Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 768 Who sent you here

Chapter 768 Who sent you here
"Since you have all been ordered, then act quickly, pay attention to ask me to care about the latest situation at any time, do you understand?"

Looking at the expressions of these guys in front of him, Ming Shiyin clearly knew that the other party was not convinced in his heart, but he couldn't do without bowing his head at this time!

"Please rest assured, my lord, I will obey!"

Even if there are 1 people who don't want to, these guys are completely unable to refuse Ming Shiyin's order. The three guys have no choice but to complete this reconnaissance mission as soon as possible.

"What's this guy capable of? If he hadn't relied on that Demon Venerable to back him up, if he had known that I should have broken his neck from the start, he wouldn't have released that Demon Venerable!"

For the current situation, Marlowe regrets the most.If he didn't talk so much flamboyant nonsense at the beginning and started fighting directly, this Ming Shiyin probably wouldn't have had the chance to take out the red crystal with the aura of Miaoluo Mozun, and the other two guys actually had it too. chance.

"Brother Maros, don't blame yourself. In fact, he is also at fault. If I used my charm skill to control Ming Shiyin from the beginning, he would have no chance!"

All right!This succubus Vera seems to be brooding over the previous incident.It may be because in the past thousand years, no one has been able to really control this legendary system, so these guys are used to being undisciplined, and now it is simply uncomfortable to be trampled by Ming Shiyin!
"Okay, are you two finished? This is the end, let's find a way to complete the task well. I have studied the target person, and he is a genuine master. In the small world of the mountain, maybe we can find the traces of the god if we wait there. But one thing to note is that Tushan is the territory of the heavenly court. If they are discovered by their heavenly beings, our mission is very may fail."

It seems that the pandaren named Zuka is the fastest to enter the role, but this little panda seems to be too naive. They think they can sneak into other people's heaven without being noticed?Not to mention that place called Tushan?

of course!These legendary fighters are all new arrivals, so of course it is impossible to know where Tushan is?When their aura just appeared at the foot of Tushan, they were already firmly locked by several pairs of eyes.

"Reporting to the master, there are three strange celestial-level guys at the foot of Tushan. There is no information about these three guys in our database, so we can't confirm where they come from. We can only guess that these guys are probably They came from other small thousand worlds."

You know, someone dared to sneak around Tushan under Xiao Chen's nose, this is simply trying to break ground on Tai Sui's head!

"First pay close attention to what these guys want to do? If there is any illegal action, just arrest them all. If these guys dare to resist, you know what to do!"

All right!These three legendary warriors would never have imagined in their dreams that they were originally here to perform surveillance tasks, and this matter has already been controlled by their ancestors at this moment.

"Brothers, did you notice that there seemed to be a few pairs of eyes staring at us from behind just now, do you have this feeling?"

It was the same pandaren Zuka, this guy didn't know why he was so vigilant, there was obviously no other movement around him, this pandaren knew to look around, and he knew at a glance that he was doing something bad now.

"Look at you, learn to look at your chubby guy? Even if someone looks this way, they are admiring your sister and me, a peerless beauty!"

Seeing this suspicious little panda, Succubus Vera expressed her disdain.But they are still here to do surveillance missions, so they must not expose themselves too much, otherwise the succubus could not help but run out to say hello to some handsome monsters just passing by.

Since Tushan has long been the center of this small world, there are many monsters and humans coming and going, and there are many handsome men and women among them. This seems to be somewhat different from Ming Shiyin's information.

"My God, there are so many strange people here, if we want to find the God named Bai Qian among so many people, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Looking at the bustling crowd in front of him, Maros instantly felt that his head was so big.Even in this hidden location behind the mountain, passers-by pass by from time to time, and there are even young couples who come here and so on.

"That's right, that's right, didn't our cheap master Ming Shiyin say that this place is very quiet? How could there be so many people? Could it be that the Lord Bai Qian and the Lord Yehua are gods who like to be lively? With so many people coming and going, what if we recognize the wrong person?"

Although the succubus has a very keen intuition, Vera doesn't think her eyes have any advantages in the face of such a large crowd?
"Damn it! Why don't we ask where that Bai Qian is? Shall we just make up a reason to perfuse that guy?"

The pandaren Zuka was in trouble now, but when this guy was thinking hard with his cheeks on his hands, a warning sign suddenly rose in his heart, and there seemed to be a very powerful energy behind him, the kind without warning!


In addition to this panda man, his other two companions also noticed the strangeness behind him, but at the same time, these three guys found that their bodies could not move suddenly, as if they were immobilized by a powerful force .

"I heard that the three of you are looking for me? I seem to have heard this panda cub silently reciting Bai Qian's name just now. Didn't I know you before?"

All right!What does it mean to say Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived?Just when these three thoughtless legendary warriors were looking for traces of God Bai Qian, the righteous master was the first to discover them. What do you think is a coincidence?

"You, you are, I, ah!"

After hearing the news, Malos desperately turned his head to look behind him, but he seemed to have a cramp accidentally.

It seemed to be a goddess in white clothes floating in the air, solemn and beautiful, with curious eyes, but a defensive gesture on her hands.And the powerful coercion displayed by this woman made Maros feel as if he saw a fiery sun.

(End of this chapter)

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