193 Stone Dragon
"It can be suppressed with the powerful original force! The innate qi is also qi, as long as it is squeezed, it will rise up. With the power of you and me, it shouldn't be a problem!" Ah San said excitedly.

The two soon arrived at the dragon's belly, and both condensed their own original power and poured it down crazily.


As soon as the power went down, the whole mountain began to shake, and the two kept pouring in the power, trying to force out the innate energy!
"Increase the output!" Seeing this, Ah San was overjoyed, and the power of the original source frantically poured into the ground veins, and Jiang Chen was the same, feeling the fluctuations in the ground, there must be something real!


The mountain trembled again, and the fluctuations became more and more violent, especially the ground fluctuated up and down, just like waves!
"That's not right!" Ah San also looked confused when she saw this, the movement was far from what he expected.

"What's wrong!" Jiang Chen also asked when he saw this, he could feel a strong aura in the ground, it must be the innate aura!

"This movement is not right!" Ah San paused, "It stands to reason that with so much strength, the innate energy should have been forced out, but this movement has lasted for such a long time, and the breath is still calm and undisturbed , as if not affected by this power!"

"Is it because the power is too strong, and our output is not enough?" Jiang Chen also made such a judgment. After all, the force depends on the great disparity in power. If the power is equal, it will naturally not be able to force it out. This also shows that I'm afraid that innate qi is also something extraordinary!
"It's possible!" Hearing that Ah San also nodded, with some excitement showing on his face, this innate aura is a good thing, otherwise he wouldn't be cheating!

"Let's work harder!" Jiang Chen's rule suddenly condensed, poured his original power, and slapped his palm into the ground.


The shaking of the mountain became stronger and stronger, and then there was a huge boom, and a huge figure not far in front of them soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and the place Jiang Chen and Ah San occupied immediately sank, leaving The next huge pit is coming!

"What is that?" Jiang Chen turned pale in shock when he saw that figure. The figure was huge, like a long snake, covered with sharp stones, and the whole figure almost took up a small half of the entire canyon. Jiang Chen He San's body is not even as good as a stone on his body!
"Is this the congenital qi becoming refined?" Ah San was also shocked, the figure rose into the air, and after it was completely off the ground, a head poked out from the clouds.

That head is also made of gray stone, and the whole head is very similar to the shape of the dragon. What is amazing is that the dragon's beard formed by the stone is dancing in the wind, as if it were real, and the sound coming from the stone dragon The aura was also extremely strong, and it actually held down the two of them steadily!

"What should we do now!" Seeing this huge figure, Jiang Chen knew that his thoughts might be in vain. Although he didn't know the strength of this stone dragon, from the experience point of view, this guy would definitely not be weak!

"It would be a pity to give up such a good thing! This innate qi should have its own instinctive consciousness, which is not surprising in the gestation of heaven and earth! I thought this innate qi would not be too strong, but now it seems I'm worrying too much! If we can take down this innate energy, the source pool can be doubled in size at least. If those big forces in the hidden sect know about it, they will definitely flock to it. If we don't take advantage of this kind of cheapness, it's not reasonable for us. !" Facing this stone dragon Ah San was the most excited, completely ignoring the other party's fear, and being swallowed by that greed.

However, Jiang Chen was extremely moved when he heard that this innate energy could at least double the source pool. The temptation was too great, even he couldn't resist it. If he let this stone dragon escape, he might regret it for the rest of his life!

"How to fight? To subdue this guy?" Jiang Chen looked at the stone dragon, but the stone dragon did not take the initiative to attack the two, but looked down at them from the upper floor.

"That's right! We're going to get the innate spirit out of his mouth! Otherwise, we'll just be disappointed!" Ah San nodded, "This guy's consciousness should have just formed, so he can only defend instinctively and escape! There won't be much. Strong combat power, as long as we output enough power, it won't be too difficult to subdue it!"

Ah San licked her chapped lips, looking a little crazy, he really couldn't calm down in the face of such a temptation!

"Having said that, but with his huge figure alone, he will have the upper hand in battle. I'm afraid it won't be easy!" Jiang Chen changed the subject as he spoke, with a smile on his face, "However, it's too much It’s easy, but I won’t be interested! This just suits my appetite!”

"Let's do it!" After the words fell, Jiang Chen's rules suddenly froze, and he dodged, leaping away along the stone dragon's tail, "I'll give you a blow!"

As soon as the wind in Jiang Chen's palm condensed, the general trend of the world was instantly sucked into his palm, "Invite the first form of the palm of the moon, and practice meditation under the moon!"

With a palm shot, there was no wind or power, but there was a bang in the stone dragon's abdomen, and the force of the whole space turbulence was scattered suddenly. Fall from the sky!
Seeing this, Ah San was also dumbfounded. Jiang Chen's blow was simply too shocking. Even in his heyday, he would never be able to withstand it. He couldn't help but think highly of Jiang Chen.

"Oh..." When Shi Long fell, his body suddenly stabilized, and the dragon's tail twitched in the air, hitting Jiang Chen away!

The dragon's tail was huge, to Jiang Chen it was like falling down from a tall building.

verb: move!
Jiang Chen's rules froze, and he jumped out in an instant. The dragon's tail slammed on the dragon's head, and the stone fragments exploded and scattered in all directions.

Jiang Chen didn't realize that the blow just now had such a big shock to Shi Long. At this moment, he also understood that the power of Yao Yue's palm concentration will increase when he meets a strong opponent. , and can even directly reverse the opponent's momentum to suppress the opponent. It is really unexpected to have such great power!
Although one palm is not weak, but the stone dragon is a body condensed from stones after all, without injury or pain, there is no other way except to suppress it with strength!
"Boss, don't worry! Your bombardment is not very effective. We should bombard the stone dragon's throat, where the innate energy is lurking. As long as the innate energy is shocked by a powerful force, it will become disordered. Once disordered He also has no power to control the stone dragon, and it will be much easier to absorb the innate energy!" Ah San reminded Jiang Chen that Jiang Chen was too anxious just now, and he didn't have time to tell the weakness of the stone dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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