pain. If it is the immortal golden body system of the heavens, then this guy can be regarded as a fish in water in the true sense!

"Xiahoudun, Cai Wenji, you two also give me peace of mind. I'm already calling for backup. Although our side has always been short of sharpshooters, I think we still need a powerful mage in our lineage!"

Although there are many mages belonging to Cao Cao: Diao Chan, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and Cai Wenji.But except for Cai Wenji, the others belong to the collateral lineage, and they are basically the type who are in Cao Ying and their hearts are in Han, so when the scene was at a stalemate, this Cao Mengde started his own summoning again, as if to He took out the trump card that he had kept for a long time.

"Master Meng De, what do you mean, do you mean to call Sister Zhen Ji over together? I haven't seen her for a long, long time!"

In fact, there is still an extremely powerful mage in Cao Cao's camp, but that girl is a woman with a very rough fate, but I have to admit that she is a super beautiful woman with strong spells. The legendary Luoshen refers to her.

That's right, Cao Chao's secret weapon is that beautiful mage named Zhen Ji. This woman looks very weak, but she has almost perfect attainments in water element and ice spells. If you accidentally provoke this woman, advise You'd better hide away, or it will be too late when she gets angry!

(End of this chapter)

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