Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 770 The decision of the Dongfang Huaizhu sisters

Chapter 770 The decision of the Dongfang Huaizhu sisters

"What? Did you say that this news was delivered by God Bai Qian? Unexpectedly, Ming Shiyin is quite courageous. I thought he was hiding somewhere, but I didn't expect him to take the initiative to attack. I still have this spare time to manage Bai Qian. Regarding the matter of Qianshangshen and Yehuashangshen, is this guy's brain completely rusted?"

When our lord of heaven heard the news about Ming Shiyin, he almost couldn't believe his ears, but he is Bai Qian Shangshen!As Tu Shan's ancestor, how could he be joking with you?

If it weren't for our High God Bai Qian and High God Ye Hua, they would have long wanted to become Xianyun Yehe, I am afraid that this news would not have spread here.The reason why Ming Shiyin has the current idea is mainly because this guy seems to have obtained an ancient space called the Legendary System. According to the analysis of the Heavenly Court System, this space was able to compete with the Heavenly Court System many years ago.

"Okay! Brother-in-law, it looks like we finally have something to do. Although this Ming Shiyin has got a group of new younger brothers, he has finally become bolder. This kind of pen is easy to deal with the guy who was hiding in hiding before. "

This is Dongfang Qinlan's point of view. Although there was an agreement with her sister before, it is obvious that this eldest lady is a woman who does not follow the routine. These days, she has been swaying in front of Dongfang Yuechu and Tu Shanhonghong. Coming and going, it is obvious that they want to stage a plot where mother and child recognize each other!
It's just that I don't know what happened, Tu Shanhonghong actually thought that this beautiful woman who suddenly appeared in front of Dongfang Yuechu (did some clumsy make-up, evading some requirements of the heavens) was her competitor, and then almost returned Big fight.

Could this be the legendary battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?Originally, if Dongfang Qinlan endured it, maybe everything would be better now.But as the eldest lady of the Dongfang family, her temper is not much better than that of Tushan Fox Demon. Although Dongfang Chuchu felt a little bit, but after the two women had a big fight, this silly child still chose to help his wife and succeeded. Drive this old lady back to heaven.

So at this moment, Dongfang Qinlan is full of anger and has no place to vent, and at this moment, Ming Shiyin just stepped forward, what else can I say?This is a punching bag delivered to your door. What do you think of our second lady from the Dongfang family?

"I agree with Qin Lan on this point. Hurry up and find out all the opponents in the legendary system, otherwise we won't even be able to drink our son's wedding wine!"

It seems that Dongfang Huaizhu is also eager!Recently, Wang Quanfugui and that little spider have become more and more in love. Although the two have not officially married yet, they have already pledged eachother!

As a mother, if Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't attend her son's wedding in person, it would definitely be a lifelong regret!Of course, if Ming Shiyin got married if there was no result, Dongfang Huaizhu would not hesitate to destroy those hateful vows before. Why can't a woman be more self-willed?
"Did you hear that? Smelly brother-in-law, hurry up and send me some troops. I want to kill into that transmission system. I want to knock down all those guys. I'll pluck off all the beards of that damned Ming Shiyin. I want to let this guy know that he offended him." What will happen to our Eastern family sisters?"

It seems that our Eastern Qinlan has passed all the contradictions to Ming Shiyin, but in terms of overall quality, the current Heavenly Court is different from before, and has already dumped the guys in the legendary system. street.

In principle, as long as the opponent's main base and system entry method can be found, Heavenly Court can firmly lock the opponent, making those guys invisible.

"Please allow me to plan! I don't want that Ming Shiyin to slip away in the end this time, otherwise this matter will really be endless. And we have a lot of arrangements in the future. First of all, I want to go with Huaizhu Drink the wedding wine of royal power and wealth, maybe you will also drink Dongfang Yueyue and Tushan Honghong. Did you two mothers find an excuse to recognize your sons? In case these two boys ask you If you haven't come to recognize each other for so long, how are you going to answer?"

In fact, Xiao Chen at this moment is happier than the two sisters from the Dongfang family in front of him. Not only will this guy have two wedding drinks to drink next, but the three Tu Shan sisters, among them, Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong may soon She will also become his partner, but it's really hard to tell the seniority between Tu Shanhonghong and Tu Shanhonghong.

But generally speaking, there should be more happy things than unhappy things in the future, so this Ming Shiyin is a treasure in the eyes of everyone, and it is so timely to appear at this moment.

"Hehe, brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about it. My sister and I have already discussed it. When the time comes, we will say that some old stubborn insisted that the rules of heaven do not allow us to recognize each other. Anyway, this is how it is played in TV dramas. You just Continue to be a good person to the end!"

Well, Dongfang Qinlan, you sold your brother-in-law so easily, this is really unkind!
"Huaizhu, look at what kind of bad idea your sister came up with. I think we should sit down and have a good talk about this matter. We must find a perfect excuse! Otherwise, no matter whether it is the two children Dongfang Yuechu or Wang Quanfugui If you can’t figure it out next time, you will definitely blame us, the elders.”

Xiao Chen could only smile wryly about Dongfang Qinlan, the shameless little girl and eldest lady's temper, and he still had to discuss with Dongfang Huaizhu when talking about business. As the first lady of the Heavenly Court, Dongfang Huaizhu's performance was always quite admirable Yes, sometimes someone feels that his wife is more capable of managing the family than himself.

But today's Dongfang Huaizhu seems to be different from the plot, or maybe it was stimulated by the incident of Ming Shiyin.

"I think what my sister said is not false at all. This is the best and safest way. You guys, don't tell me when the time comes. We can't let the children see jokes!"

OK!What kind of situation is this?Has our Dongfang Huaizhu discussed it with his sister?Or is it that the first lady of the Heavenly Court originally came up with this idea?
"Huaizhu, you, aren't you kidding me? I'm seriously discussing with you now!"

"Who's joking with you? You remember it for me, and you must not reveal it to me. The happiness of the children depends on your performance as an old man!"

(End of this chapter)

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