Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 25 Qing Mo's Choice

Chapter 25 Qing Mo's Choice
"He is really Jiang Chen!" Although everyone didn't believe it, what Qing Mo said was indeed true.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Chen!" Jiang Chen also came out to make a rescue at this moment, and smiled at everyone. To be honest, Jiang Chen didn't know everyone here. Although they were classmates, they had very little communication with each other. His impression was just a poor boy who studied well.

"What, you are really Jiang Chen!" Hearing Jiang Chen's own confession, everyone was naturally amazed. They naturally did not expect such a change in Jiang Chen's arrangement, which also made everyone look at him with admiration.

"It's really Jiang Chen!" Liu Suyun took a closer look before confirming, "I thought it was Qing Mo's boyfriend, but I didn't expect it to be Jiang Chen you! By the way, where did you get rich again? Come to such a famous brand!"

Liu Suyun looked at Jiang Chen's clothes, and found that the value of his famous brand was not lower than his own.

"Get rich? Liu Suyun, you're thinking too much. Besides robbing a bank, how can a poor guy like him have enough money to buy this outfit? Let me tell you, he rented it. I saw him buying jewelry downstairs in the morning. After being exposed by Fan Shao and me, I thought he would have no face, but I didn't expect him to be so thick!" Naturally, Liu Feng would not let this opportunity to scold Jiang Chen, in his eyes Jiang Chen is still the one who still suffers from himself. The bullying Jiang Chen, although he has seen Jiang Chen's skills before, he is not afraid, because he also found a master today, the purpose is to humiliate him in public.

"Rented?" Liu Suyun also giggled when he heard the words, "Hey, it really is true that trees rely on piles, and people rely on clothes! Jiang Chen looks like a different person after being dressed up! Jiang Chen, you have nothing to do with me. If you are interested, if you follow me, I guarantee that you will have no worries about eating and drinking in the future! Stay away from your previous poor days!"

Seeing Jiang Chen, Liu Suyun was also a little moved. Although Jiang Chen has no money, he has it himself. Taking this kind of person out will definitely attract a lot of attention. When the time comes, if you pack Jiang Chen's identity properly, it will definitely attract a lot of people. envy.

"Liu Suyun, you are too shameless!" Liu Feng trembled angrily when he heard the words. He just broke up with Liu Suyun, but he didn't expect that she would seduce other men in front of his face. Although he was in the past tense, that was too shameful He lost face.

"You still have face? Even if you throw your old face into the frying pan and take it out, you won't be able to bite it! You still have the nerve to say..." Liu Suyun was naturally not afraid of Liu Feng, and continued to sarcastically.

"Good men don't fight with women! Hmph!" Liu Feng knew he couldn't beat Liu Suyun, so he couldn't resist confronting him anymore, and turned his eyes back.

Qing Mo was also a little surprised to see Liu Suyun put his mind on Jiang Chen. Before, Liu Suyun didn't even bother to look at Jiang Chen, but now he's flocking to him.

"How about it, Jiang Chen! This is a great opportunity for you to stand up, and I will leave this Liu family's visiting son-in-law to you!" Liu Suyun also spoke domineeringly, although he is not a woman, he is similar.

"I appreciate Miss Liu's kindness, but I'm already someone else's!" Jiang Chen replied coldly.

Hearing this, Liu Suyun was also a little surprised, his eyes swept over Qing Mo, seeing Qing Mo's shy look, he probably understood a little bit.

"When did Jiang Chen get together with Qingmo!" Liu Suyun slandered in his heart, then smiled and said, "Since that's the case, I won't take others for granted!"

After she finished speaking, she returned to the sofa tactfully, but Qing Mo was blushing at the moment, she naturally thought that Jiang Chen was talking about her.

"Okay, okay, you've been here for so long, mother-in-law, it's time for dawn! Serve Qingmo with a cake first!" Fan Cangsheng also looked extremely embarrassed at the side, his goal today is to be in front of everyone besides Qingmo pretending to be aggressive.

"Bring the cake!" Liu Feng immediately ordered the waiter.

"Here comes the cake!" Soon the cake was pushed in. It was a big cake with 19 layers, each layer was ten centimeters long, with various fruits on it, candles all around, and the four big words "Happy Birthday" on it. Also looked very proud.

"This is the big cake from Fan Shao! Fan Shao has taken over here tonight. After eating the cake, have fun!" Liu Feng introduced.

"Wow, Fan Shao is so proud! Such a big cake is worth a lot of money!"

"Of course, Jinyu Liangyuan's cake is worth tens of thousands at worst!"

"Hehe, you know how to eat it! Do you know how much it costs to pack this place?"

"I don't know! How much!"

"At least 100 million!"

"What? 100 million? Fan Shao is really rich! For Qing Mo to pay such a big sum, it seems that Fan Shao is interested in Qing Mo!"

"Of course, you don't even look at who Fan Shao is! He's the son of the Director of the Education Bureau!"

"Wow, if I had such a male ticket, I would die..."

When everyone saw this, they talked a lot, and they all praised Fan Cangsheng's pride and status, especially when someone said that he and Qingmo were a good match, he felt so happy that he didn't know why.

"Qingmo, come here and make a wish!" Jiang Chen was the first to stand in front of the cake, and pulled Qingmo over to make her come and make a wish.

"En!" Qing Mo nodded, and began to make a wish.

A moment later, she blew out a candle for a moment.

"Come on, Qingmo! This is my birthday present for you!" Qingmo had just blown out the candles when Fan Cangsheng came up, holding a box in his hand, which was obviously the diamond ring he took out outside.

"This is a diamond ring! Be my girlfriend! I will definitely treat you well!" Fan Cangsheng opened the box, and a shining diamond ring was revealed immediately. Everyone, especially the girls, had their eyes shining and they were all envious .

"Fan Shao is really kind to Qing Mo, it must be several million this night!"

"That's right, it would be great if Fan Shao took a fancy to me!"


"Qing Mo promised him!"

"Give him Qingmo!"

"Qingmo kisses him!"

"Qingmo, you promise him quickly, or you can give it to me!"


There was a lot of noise below, only Qingmo stood still and didn't speak, she was a little embarrassed at the moment, she wanted to refuse, but Fan Cangsheng said a few words in his ear when she just came in, so she didn't dare to refuse easily.

"Qingmo, if you don't agree, I will find someone to kill him in a while! If you want to see him die with your own eyes, you can refuse me. If you don't want to, you should be obedient!" Seeing Qingmo's hesitation, Fan Cangsheng Also reminded in a low voice.


Qing Mo couldn't hold it back for a while, she shed tears, she really likes Jiang Chen, not Fan Cangsheng, but if she really refuses, with Fan Cangsheng's personality, she can really do these things.

(End of this chapter)

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