Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 168 Sending someone away

Chapter 168 Sending someone away (please ask for a ticket, thank you)

"You can't beat others, so you want to take your anger on me?" Jiang Chen stretched his head, as if he wasn't afraid of things at all, which made the man even more furious.

"Boy, if you say another word, believe it or not, I tore your mouth off?"

"Don't tear it up, don't tear it up! Let me see you lose!" Jiang Chen waved his hand and said with a smile.

"you wanna die!"

The man couldn't help it when he heard the words, he was about to make a move as soon as the rules were fixed, but when he did it, he felt a sense of danger.

"Damn it!" the man cursed angrily, and hurriedly retreated!His original position immediately exploded, shaking the space rumbling.

"Fucking motherfucker! How dare you sneak up on me!" The man turned his eyes on the Taoist nun again, showing a fierce look, as if he wanted to eat people.

"Am I still using a sneak attack? It seems that you are really stupid and have many strange things! If I sneak attack you, can you still live! Of course, I will not sneak attack you, and you are not my opponent either!" The contempt in the tone of her mouth became more and more intense, but the words came from her mouth, which seemed extremely pleasant.

"Okay! Since you look down on me so much, then I don't need to hold back any more. When I take you down, I will let you have fun under my crotch. When the time comes, you still dare to look down on me!" Then The man smiled evilly, his eyes focused on the Taoist nun's innocent face, and he walked wantonly from top to bottom.

"You successfully ignited my anger!" The nun just said lightly, and an invisible pressure immediately enveloped the man, and then the air burst open, blowing the man directly, bloody , The man was covered in pits, without a piece of intact flesh.

"Go to hell!" The man struggled from the ground in pain, with hatred on his face, and the rules shrouded a large area in it, "Even if I exhausted my source, I will send you all West Heaven!"

"Blow it up for me!" The man's mind moved, and he was about to detonate everything under his rules, but how he moved according to the rules, there was no sign of explosion on the ground!

"Blow it up for me!" The man gritted his teeth and tried again, only to find that the place ignored him at all, as before, and was not affected by his rules at all!

"I told you to go back and study for a few more years, and you still lost your temper with me! You are hopeless!" Jiang Chen shook his head with a smile, and the sarcasm was obvious.

"Could it be you who did it?" Hearing this, the man quickly turned his attention to Jiang Chen, thinking it was Jiang Chen who did it.

"How can you intervene in the battle between us! This is a battle for the master of Emei, what does it have to do with you!" the man roared angrily.

"Don't talk to people who have no brains!" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and ignored that person. It was indeed a battle between the two of them, so there was no need for him to interrupt.

"You..." Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, the man became even more angry, but he couldn't do anything about it, because his gunpowder rules seemed to lose half of their effect, and they couldn't turn the surrounding things into gunpowder, so what else would he have? Combat power!

"Taoist! Without his help, I would never give up the fight for the Lord of Emei. Since he interfered and ruined the fairness of this competition, then I have to go back and call someone! You wait for me! "As he said that, the man was about to turn around and leave, but how could the nun allow it.

"Who said he got in!" A burst of air suddenly shrank, forming a strong resistance to stop the man, preventing him from retreating.

"Are you curious why your gunpowder rules can't blow up?" The nun raised her Buddha dust, "That's because explosives won't explode without air! Your explosive rules can certainly turn this soil into explosives , but my air rules can put an end to oxygen! I saw that you have never read a book, and you still want to blow up my Emei. In view of your crimes, I will blow up your limbs as a punishment!" Then, As soon as the Taoist rules were condensed, before the man could react, his limbs were shattered by the air bomb, blood was flying around for a while, and the man was also crippled by the Taoist under this blow.

"Whether you can live or not depends on you! There are so many wild beasts in this barren mountain, I guess you won't be able to survive!" The nun turned around and ran towards the deep mountains, her body as light as the wind, It was actually stepping on the vegetation, no different from the lightness kung fu in TV dramas.

"Damn it, you can still fly?!" Jiang Chen was also surprised when he saw this.

"What's so strange!" Huang Bao shook her head, as if to say that Jiang Chen had never seen the world, and after finishing speaking, she excitedly ran away with the Taoist nun, leaving Jiang Chen and the half-dead man behind.

Jiang Chen naturally had no reason to stay. After seeing the miserable appearance of the man on the ground, he also followed Huang Bao.

Jiang Chen followed all the way. The bluestone path stretched all the way to the very depths of the forest. Jiang Chen didn't know how deep it was. A Taoist temple-like house, with smoke curling up in the house, after walking for so long, Jiang Chen was tired and hungry, but it was Huang Bao, with an excited face, as if she never got tired of it, and happily followed the Taoist nun in front.

"I think you're not here to compete this time, but to meet your old lover!" Jiang Chen looked at the galloping Huang Bao, and also slandered.

But complaints are nothing but complaints, Jiang Chen still didn't stop, chasing after him all the way.

The further you go on this mountain road, the clearer the trees in the mountains will be. From time to time, you can see some birds flying over the mountains, and the clear stream rushes along with the mountains. Everyone can feel the pleasant atmosphere here.

"Stay here for a while, I'm afraid I'll have to live a few more years in this life! Looking at the appearance of the Taoist nun, there is no trace of time, and looking at the yellow bud, she is simply a fairy and Zhu Bajie! There can be such a big difference. It has nothing to do with this place!" This is the place where Jiang Chen best fits the term "beautiful mountains and clear waters". There are few people but it doesn't feel desolate. The vegetation here has infinite vitality. It is invincible in all seasons. It seems that you can forget the world here. With all worries, disputes, and worries, it is not uncommon for this person to live a few more years. It is a pity that Jiang Chen is not blessed to enjoy such a beautiful place.

When the Taoist nun landed, she had already arrived at her nunnery. The nunnery was not big, only about 30 square meters. There were other attics on the left and right sides of the nunnery, which should be a place for cooking and sleeping!
Jiang Chen stared at the surrounding area, feeling a sense of comfort all over his body, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, the tiredness from running all the way seemed to be swept away at this moment.

"Huang Bao! I said you don't want that thing anymore! Did you bring this No. [-] apprentice here to give it to me?" The nun stared at Jiang Chen and said leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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