Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 176 Zhuge Liang's Tips

Chapter 176 Zhuge Liang's Tips
"How could it be!" Huang Bao was terrified, if he couldn't save Jiang Chen, wouldn't Jiang Chen be dead?

"It's a waste of energy! Since this move is aimed at you, it will naturally not let you find a flaw. Once I use that move, I can't break it. Unless Yu'er withdraws her own strength, your apprentice will undoubtedly die!" The old man The nun said seriously.

"Girl, let's stop here! You win this game!" Huang Bao completely gave up after hearing this, and could only target the little Taoist nun.

"No! I must kill him to avenge my little Yu'er!" The little Taoist nun refused to let go, and the formula in her hand became even more fierce, and the turbulent air of death seemed to have accumulated enough strength. .

"Don't try to persuade her, I've found the flaw in this move, don't worry, I'm fine! Let this move decide the outcome between us!" Jiang Chen was determined, fearless.

"You know what a fart, I can't take her tricks, it's up to you? Don't make fun of your own life, what if you die! I can't bet!" Huang Bao didn't listen, and continued to beg the little Taoist nun for mercy .

"Since he wants to die, let him die!" The old Taoist aunt felt a little contemptuous when she heard Jiang Chen say that he saw the flaw. The hairy boy saw the flaw, even she herself didn't realize where her flaw was.

"He has to die if he doesn't want to die!" The little Taoist nun ignored Huang Bao. With her master speaking and the resentment she had accumulated towards Jiang Chen, the little Taoist nun was destined not to hold back. Triggered.


As soon as the little Taoist nun moved her mind, the air of death flooded, sweeping towards Jiang Chen with overwhelming momentum. Although it was an invisible air flow, the breath of death pervaded a huge area , makes people shudder.

"go to hell!"


The air flow was like splashing water and was about to swallow Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen smiled coldly, "I've been letting you in, don't think I can't beat you!"

Jiang Chen's mind moved, and the original power in his body burst out violently, shaking his veins with throbbing pain, "The original source suppresses!"


With a roar from Jiang Chen, that powerful suppressing force immediately filled the entire space, and the pouring air of death disappeared without a trace, and the original rules of the few people present could not be caught at that moment. .

"Not good!" The little Taoist nun immediately realized the danger, but Jiang Chen's fist had already reached her abdomen before it was too late.


Before she had time to resist, her body was blown away. Due to the loss of the original rules, the little Taoist nun's body was extremely fragile. She couldn't stand Jiang Chen's heavy blows at all. , but was caught by Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was out of breath, with sweat on his forehead. In order to completely suppress this little Taoist nun, he almost used 80.00% of his original power to strengthen it. The suppression intensity of the regular level, otherwise he can't guarantee whether his own strength can defeat the opponent!

"What?" Feeling the sudden loss of the rules in her body, the old Taoist yelled inwardly, but panicked, Jiang Chen had already defeated the little Taoist, and the whole process didn't take more than three seconds!

"Hoohoo..." Seeing that attacking Huang Bao, he was also very nervous, and seeing Jiang Chen's reversal of the world, he also breathed out excitedly, his face was extremely bright.

"This is my apprentice!" Huang Bao said extremely proudly: "Level [-] Taoists beat Taoist masters Level [-], let's see what you have to say!"


The old nun was silent for a while. Jiang Chen used this trick before but she didn't pay attention at all. She didn't expect to be defeated to this point, but even if he paid attention, he didn't have a way to deal with it, because she couldn't resist this power at all!At that moment, all her rules seemed to be emptied, and it was almost impossible to see how the opponent made a move. How could she defend against it?
"Don't be dazed, bring the things!" Huang Bao walked up to the old Taoist nun with a smile, and stretched out her hands, regardless of the old Taoist nun's face.

"Huh!" The old Taoist snorted coldly with her face turned, grabbed a box from her cuff, and threw it to Huang Bao.

Huang Bao was also overjoyed when he took the box, and kissed the box hard, and he also took out a box from his chest.

"Hey, catch it, boy! Your hard work is worth it!" Huang Bao threw the box away, and then fled away with the box in her arms, not knowing where she was going!
And Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, caught the box, and returned the little Taoist nun to the old Taoist nun.

"What's in there! He's so excited!" Jiang Chen asked while blowing on his box.

Nothing, just a kit! "The old Taoist took the little Taoist, fed the little Taoist a pill, and adjusted her breath.

"The gift bag? Isn't there anything good in it? Your ten-year agreement is just a gift bag?" Jiang Chen didn't understand, this thing must be extraordinary, otherwise the two wouldn't have a ten-year agreement.

"That thing is really useless to you! But it is a treasure to him! It is a kit left by Kong Ming, which contains advanced rules of fate, which is of great benefit to him! He has been looking forward to this thing for ten years. It's been a year, so it's no wonder he's not excited about getting it now, he probably can't help but want to spy on the power of destiny in it!" said the old Taoist nun.


"Kongming's kit? Could it be that Zhuge Kongming is also a person who understands the rules of destiny?" Although it was unexpected, Jiang Chen's surprise was not too strong. You must know that Zhuge Kongming is a famous military strategist in history. With supreme power, it would not be too surprising to be a person who understands the rules of destiny, otherwise he would not be able to support Liu Bei to form the general trend of the Three Kingdoms!
"Since that thing is useless to you, why don't you just give it to him, and insist on a ten-year agreement? Don't you think you've wasted his time for ten years?" Jiang Chen was also puzzled, since the thing It's useless to her, and she doesn't need to hold back. Since the two have been friends for many years, they shouldn't argue about their useless things!

"I won't tell you about this! I took Yu'er back. Since he has the things, you can leave on your own! I know you have caused a lot of trouble, so I hope you leave as soon as possible, and don't leave the war The fire came to me! Otherwise, this clean place will cease to exist!" The old Taoist nun paused.

"Understood! I'll leave when my original power recovers!" Jiang Chen nodded. He didn't want to ruin this paradise because of himself. After all, he still likes this place very much. It will be a big pain for him.

(End of this chapter)

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