Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 760 Visiting Master Lu Ban Again

Chapter 760 Visiting Master Lu Ban Again
"Where is little Luban? Has anyone seen that little guy?"

After talking with God Zheyan, and receiving the oracle from above, Xiao Chen certainly didn't dare to neglect at this moment.This is not because this guy likes to follow suit, but because that Ming Shiyin has started to make big moves again. Judging from the current situation, this guy seems to have contacted a more powerful Demon Lord. Only God knows what they have secretly act.

But if he is really allowed to succeed, it will definitely not be a good thing.Xiao Chen would not just watch that Ming Shiyin continue to turn this little world upside down.Because if this happens, the retirement life planned by our lord of heaven will be indefinitely, and there will be a bridge between Dongfang Huaizhu and his son in the future, you may not be indefinitely Back off?

"My lord, why are you looking for that little robot? This guy is wandering here and there every day. This meeting should be with Daoist Taiyi, right? Why don't we let Nezha go and have a look!"

The person who answered Xiao Chen was Erlang God Yang Jian. This guy had seen that little Lu Ban jumping around before. After this guy came to Heaven, he seemed to have become even more idle, but his inventive head seemed to be interested in this little guy. Lu Ban was so interested that he almost dismantled the little puppet master into parts.

"Then please, Third Prince Nezha, if you see that little Luban, let him come to see me as soon as possible. I need to visit his Master Luban. It's time for us to recruit new people in Heaven!"

In fact, the Heavenly Court system has already located the location where Ming Shiyin and the others are hiding, but the mechanism that Mozi made is so subtle that no one in the entire Heavenly Court can crack it now.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell needs to be untied. If you want to destroy Mozi’s laser, you can only find a mechanism master with similar power as him. Therefore, our Master Xiao can only choose one person after deliberation. That is the legendary master Luban. Didn't little Luban say that his producer has the highest IQ in the universe?
And after the last trial, that Master Lu Ban very much hoped to go to heaven to make some more advanced gadgets. I believe that if little Lu Ban is allowed to lead the way this time, his producer will definitely agree.

"Master, I brought little Luban here! This kid was discussing missile tracking with his family just now. He said that he wanted to turn his long-range missile into a skill that can track the opponent. It's a pity that the family teacher hasn't researched it yet!"

Well, it may be because everyone is too busy during this time, so the real Taiyi actually started to study the body structure of Luban No. [-], but no matter how much this guy studies, he is not as thorough as Master Luban. There are first-hand data here!
And when I heard that the master of the heaven was going to visit Master Lu Ban, the real Taiyi Daoist followed him. He said that following all the way to protect the adults, but Nezha, who was worried about his master's safety, naturally also go together.

"Okay! Then you guys come with me. I believe that the challenge we will find for Master Lu Ban next will be very happy!"

This is the way these people who engage in secret tricks are like. You are not interested in giving him money or beautiful women, but if you challenge him with a super difficult trick, the other party will definitely accept it.

Sure enough, after seeing the mechanism texture provided by Xiao Chen, this Master Lu Ban just picked up the little Lu Ban who had reunited after a long absence, and then immediately put it aside. This guy is indeed an expert in mechanisms.

"Well, can this task really be entrusted to me? I have been looking for this mechanism for a long time. I thought that Mozi had already ascended to heaven, but I really didn't expect his mechanism technique to appear again. It seems What I expected before was not bad at all. This old man didn't burp at all. He made himself into a machine man and got eternal life. Don't say that this method is really good. If I can't become a fairy, I will be old and old I also use this trick when I'm in trouble!"

As the saying goes, heroes see the same thing, although Master Luban is a descendant of Mozi, his achievements are no lower than that old guy.And now with the help of Heavenly Court, Master Lu Ban does not need to transform his body into a piece of steel mechanism, and can still use the current image for further research.

"Master Luban, so you have agreed to join our Heavenly Court? Then I will tell you to give you a special laboratory right away. Just tell me what equipment you need!"

Now that Master Lu Ban has agreed to join his team, he can be exempted from the tribulation and the etiquette welcome.The most important thing now is to destroy the mechanism set up by Mozi as soon as possible, so that they can go to the void to find that hateful Ming Shiyin, and it must be before his unknown plan succeeds, otherwise the later There will definitely be big trouble.

"I'm already a celestial being, right? I can already feel the violent energy of my body and the endless vitality. But the laboratory is not necessary, I still like my own three-acre land If you don't mind, sir, you can wait for a while. The equipment on my side is enough to crack this Mozi's mechanism. But the password set by this old guy is a bit complicated, and I need a little time to crack it. Do you know if you can get used to it?"

This Master Lu Ban really forgot to sleep and eat. After getting the blueprint of Mozi's mechanism, this guy immediately put on his glasses and started to study, while the little Lu Ban started to pass the wrench and other tools to his boss as tacitly as before.

It turns out that Master Luban invented Little Luban. His original intention at the beginning was not to make it a super soldier, but to give himself an extra helper.But now the facts have proved that this little Luban is excellent in all aspects except for some nonsense, explaining an excellent shooter who can do his duty, this is what Heavenly Court needs.
"Master Luban, please feel free to ask for any help you need. My subordinates and I are all gods. It doesn't matter even if we don't eat or drink water for several years. We will help you protect the Dharma. I just ask you to hurry up and take this Things have been cracked, and we are really in a hurry now."

To be honest, Xiao Chen probably never dreamed that the legendary master Mozi would be with Ming Shiyin, I really don't know how they met!
(End of this chapter)

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