Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 248 5-Clawed Golden Dragon

Chapter 248 Five Clawed Golden Dragon
woohoo hoo...

The original bodies of more than a dozen people flew down like a stream of light, and their regular powers raged violently around the surroundings. The power fluctuations were like turbulent waves, and even Jiang Chen felt extremely frightened in the distance!
The attack came in a blink of an eye, submerging King Shang Zhou, and the original state of the 11 people became entangled for a moment, and the space where King Shang Zhou was was compressed to the extreme.

Heiyan was sweating thinly on his forehead. Facing the eleven extreme attacks, he also took care of the submerged King Zhou of Shang. He knew that it would not be easy for King Zhou of Shang to make it through. After all, there were three of them. They are all in the same realm as King Zhou of Shang, and the rest of them are not much weaker than those three.

The body of the eleven original sources has been in Duan Rujun's place for a long time without any movement. Jiang Chen watched from a distance and didn't know whether Duan Rujun would be able to survive. Did Duan Rujun die after so long of inactivity?
Just as Jiang Chen was thinking, the eleven original bodies also moved. They were wrapped into a ball, and there seemed to be a force in the middle of the ball that was impacting outward.


A loud roar rumbled, shocking everyone, and then a golden figure soared into the sky, and the sphere wrapped by the 11 people was also scattered by the figure, and it continued to collapse in all directions, and finally scattered into [-] people. silhouette.

The faces of 11 people are all fine, but they are panting heavily, and there are dense sweat stains on their foreheads, and they have not suffered any injuries!
On the other hand, the figure soaring into the sky was covered in golden light, exuding an extremely powerful aura of majesty, which made people dare not look directly at it. After a closer look, it was found that the figure was a five-clawed dragon shining with golden light!

That's right, it's the five-clawed golden dragon!
The golden dragon soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and for a while, Jiang Chen in the distance couldn't open his eyes because of the bright light, but the 11 people were staring at the dragon body soaring into the sky, and their faces were full of shock. color!
"This is the original body of the emperor! Five-clawed golden dragon!"

The golden dragon is incomparably majestic. Compared with the old dragon that Jiang Chen saw at the dragon burial place, the old dragon at the dragon burial place is in the realm of great sages. From this we can see how powerful the golden dragon's aura is. powerful!
The sound of the dragon's chant resounded even more, and the surrounding clouds looked extremely radiant under his golden light, but the dragon body did not come down immediately after flying into the clouds, but stuck out from the clouds. head, staring vigilantly at the 11 people below.

"Original Dragon Transformation is indeed a very powerful rule! It's a pity that it must be included here anyway!" Although the 11 people saw the dragon head, they were afraid, but it also provoked their endless fighting spirit. Driven by profit or considering the consequences, this king of Shang Zhou was the target they had to kill with all their might.

"Turning into a dragon with your body is amazing! But this just makes our dragon slaying method useful!" The 11 people did not feel afraid because King Zhou of Shang used his body to turn into a dragon. On the contrary, they had more confidence. Before coming here, I made a lot of preparations, and it was a targeted method. Regarding Jiang Chen's silence, it was only a last resort!

They won't use it until the end, that is, until the end of the battle, Jiang Chen is safe. Of course, Jiang Chen doesn't know anything about their arrangement, and when the other party asks him to take the violence pill That's when he turned his face, as for now he can only watch this shocking battle quietly, he absolutely can't participate in it, otherwise he will only end up annihilated in ashes.

"The method of slaying the dragon! It's ridiculous!" The dragon head transformed by King Zhou of Shang sneered in an extremely majestic and ironic tone, then rolled in the clouds and swooped down from the sky. The dragon's body stretched like a train coming out of a hole. When one jumped into the dragon's body, a dragon swung its tail. The 11 people hurriedly dodged when they saw this, and those who couldn't dodge were scattered by the dragon's tail.

"The widow is the sovereign of the world! How can you wait for salty fish to blaspheme! Since that old guy in Moshi sent you to die, I will fulfill him!" King Shang Zhou's voice was extremely cold, and the dragon head's eyes were even colder. Suddenly, under his gaze, the temperature of the 11 people seemed to have dropped by more than ten degrees!
"This breath!"

Seeing this, the 11 people's hearts sank slightly, and it seemed that they were a little different from before. Although the aura exuded by King Zhou of Shang had not weak majestic power before, but now that majestic power has not only improved a lot, but also has a strong influence on them. The killing intent almost pierced everyone's hearts, and the 11 people who were originally calm were also a little shaken.

Jiang Chen in the distance can also feel a strange aura from this golden dragon. The aura is extremely cold, repulsing people thousands of miles away, making people unable to get close. The change in temperament is quite different. big.

The Son of Heaven is the Lord of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Jiang Chen didn't think too much about this aura, as long as Duan Rujun recovers. Judging by his current aura, although the other party has eleven Dao source powerhouses and still has some hidden means, but by the time Duan Rujun recovered It is still unknown who will win in the end!At least, Jiang Chen hopes that Duan Rujun can kill these 11 people. In this way, not only the power of the Guimen branch in the empire will be reshuffled, but Jiang Chen may go one step further and master more things in this ghost gate!Of course, Jiang Chen still doesn't want to leave the ghost gate, he must have a strong support.

"Are you ready! The widows are going to start a killing spree!" The real dragon King Zhou of Shang shot a cold light, and the huge dragon body swam again and attacked the 11 people!

"Behead his dragon head! Dragon Slaying Blade!"

The cold Daoyuan strongman grabbed it horizontally, and a giant knife fell into his hand. The blade also exuded a sharp edge, and the blade was carved with dazzling patterns. Underneath also began to connect one by one, and finally turned into a crimson knife shadow!
"Trap him!" The man yelled sharply, and the other 11 people tried their best to stop the swooping King Zhou of Shang and give the man some chances to kill him!

With a dragon cry, the 11 people had just gone up when they were shaken away by a strong force around King Zhou of Shang, and rushed towards the man holding the knife.


Seeing King Zhou of Shang rushing towards him, it was too late for the man to dodge, so he could only bite the bullet and go up with the knife, and the knife in his hand exuded a palpitating coldness!
"go to hell!"

The man bit the bullet and slashed down fiercely with the knife, just right on King Shang Zhou's head. The blade of the blade became more radiant when it touched Duan Rujun's dragon body, and the pattern immediately swam away from the blade, and began to slash. Attacked towards the dragon's head.

(End of this chapter)

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