Chapter 151

"I'm afraid of death, but my fist is bigger than yours!" Jiang Chen looked cold. He also knew that these people had developed a bad habit of being in high positions. It takes pain to recognize the truth, and it is extremely necessary for Jiang Chen to teach them a lesson and to put an end to their arrogance.

"Okay, I'd like to see how good you are!" The man's smile froze, and then he made a move, a fierce cold air surged up, piercing to the bone, as if it was about to freeze the world, The places they passed were condensed into ice, and they rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen didn't dare to resist, he could only choose to dodge. In battle, he could only fight hand to hand, relying on his speed advantage to take down the opponent inadvertently, and he couldn't bear the cold. No matter Bing or Huo, Jiangchen has only one choice and that is to retreat.


The cold air spread rapidly, and Jiang Chen's speed was so fast that he naturally couldn't fall on Jiang Chen's body, and those behind Jiang Chen couldn't have Jiang Chen's speed, and they were immediately frozen into ice sculptures when they were hit by the cold air. The expression was also frozen by the ice, which was extremely penetrating.

"Damn it!" Seeing Jiang Chen's extremely fast dodging speed and the wrong person, the person in charge's face became more and more gloomy, but his ice rules did not stop condensing. It means that this layer is frozen.

"Boy, don't run away if you have the ability! Confront me head-on!" Jiang Chen was able to dodge smoothly in the place where the cold air invaded, but the person in charge was impatient and couldn't help shouting.

"Wow!" Jiang Chen slowed down when he heard the words, with a playful smile on his face.

"Okay!" The man was overjoyed to see Jiang Chen's speed slowing down, and the rule power instantly increased, "Frozen world!"

The man chuckled, and the power of the rules soared.

Crack, clap, clap...

The voice sounded coldly from the air, and the hand that the person in charge had just raised froze in mid-air, the shame and indignation in his heart was about to burst out, he was slapped several times by Jiang Chen, And he was not prepared for these slaps, Jiang Chen had already appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, and then there was a hot, red, swollen, slapping sound on his face, and the rules he condensed were also at that moment Distracted by his concentration.

"You asked me to argue with you, don't blame me!" Jiang Chen stared at him jokingly. Before he blindly dodged, the person in charge thought Jiang Chen was afraid of him, but when Jiang Chen got serious, he couldn't bear it. liveable.

"You..." Anger, the person in charge was furious and itching with hatred, you must know that slapping is the most hated existence, especially in front of so many people.

"Do you still want to suffer?" Jiang Chen raised his hand, beckoning him.

"How dare you!" Seeing Jiang Chen's action, the man was also afraid. He secretly condensed the rules and prepared to give Jiang Chen a thunderous blow and release the anger in his heart.

"Slap..." Jiang Chen raised his hands and dropped them without hesitation, and succeeded with another slap.

"Die!" The man moved violently, the cold air exploded in an instant, and the sky was frozen in an instant. He wanted to freeze Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen's speed was beyond what he could imagine. At that moment, Jiang Chen had already run far away, and the only person who was frozen was himself.

"How can it be! Do you think I can't slap you if you freeze you?" Jiang Chen's mocking voice was not small, just for him to hear.

Squeeze, squeak, squeak...

The person in charge of the ice was even more ashamed and angry when he heard the words, and immediately destroyed the ice layer.

"What on earth do you want?" The man became anxious. Jiang Chen's speed was too terrifying. With his speed, he couldn't catch Jiang Chen. If he continued to be brave, he didn't know how many slaps he would get. Choose to compromise.

"What are you going to do? It seems like I should ask you this question! The subordinate beat up the superior and even threatened the superior! What do you think should be done?" Jiang Chen said confidently.

The man still had a gloomy face when he heard the words. He was humiliated by him today. He never expected that the person in charge of BS City would have such strength. You must know that with their realm, they are enough to overwhelm the rivers and seas anywhere. , That small place in BS City has such a number one person stationed there, it's really unexpected.

"I will teach my people a lesson! If you have nothing else to do, get out!" The man was ashamed and angry when he saw Jiang Chen. Now he has no face to face Jiang Chen. After all, his strength is not as good as him, so he can't do anything to Jiang Chen. , if the boss here can naturally take down Jiang Chen here, but that kind of big man will not take it easily, let alone let that big man see him in such a mess, it would be considered embarrassing to his hometown.

"It's really nothing else, but please let Brother Zhao's brother go! He was just impulsive after drinking, and you don't need to make things difficult for him!" Jiang Chen's purpose of this trip is for this, but he also understood by the way It's just a lot of the internal situation of the Tianxing Group.

"Okay, I'll let him go!" The man gritted his teeth.

"Well, let me tell you something more. You can't embarrass the Zhao family because of this matter. You can get along as you used to get along! If you want to deliberately make things difficult for them, then I will also take time to come and see you! You should know that I I mean!" Jiang Chen naturally wants to help people to the end, no one in the Tianxing Group dare to mess with them in this area, if they get rid of the Zhao family after he leaves, that would be a disservice to him, so Jiang Chen must make sure they are safe.

Hearing this, Zhao Dehan who was in the corner was also very excited. This is what he was afraid of. Although Jiang Chen was strong enough to deal with them, Jiang Chen still wanted to leave. After leaving, if the Tianxing Group wanted revenge, they would not be able to resist it. It's settled, if Jiang Chen can relieve their worries, then it will be complete.

"Okay, I won't trouble them in the future! Get out of here! I'll send someone to send you back!" The man was really shameless, and he was ashamed and angry for a moment when Jiang Chen left him. He didn't want to see Jiang Chen like this in his life. people.

"Okay, then we'll take our leave!" Jiang Chen didn't linger, and he believed the other party's promise, so he dragged Zhao Dehan to leave.

But just as Jiang Chen walked to the elevator entrance, he was overwhelmed by a powerful aura, preventing him from making an inch of progress.

"Damn it, luck isn't that bad!" Jiang Chenzhong was shocked, his body creaked under the pressure, and if he couldn't hold on, he would kneel down.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen's original power was activated at full speed, resisting the pressure so that his waist would not be overwhelmed, but his face was covered with frost.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, the man was also overjoyed, "Could it be that your lord is back?"

 Thank you for adding attention to the new book "The King of Glory of One Piece"!
(End of this chapter)

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