Chapter 228 Resolved
The person now was surrounded, and the floor he stepped on was creaking. Under the extremely high temperature, the cement board could not withstand the burning, and there were signs of weathering.

"Come and silence me!" The man moved his feet and hurried towards Jiang Chen, holding the flame with a grin and smashing towards Jiang Chen.

"If you want to be silenced so much, let you be silenced!" Jiang Chen also moved as he said that, he clenched his fists and attacked violently. Cover the opponent.

woohoo hoo...

Under Jiang Chen's suppression, the raucous flame seemed to be suddenly transferred, and disappeared from everyone's eyes, as if it had never existed, except for the temperature that had not been reduced immediately. Proof that the flames once raged.

And at the moment when the flame disappeared, the man's heart was suddenly empty, he felt as if his body had been hollowed out, and the energy in his whole body was much weaker, but he didn't have time to be surprised at this moment!

Although the flame disappeared, the man's fist still punched out. Jiang Chen's palm hit his chest heavily, but his fist just brushed off Jiang Chen's shoulder and did not hit Jiang Chen. body.


Under this palm, the man's body was directly blown out, hitting the two people behind him, Jiang Chen's original suppression continued to apply, covering all three of them.

After many times of proficiency, Jiang Chen's original suppression is not a suppression on a scale, but directly on the basis of people, because Jiang Chen has strengthened the control of the original power, and poured the original power in a targeted manner during the suppression. Strength, this can reduce the consumption of the original power. Originally, Jiang Chen consumed too much in the scope of space. Not to mention the short suppression time, Jiang Chen can't use it many times, but now Jiang Chen can almost use it to deal with ordinary people. Ten times, except for those extremely powerful people, Jiang Chen can suppress them. At least for now, it seems that he can completely suppress those who are enlightened in the Taoist realm. If he divides his own origin into 100 parts, It took almost one-tenth of the original strength to suppress the three Jiang Chen.

bang bang bang...

As soon as the rule of the three was suppressed, Jiang Chen pointed his gun at the three of them and fired six shots in a row before Jiang Chen stopped. There was no movement on the ground, even the strength to struggle no longer existed.

"Now you know how powerful I am!" Jiang Chen looked at the three fallen people and smiled coldly. The three people never thought that Jiang Chen would hurt them in this way, silence + gun!This is completely an invincible combination. Even if Jiang Chen's gun is an ordinary pistol, the three of them are bound to die. Seeing the third three, Ah San also knows that the three of them will not survive. A five-level Taoist It is really unexpected that the strong man was shot to death in this way.

"Okay, now I want to know who leaked this news! I only told you about this!" Jiang Chen turned around and looked at the three of them, but his seemingly indifferent eyes made them feel a little confused. Cold, dare not look at him.

"I've heard about this too! It's said that it was spread by a man named Tianji Sanren. I guess these people heard it from him!" When Jiang Chen asked, Ah San also answered.

"Tianji Sanren? How did he know about us?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised when he heard that. He wasn't sure if Tianji Sanren knew his other secrets, such as his rules, or where he hid Mo Qinghan. Either of these two points would hit Jiang Chen's sore spot, so he couldn't help but start to worry.

"We don't know about this! He has always been elusive, and no one has seen him, but he often spreads some unknown news. Wherever the attention of the forces is, the target of his news will be! Many people will spend a lot of money Go to him for information, the accuracy rate of his information is above 90.00%!" Ah San continued to explain.

"90.00%! In other words, this person shouldn't really know, I'm afraid it's just a targeted hearsay!" Jiang Chen found the key point after a little thought. If the other party really knew those things, it wouldn't be based on 90.00% The probability of % appeared, but [-]%, there is no error!
"This person is very mysterious, and no one knows his identity, so no one dares to determine these things!" Ah San also knew about these things, so did Zuo Shaojie and Luo Ye, only Jiang Chen knew Little is known about such matters.

"Why did you target me all of a sudden? Could it be that something big is about to happen to me!" Jiang Chen rubbed his chin, the worry in his heart still couldn't be wiped away. Hit his idea, then it is not a misunderstanding, that is the real time when you will be hunted down by the whole world!Rare things are precious, and the only three supreme origin rules in the world will definitely let those old monsters who are secretly cultivating in the hidden door take action. They usually think of themselves as noble, but when the time comes, they will definitely be hungry. Jiang Chen's cheeks couldn't help but drip cold sweat

"There are really no rules in this world. In the future, you should be more careful in your actions! Maybe someone is spying on you secretly, this time I am suspicious!" Jiang Chen apologized. These three people were the first he recruited. A team, although Zuo Shaojie was forced to do nothing, but since he made the oath, he has no possibility of betrayal, unless he can have the same power as Jiang Chen and send himself before the oath, otherwise there will be no breach of the oath The possibilities are left to him.

"Now that they are coming, there will definitely be follow-up people coming! You try to kill them as much as possible, and restore Baishan to a clean place! Ah San, by the way, check the identity of Tianji Sanren, I always feel a little uneasy to have such a person around It's fine if you don't target me, I don't like the feeling of being stared at!" Jiang Chen also made arrangements for the follow-up, this Tianji Sanren is now Jiang Chen's confidant, he is not sure that the other party knows him How many secrets.

"Understood!" Ah San nodded when she heard the words, and the three of them immediately started to make arrangements to welcome the remaining people from the hidden door.

"It's you!" In the room of the Crown Hotel, the thin man was lying on the bed, and there was an image of Jiang Chen's location in his mind, and their every move was in the man's mind. One omission, "People who are so afraid of my existence must have a secret existence. I am also very curious, what is hidden in you! The more you are afraid, the more I want to know!"

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(End of this chapter)

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