Chapter 230 Woman
Seeing these fallen people, Ah San, Zuo Shaojie, and Ruoye were also horrified. Jiang Chen's method is simply the nemesis of enlightened people. Under his gunpoint, these people are unarmed ordinary people. Moreover, these people are also the kind of people who used to be superior. They didn't expect to die here like this, which really makes people sigh twice.

"Ah San, clean up this place! Only about 20 people have been dealt with, and there are more than [-] more, continue to find their whereabouts, and then kill them!" Jiang Chen put away his gun and said to Ah San.

"Understood!" As soon as he agreed, Ah San started to clean up, and the whereabouts of the hidden door people naturally required Zuo Shaojie and Luo Ye to investigate. They had more contacts with a wider range of people and were much more suitable than Ah San.

"A bunch of trash!" Seeing this, Qianji Sanren couldn't help cursing, although he didn't want Jiang Chen to die like this, but he didn't want Jiang Chen to be so unscathed, "In this way, the Fan Family will never come back! Or put this news back to the hidden door, and let the people of Wanjian Villa deal with him!"


After Jiang Chen ordered, he went to the Tianxing Building. After all, Jiang Chen was still in charge there. If he didn’t go back before, he was afraid of the hidden door. One, that is to find An Yu, Jiang Chen has not seen An Yu for a long time now counting the days, although this time is not as short as Mo Detian, but it is not short.

After arriving at Tianxing Building, Jiang Chen didn't see An Yu on the top floor, but there was another person there.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

This is a very imposing woman, leaning against the window, bending her slender water snake body, Jiang Chen can't see her face even standing behind her, Jiang Chen is also very cautious, anyone who can appear here Not a simple person, according to his guess, this person must be a big shot like An Yu.

"You are the interesting person that An Yu said!" The woman turned around slowly after hearing that, and Jiang Chen was able to see the face of the other party. This kind of aloofness that makes people afraid to get close, there is no trace of harmony from her delicate face, but there is also a charming atmosphere, Jiang Chen dared not speak for a while.

"囖囖囖... It seems that you are very afraid of me!" Seeing Jiang Chen's expression, the woman also laughed, but her sharp eyes never left Jiang Chen, she was spying on Jiang Chen while laughing. , After a while, he took his gaze back.

"That guy An Yu is such a liar, where does such a dull guy like you come from?" The woman laughed at herself, turned around and sat on the chair next to her, "You are here to find An Yu, right?"

"Yeah!" Jiang Chen nodded when he heard the words, and didn't know whether he should say something to the woman in front of him. If Jiang Chen's guess is correct, this woman should also be a ghost, and listen to her words. The relationship with her should be good, and An Yu also mentioned himself to her.

"Coincidentally, I'm looking for him too! Speaking of which, he has disappeared since he said he was going to send you to the Dragon Burial Land. I wonder if something happened to you on the way?" stroked his chin.

"Did you disappear after sending me to the place where the dragon was buried?" Jiang Chen didn't know how to answer when he heard the words. An Yu is the top three of the twelve spokespersons of the ghost gate, and there are few people who can be his opponents.

"That's right. We talked on the phone before sending you there, but we couldn't get in touch after that. He doesn't like to play with me and disappears. From this point of view, there is really something wrong with him!" The woman's expression changed Changes, but the tone is faintly worried, "No wonder there was a feeling of uneasiness before!"

"Master An Yu is so powerful, who can be his opponent!" Jiang Chen had seen An Yu's strength before, and thought that as long as An Yu appeared near Jiang Chen, a sense of fear would envelope him. , although it gradually weakened later, it can also be seen from it how terrible a person An Yu is. Although Jiang Chen's strength was low at that time, he was the one who could make Jiang Chen feel fear. It's really scary.

"Hehe, you think too much! An Yu is only a ninth-level dao source, and there are countless people who can kill him in the hidden door. If someone really wants to kill him, it's really not easy for him to hide!" The woman was also cold when she heard this. Rebuttal coldly.

"What! The ninth level of Daoyuan!" Jiang Chen was also shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect An Yu to have such a state, but what surprised Jiang Chen was that this woman actually said that there are countless existences in the hidden door that can kill An Yu. !How many capable people are there in the hidden door?This also refreshed Jiang Chen's view of the Hidden Gate. He originally thought that most of the Hidden Gates were people like the ones he had just dealt with, and he could kill them with a little trick. Great existence.

"He is already at the peak of level nine, and he is only one step away from breaking through!" The woman nodded and said, "No matter what, I still hope that he can come back well, after all, he is much more interesting than you!"

"Peak of the ninth level!" Jiang Chen was already so shocked that he had deepened his understanding of the five major sects. As one of the five major sects of the hidden sect, the ghost gate could have such a skill, and I am afraid that the other four major forces would also be able to do so. It won't be so bad, Jiang Chen only now realizes the background of the great power as the hidden door.

The ghost gate has such handicrafts in this imperial land, but how many people are there in the island country and the land of Laomei?How strong are they? How many spokespersons are there in more than 220 countries and regions around the world?This surprised Jiang Chen.

"I also understand what you did in the Dragon Burial Land. I didn't expect such an ancestor to be resurrected in Wanjian Villa! Now Wanjian Villa will suffer!" The woman smiled slightly, "You take this well, don't mess with it!" lost!"

Speaking of which, the woman also took out an object and handed it to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen also recognized this object, it was the Blood Jade Token that An Yu had given him before.

"This thing saved your life last time, maybe it can save your life this time!" The woman paused and laughed.

"What did you say? It was this thing that saved me last time?" Jiang Chen was even more surprised when he heard that. He was also curious about how he escaped from the dragon burial place alive, but the evil sword fairy kept yelling. He wanted to kill himself, but after hearing what this woman said, Jiang Chen understood.

"This time? What do you mean?" Jiang Chen also caught the key point of the other party's words.

 Thank you for the gray support, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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