Chapter 147

"Ale, how dare you!" The fat man panicked when he saw this, but Ale would not listen to him, so he fired two shots, both of which hit his abdomen, then Ale turned around and ran away after firing. He had a gun in his hand and no one dared to chase him, and the boss who was shot was not dead yet.

"Damn it!" The fat boss slammed his fist heavily on the ground, and Jiang Chen also moved his foot down.

"Follow me, I will catch him regardless of life or death!" He never imagined that it was his younger brother who slept with his woman, and even shot him. Fortunately, he was fat enough and those two shots were not enough to kill him , otherwise he may have gone to bliss.

Several younger brothers helped the boss up, but did not move Jiang Chen.

"Little brother, I'm sorry! I was impulsive, and I apologize to you!" The fat man also made up his mind. Although he was stepped on by Jiang Chen, he acted as if nothing happened. He was also a little jealous of Jiang Chen. The fact that Chen is so young, whether it is financial resources or skills, implies that Jiang Chen is not an ordinary person. After being the boss for so many years, he still has some insight.

"Okay, okay! Now that the matter is clear, I'm not such an unreasonable person. I slapped you in the face in front of your brother, and we're even!" Jiang Chen is unfamiliar with the place now, and he also Knowing that the other party should not trouble me, "This is the first time I come to this place, I want to go back to Baishan now, but I don't have an ID card, I know it shouldn't be a problem to get me an identity with your influence, this is my I need your help! I don't think you won't help me!"

"That's that! Brother, I will help you naturally, but I can't get that thing off for a while, why don't you come and sit at my house! It's not too late to go, little brother!" Although the fat man He was wounded by a gunshot but it didn't matter much. Now he has only one purpose, which is to try to restore Jiang Chen.

"Okay, since big brother sincerely invited me, I have no reason to refuse!" Jiang Chen really needs a place to stay now, and he can't get on the plane without an ID card. Yangshi is far from Baishan. One or two hundred kilometers, that is thousands of kilometers, and now all passenger transportation requires real-name authentication, without an ID card, it is really difficult to move an inch.

"it is good!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen agreed to come down, the fat man ordered a few younger brothers to go to the residence, while he went to the hospital to treat his gunshot wound.

Jiang Chen was assigned to a big villa. Although it was not as luxurious as Mo’s house, it was still a first-class existence. Not only was it large in size, it was well equipped with all kinds of facilities, and there were bodyguards everywhere, which were heavily guarded. Someone even came to see Jiang Chen’s leg injury. Bandage him, but Jiang Chen refused!After such a long time, although the original power has not been fully recovered, there is no problem in using his ability now. He needs to heal this leg injury by himself. With the power of time, he can make this leg fully recover.

After Jiang Chen arrived, he took a shower and changed his clothes.

Zhi Zhi ordered another big meal and started his recovery work after filling his stomach. After two hours of washing, Jiang Chen's legs were back to normal, but these two hours were too long.

"If this strength can be steadily increased, the recovery time will be greatly shortened! Then as long as I don't die, I can recover myself in a short time! Then my combat power will increase several times!" Thinking of this Jiang Chen is also full of pride, this This ability is almost equivalent to being immortal. As long as there is breath, it can become intact. It is harder than the life of a cockroach. When fighting, Jiang Chen can use the style of playing with his life, but others can't. In terms of momentum, Jiang Chen can deter the enemy even if he is ruthless. As the saying goes, villains are afraid of being ruthless, and those who are ruthless are afraid of death. If Jiang Chen recovers quickly enough, he can fight with his life.

"Little brother, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen had just finished adjusting his breath when the fat man's voice came in, and he entered Jiang Chen's room without knocking, "Little brother, I have entrusted someone to take care of your business." Yes, it can be done for you in at most two days!"

The fat man sat down in front of Jiang Chen, and continued, "I don't know what to call my little brother, but my name is Zhao Dehan! I'm quite well-known in Yang City, and outsiders give me the nickname Fatty Zhao, you may have heard of it!"

"Hehe, so it's Brother Zhao! Brother Zhao's reputation has already been heard like a thunder, and Jiang Chen, the younger brother, works in Tianxing Group!" Jiang Chen bowed his hands politely, and after some polite words, Zhao Dehan's face was also full of glory.

"It turns out he is a big shot in the Tianxing Group!" Zhao Dehan felt very lucky when he heard that Jiang Chen was a member of the Tianxing Group. The Tianxing Group's global top [-] companies are also well-known in Yang City, and they almost eat black and white, with huge influence , even Zhao Dehan did not dare to provoke him easily.

"We really don't know each other! I was deceived by my younger brother before, and now I apologize to you again! I hope you don't mind!" Zhao Dehan apologized again, although Jiang Chen tried his best to push back, but Zhao Dehanning did not Since, if he insisted on apologizing again, Jiang Chen had no choice but to let him go.

"Brother Zhao! If you are like this, do you need my help? Although I am a member of the Tianxing Group, I only work in Baishan. I am afraid I can't control the people in Yang City, and I don't know them either. Otherwise, I wouldn't have dragged my brother to do those things for me!" Jiang Chen could see Zhao Dehan's thoughts at a glance, and he saluted like this after he learned that he was a member of the Tianxing Group. Either it is related to the Tianxing Group, or it needs the help of the Tianxing Group. Zhao Dehan also knows that a person who can move millions of funds at will is not a small figure even in the Tianxing Group, so he has always insisted on saluting Jiang Chen Apologize.

"Brother Jiang Chen is really a straightforward person. I do have a problem here! Although you are from the Baishan Tianxing Group, I believe it should be easier for you to speak as a group! The thing is like this, one of my elder brothers is in the Tianxing Building. I drank too much and caused some trouble, but they detained him, I hope Brother Jiang Chen can come forward to mediate! If you have any conditions, just say it, and I will do it if I can!" Zhao Dehan also said bluntly arrive.

"They don't give you face? Aren't you a well-known existence in this Yangshi? I believe your brother should not be an unknown person either!" Jiang Chen is also puzzled, Zhao Dehan is not small in Yangshi, why is the Tianxing Group So no face, and Zhao Dehan seems to have a great fear of the Tianxing Group here. Could it be that the Tianxing Group is here to cover the sky with one hand?

 The new book "The King of Glory of Pirates" has been released, brothers, let me bookmark it first, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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