Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 262 Later They All Died

Chapter 262 Later They All Died

This group of forces is a so-called debt collection company, and they are nothing more than a bunch of mobs!
Jiang Chen went straight to the top floor, opened the door and saw the leader with a fierce face. The man was sitting on the desk drinking with his subordinates, having a great time. Seeing Jiang Chen kicking the door in, Just when he was about to yell, his face froze immediately.

"It's you?" He saw Jiang Chen as if he saw a ghost, and hurriedly backed away. Naturally, those younger brothers didn't know Jiang Chen, but they didn't dare to attack Jiang Chen when they saw his boss panicked.

"It's me!" Jiang Chen chuckled, pulled a nearby chair over, and sat on it.

"You're still alive? Could it be that Master Chang already..." Thinking of this, the man felt even more uneasy. Naturally, Master Chang is not the kind of person who takes money and does nothing, and since Jiang Chen is alive and well, it is probably the elder The master died, otherwise Jiang Chen would not be able to find this place safely.

"Um, I haven't met him yet! It's time to come here soon!" Jiang Chen didn't care. The Master Zhang was an extremely powerful character in their eyes, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, he was just a person in the realm of Taoism. That's all scum, there is nothing to be afraid of at all, and he came here today to show them off and use his own strength to frighten them.

"Come soon?" The man didn't look any better when he heard the words. Seeing Jiang Chen's indifferent appearance, he naturally wouldn't be afraid of the Grand Master, and how did Jiang Chen know that the Grand Master would come soon?

"Um, it's 2 minutes earlier than I expected!" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, a simple old man pushed the door open and walked in.

"Master Chang?" The man was overjoyed when he saw this, and then ran to the old man, "Master Chang, you are here. This guy came here and almost fucked us!"

"It's okay, this guy does have some strength, Taoist level five, but it's a pity that I'm in the eighth level of Taoism, it's absolutely safe to take him down!" The old man's face was calm, and Jiang Chen's level could be seen, he naturally I felt relieved a lot, and the man was overjoyed when he heard the words. Master Zhang said so, it is probably a sure thing. Although they don't know what the level is, they can still hear that the old man's realm is higher than Jiang Chen. Naturally, I was relieved a lot. Seeing Jiang Chen being so indifferent before, I thought there were two brushes, but I didn't expect it to be such a soft hand.

Hearing that Jiang Chen didn't say a word, he just wanted to let them know the strength of this old man, and then defeat the opponent in one fell swoop. In this way, he raised himself up again, and his deterrent power was naturally greatly enhanced. Jiang Chen was too happy!

"Boy, this boss paid 100 million for your life. If you kill me right away, I will keep your whole body, or else I will leave you without bones!"

"The tone is not small, so far you are not the only one who threatened me like this, but they all died later! Of course, you are no exception. You die for 100 million, I really don't know what your head is thinking! Tsk tsk tsk! "Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly, looking at the old man like an idiot.

"It's ridiculous, such a crazy kid deserves to die early!" With the presence of such an elder, the man is not afraid of Jiang Chen, and has the confidence to yell at Jiang Chen, and the old man's expression is even more disdainful.

"Don't think that you are defiant and invincible when you reach the fifth level of Taoism at a young age. What I want to tell you now is, don't forget that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. With your arrogant temperament, no matter you What a monstrosity, premature death is inevitable!"

"Death? Huh!" Jiang Chen sneered, "I admit my arrogance, but my arrogance naturally has the capital of my arrogance, and you are only an eighth-level Taoist. Do you think you have the ability to make me die young? Don't say it You are level [-] Taoist, even if the Taoist comes, I will kill you!" Jiang Chen stood up slowly, and the evil spirit on his body naturally dissipated, and the younger brothers were all shocked when they felt the evil spirit, and that Seeing this, the old man frowned slightly. Jiang Chen's evil spirit was even worse than him. You must know that evil spirit is killing spirit, and a person who has cultivated evil spirit must have killed many people. From this point of view, Jiang Chen had indeed killed many more people than this old man, otherwise it would not have had such an effect.

"Even a Taoist master can't kill you? Hmph, I think you're out of your mind. Don't you think that the level is reversed? Today I want to see how you, a Taoist level five, can learn from me. Escape from the hands of the eighth-level Taoist!" Although the old man was surprised by Jiang Chen's aura, he was an eighth-level Taoist after all, three full levels higher than Jiang Chen. Yes, not to mention that this is already a three-level gap, no matter how powerful Jiang Chen is, he can't make up for this gap!

"Since you want to see it, I'll let you see it! Everyone, you have to keep your eyes wide open. If you can't see clearly for a while, I won't show you again. After all, you only have this one!" Jiang Chen moved, and the time rules had been condensed. He arrived in front of the old man almost instantly, and the old man didn't even have time to react. Just as his pupils began to shrink, his head was hit hard, and he was sent flying straight away. , hit the wall heavily, and the whole process didn't take more than five seconds, and the old man didn't know whether he was alive or dead under Jiang Chen's punch, he just fell to the ground and remained motionless.


Jiang Chen looked like a ghost, the people here had their mouths wide open to show their astonishment, they kept spitting out cold air into their mouths, and the leading man with a fierce face fell directly to the ground, terrified...

"See clearly?" Jiang Chen withdrew his hand, and looked at the people in the room with a sneer. Wherever his eyes passed, they backed away for a while, for fear of being stared at by him!
As Jiang Chen finished speaking, the room also had a foul smell. After a closer look, it turned out that the fierce-faced man was so frightened that he pissed his pants. You must know that Master Zhang was hired by him to kill Jiang Chen. Chen's, and Master Zhang didn't know how to live or die, and how would he be dealt with by Jiang Chen?
Jiang Chen's attack was ruthless, he had seen it with his own eyes, whether it was the team at the hospital or the Grand Master, if he was caught by Jiang Chen, he would be disabled if he didn't die!Now squatting on the ground, he has nothing but fear in his heart. He has probably never been so afraid since he was born.

"Big Brother, Big Brother! That, that..."

The man wanted to explain something to Jiang Chen, but couldn't say anything for a while.

"Okay, don't fucking talk!" Jiang Chen pointed at the man with a fierce face, gesturing for him to shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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