Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 200 The Power of Technology

Chapter 200 The Power of Technology

Jiang Chen was shocked, how strong is this person?With just a few punches, Jiang Chen knew that it would be very difficult for him to defeat this person.

"Hehe, Luo'an is really an international metropolis, and I can step on nails when I go out!" Jiang Chen retracted his fists and wanted to keep a distance, but he didn't want the man's hand to grab his own, and he swung it violently , and threw Jiang Chen from his body, not only that, the moment Jiang Chen was thrown, he also followed, raised his fist and punched Jiang Chen.

"Damn it!" Jiang Chen cursed angrily when he saw this, and the time rules were suddenly condensed. He jumped in the air and then dodged the opponent's punch. When the person's fist fell to the ground, the ground was covered by his fist. A hole the size of a fist came out, and Jiang Chen swallowed when he saw it. If he was hit by this punch, there must have been a hole in his body!
"Who the hell are you! It seems that people from the hidden door are not like this!" Jiang Chen felt that the situation was so serious for the first time, and this person was too weird.

"As long as your strength is not qualified to know, wait until you survive two tricks with me!" The man chuckled and did not answer. Jiang Chen smashed it over.


Another punch missed, but the man's speed was gradually increasing. Even with Jiang Chen's speed, he was gradually being chased up. After several consecutive punches, Jiang Chen was almost hit. Fortunately, dodged.

"What the hell are you! It doesn't matter if you are powerful, but the speed has increased so fast!" Jiang Chen knew that if he continued like this, sooner or later he would be smashed into a pulp by that fist!

Jiang Chen also seemed a little embarrassed during the run. Although it was not the first time he was chased and beaten, it was the first time he felt so powerless. The opponent's strength was like a mountain falling down, making it hard to resist!

"Inviting the Moon Palm!" Jiang Chen was forced to retreat, and then he used the Moon Inviting Palm. He also knew that the Moon Inviting Palm was using the momentum of the world and even the enemy to suppress the opponent, and met the opponent's magnificent fist Shi Jiangchen knew that there must be a big effect!

Jiang Chen dodged the man's punch and slapped him on the body.


As soon as the palms scattered, a gust of wind swept up and spread to the surroundings, and the man's face darkened, and his chest felt a dull pain, and then he spurted out a mouthful of blood, with horror in his heart!

"It works!" Jiang Chen was overjoyed, knowing that the man must have been intimidated by the huge force, so he immediately gathered his palms and slapped him again, wanting to hurt that man all at once!

The man hit Jiang Chen with a backhand punch, but this punch was just the man's random punch, not very powerful, but it still sent Jiang Chen flying!

"Damn it, you can actually hurt me!" The man's face darkened, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Jiang Chen viciously.

And after Jiang Chen stabilized his body, he was also glad that he didn't get punched through his chest, but it was just a little painful!
"Now you should tell me the reason!" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Hehe, since you want to know, it's okay for me to tell you! Anyway, it's not a secret!" The man paused, and said, "You capable people have the power of rules and can become strong, while ordinary people can also It’s the same! You can also become a strong person, and a stronger person than ordinary capable people! And what we rely on is technology!”

"Technology?" Jiang Chen was astonished. He was naturally a little surprised when he heard the word technology, because in the impression of ordinary people, technology does not seem to include human body enhancement, and it has been strengthened to such a degree. "Technology can't be so strong." Bar!"

"Hehe, why is it impossible! It's just that you don't know! Do you know why the people in the hidden door dare not come out to make trouble, but stay obediently in the hidden door?" the man asked.

"Isn't this afraid of the atomic bomb? Who doesn't fear the atomic bomb?" Jiang Chen returned.

"It's not just the atomic bomb, but also our modified people! I won't tell you that we ordinary people once had a battle with those guys who thought they were gods in the hidden door!"

"There was a war between the two?" Jiang Chen was astonished, he had never heard of such a thing.

"Of course, there was no such thing as a hidden door at that time! It was the Second World War, and the ability users wanted to establish a system to enslave ordinary people, but they were opposed by ordinary people. Of course, the ability users started their bloodshed." Suppression was a unilateral massacre at the beginning, and later scientists developed the atomic bomb, which saved some advantages! But this is not enough, because the ability people appear and disappear, killing people invisible, it is really hard to guard against. Later, after the efforts of scientists In the next moment, the reformed man appeared. Although the reformed man did not have all kinds of abilities, he was basically invulnerable, possessed powerful power, and could upgrade. Compared with ordinary enlightened people, he was only stronger than weaker! Those who advocated the slavery system were defeated, and finally retreated to the current foreign space, which is now commonly known as the hidden door!"

"You mean that the atomic bomb was developed to deal with those capable people!" Jiang Chen was stunned, and his view of history was refreshed at once. It turned out that the development of the atomic bomb was related to the life and death of more than half of the people in the world!This was something that Jiang Chen never thought of.

"That's right! At that time, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the stronghold of those capable people, and this shocked them!" The man paused.

"Then the stronghold is in the island country?"

"Of course, an atomic bomb shattered their ambitions, and transforming people is the turnaround of ordinary people! If there is no transforming person, it will be difficult for ordinary people to win, even if there is an atomic bomb!"

"So there is such a thing!" Jiang Chen nodded his head to show his understanding, but this reformer is really powerful!
"Reformed people are not only more powerful than ordinary ability users, they can even prolong their lives indefinitely! And I am one of the remodeled people who survived World War II, and I have lived for nearly 130 years now! All problems are no problem in front of technology, and you This group of ability users still have to painstakingly reach the peak to seek longevity. To be honest, you are too ridiculous! After so many years, how many ability users have reached the peak? It’s just a waste of time! What a bunch of stupid people The ultimate person!" The man chuckled and stared at Jiang Chen coldly, as if he was mocking Jiang Chen.

"There is such a thing?" Jiang Chen didn't know what it was like when he heard the words. He didn't expect that technology had developed to such a degree. Compared with his own knowledge, he was really a bit dull.

(End of this chapter)

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