Chapter 720 Super Melee

"Your name is Dian Wei, right? I think you are also a good general, and you are a suitable opponent for Bai Qi. But don't think that I am the kind of soft-legged shrimp opponent you met before. I am Bai Qi It's not that easy to deal with!"

Just like Dian Wei recognized Bai Qi, Bai Qi also regarded Dian Wei as an opponent he must defeat. This is probably the sympathy between generals and generals, and they fully recognized each other while fighting!

"Hahaha, good job! Although I don't have a chance to compete with that Xiang Yu boy, I can have a good time with you, don't let me be too disappointed!"

"Hehe, Dian Wei, don't talk too much, you don't want me to kill you like a crispy skin, it will lose a lot of fun!"

These two guys haven't met each other yet, but they have already started threatening each other, but after seeing Bai Qi's unhesitating aura, Dian Wei's eyes suddenly turned red.

This meant that he was ready to charge into battle. Not only could his movement speed be increased by 60%, but his next normal attack would become a slash, causing an additional 550 points to nearby enemies, plus a 100% physical bonus damage.

This can be regarded as a tactic of disapproval by all relatives. If there are any ordinary soldiers around, they may be directly split in half by the knife qi wielded by this guy.

"Hahaha, it's great to come! Look at the echo of my blood!"

This is also one of Bai Qi's tricks, basically a range attack, which can cause 400 points plus 40% physical bonus damage to the enemy.

On the surface, the power of this move seems not to be as powerful as Dian Wei, but on the basis of this physical damage, Bai Qi's move can also increase his additional attack by 3% of his maximum health, and he can also recover 2% of his own HP. Loss of life.

So on the surface, Bai Qi's move seems to be inferior to the opponent in terms of attack power, but the effect it can bring is very good, and it also makes this guy's battery life much higher than Dian Wei's.

"Hahaha, you are indeed a difficult opponent. I, Dian Wei, have really found a good opponent. Come on, come on, show all your skills, I am so happy today!"

Dian Wei is really a martial idiot, he will absorb HP from his own body when he encounters such a matchless enemy, this guy is not only not afraid, but excited.Perhaps for such a martial idiot, killing this powerful opponent in front of him should be a great enjoyment...

And just when Bai Qi and Dian Wei fought against each other here, Sun Ce, who was not far from them, also found his opponent, which was another tank Lian Po from the opponent's Heavenly Court.

Sun Ce's big move is called Long Sail and Break the Waves.The charging time of his assault boat can last for seven seconds, and when it hits ordinary soldiers, it will have the effect of knocking them into the air. Flying effect.

Originally, if Lian Po encountered this trick, he would definitely be caught off guard and fall into a coma.But he never expected that at the moment when the two collided, this scheming Lian Po displayed his life-saving trick—passion burst.

Lian Po's move can provide himself with a shield from 700 points of damage, and at the same time cause 800 points plus 155% physical bonus damage to enemies in the range, and reduce their movement speed by 30%.

Since this move was launched in a timely manner, it was easy to offset the impact of the two of them, and the knock-up effect of Sun Ce's big move was not successful, and the Lian Po on the opposite side was as stable as Mount Tai!
"Hahaha, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, I never thought that this old man would meet a young hero like you today. Come on, come on, let's use any more weird tricks you have!"

Although this Lian Po looks like a very young man from the outside, but this guy is already a veteran after all, so even if he fights with a young body, he still likes to rely on the old to sell the old.

"Hehe, to be honest, I really want to compete more with a master like you, but I prefer quick battles, so I'll let you see my turbulent waves!"

Seeing that his big move was broken by others, Sun Ce was naturally unconvinced, so he immediately changed to another tactic: it was a combat technique that used the big ax in Sun Ce's hand to step forward three times in a row.Each of these three attacks can gradually increase the damage value by 25%. The base damage of this attack is almost 320 points plus a 60% physical bonus. It can also slow down the enemy by 30%. It is a very practical move. .

But Lian Po's running speed is about the same whether he slows down or not. At most, he is not much faster than a turtle, so this old man prefers to use advanced explosive skills to replace his own movement!
"Hahaha, look at the heroic rush of the old man! I forgot to tell you before, even if you don't use this slowing spell, my speed will not be able to catch up with you, but don't underestimate the strength of the old man!"

In fact, this is a skill that infuses the strength of the whole body into the feet and then exerts force, making Lian Po charge in the designated direction, causing 350 points of damage plus 80% of the physical bonus to the enemy, and at the same time hitting him. Fly and get dazed for a second.

Don't underestimate this short second, for a real master, this little time is enough to catch the opponent's flaws!

Of course, Sun Ce is not fighting alone.Just when Lian Po seemed to have seized a good opportunity to attack, a white magic formation suddenly appeared under the feet of Sun Ce opposite him, and just as Lian Po's fist was about to hit the bridge of the opponent's nose Suddenly, the opponent in front of him disappeared, and then appeared beside a woman about 150 steps away.

The beautiful woman who rescued Sun Ce was naturally the sorcerer named Da Qiao, and the trick used by this beautiful magician to rescue Sun Ce was called "Sea of ​​Destiny".

This trick can not only pull the injured companion back to his side, but also restore his full health and increase his movement speed by 100% at the same time. It is definitely a god-defying skill!
It's just that this sea of ​​fate is not Shunfa, and it will take a while to recover when it is used next time, but at least it allows Sun Ce to avoid the embarrassing scene of being continuously attacked by Lian Po.

"Madam, thank you so much Madam! It's just that the fist of the old man just now wasn't very hard, I can definitely continue to fight with him!"

This Sun Ce seems to have a feeling that he has never fought before, but he has not been in contact with Lian Po for a long time, and neither of them has caused any huge damage to him, so it seems too careful to move him back at this time Bar?
"Husband, have you forgotten what you promised me before? We are only helping Cao Mengde to stop the enemy for a while. Do you really want to fight him desperately? Why do you always give him thousands of orders every time you go to the battlefield?" You forgot everything, how could you do this?"

Ok!Now it's on the battlefield, why is this big Joe acting coquettish again?But when Sun Ce saw that his wife seemed a little angry, he immediately ran over to coax her.

"Ma'am is right. I, every time I fight with others, my brain gets hot! Why should we work hard for Cao Mengde? It's good to be able to fight like this. Ma'am, let's leave quickly!"

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

Just when Da Qiao and Sun Ce were about to withdraw from the battlefield, a golden wall of light blocked their way. This must be Zhang Liang's move!

(End of this chapter)

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