Chapter 284

"What? Re-plan the industrial distribution of Baishan?" The three of them were worried to varying degrees when they heard the words. They could more or less guess what the old man meant. After all, this matter is too important!

"That's right, as leaders, you have dishonest mentality, and I have only this kind of method. It's something that many forces dare not do for so many years, but you have done it. I admire your courage. If you have something to say, say it quickly, lest I not give you a chance later!" Mr. An said in a cold and authentic voice.


Now the three of them fully understood that the An family was going to behead them, beheading the heads of their three families!
"Mr. An, this matter really has nothing to do with my Liu family. Although I have thought about it in private, it is true that my Liu family has passed the weather with the situation of the old man. We know this very well, and it is absolutely impossible to do it." If something out of the ordinary happens, please trust me, Mr. An!" Liu Yang is not an idiot, so he was the first to explain it, and the most important thing is that the Liu family is wronged.

He didn't want the Liu family to take the blame for that murderer. After all, the Liu family was also their painstaking effort. If they fell, they would have nothing. Although there is still his old man, the grudge must be settled. According to the An family's plan It means that his old man is unlikely to get through the difficulties smoothly.

The manager of the Yangtze River Group was also very nervous when he heard the words, and now he regretted it a little, and now he is also thinking about whether to confess Xuanyuan. Although it will not be so easy to solve the matter if it is revealed, it should not be a crime. That An Lu was not killed by him, it was purely Xuanyuan's own cleverness, and it really had nothing to do with him.

Looking at the severe atmosphere, Xuanyuan in the dark was not so relaxed. After all, this was a sign of a big war. Even he held his breath, not daring to show any air, lest he be discovered.

Jiang Chen seemed much calmer about this, he felt that he had the ability to leave this Anjia safely, while the other two were worried about their own safety.

"It's useless to say more, if you want to blame, blame your stupid behavior! I hope you can get to know each other better in the next life!" As he said this, Mr. An also stood up, and the power of the rules suddenly dissipated. All the people in the room were surrounded by it.

"A strong man in the Daoyuan realm!" Jiang Chen was shocked. This old man of the An family turned out to be a strong man in the Daoyuan realm, and the power of this rule is extremely strong. It is by no means a realm that he has just entered recently. The old man is at least level 2 or higher in Daoyuan!

Under the power of the rules, Liu Yang and the manager of the Yangtze River Group were also under great pressure, but they were sweating profusely in seconds and began to pant heavily. The coercion of the two made them unable to resist. How strong is this old man?

"Mr. An, please calm down. I have also investigated the murderer! I may help you find the murderer!" The manager of the Changjiang Group couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to confess Xuanyuan.

"You know?" Mr. An stared at the manager of Changjiang Group with a smile, "Didn't you all blame Jiang Chen just now? Why are you still telling me it's him? Or is it someone else?"

Mr. An looked at the manager of the Yangtze River Group, and the manager felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, his heart turned cold, and Xuanyuan in the dark was also a little nervous. Could it be that the manager of the Yangtze River Group was going to betray him!

"Not Jiang Chen, not Jiang Chen!" The manager nodded and confirmed.

"Who is that?"

Seeing what the manager said, the pressure on Liu Yang and Jiang Chen also suddenly disappeared, and they all fell on him. For a while, the manager couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to his knees on the ground.

"It's a man named Xuanyuan, he can transform many kinds of rules! This Jiang Chen fought against him. He was going to kill Jiang Chen at first, but seeing that An Lu and Jiang Chen just got together, he solved it smoothly. By the way, blame Jiang Chen for this matter, as long as Jiang Chen died at that time, there would be no proof, but I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be too powerful, and he didn't win, so it evolved to where it is today!" The manager also Tell the truth, now he feels that his bones are about to be broken, and Xuanyuan, who is hiding in the dark, has fucked his ancestors for eighteen generations, but he didn't expect that he was betrayed in the end, and now the manager is also included in his must-kill list.

"Then what does this person have to do with you?" Mr. An continued to ask, his voice becoming colder and colder.

"He's my partner, a killer hiding in the dark!" The manager lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Mr. An, he knew that Mr. An must have murderous intentions now.

"Okay, very good! It's fine for you to mess around, but you actually dragged us into the water!" Liu Yang also began to accuse him at this time, but he was frightened just now. Of course, there is no doubt about the words of Mr. An. I won't let it go, but fortunately this guy admitted it, otherwise he would have died here in vain today!

"Very good!" Mr. An ignored the other party, but looked at the manager, "Now you have a chance to survive, and that is to hand his body over to me, if not, you will be the one who died!"

"He's in this room! He came with me today!" Hearing this, the manager also exposed Xuanyuan. He also wanted to survive and didn't want to just die like this. He also knew that even if he didn't die today, Xuanyuan would not Let him go, and he is not the other party's opponent, so it is natural to solve it here, otherwise he will not sleep peacefully in the future.

"What? Right here?" Mr. An frowned, relying on his Daoyuan realm, he didn't even notice the existence of the other party. Sure enough, it was a bit weird.

Jiang Chen and Liu Yang were also shocked, they didn't expect this person to come here.

"Since you're here, come out! Kill my grandson, you don't even think about getting out alive today! You voluntarily kill me and I can keep your whole body, if not..." Mr. An also had a gloomy face, trying to detect the other party with the rules location of existence.

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that I would be betrayed today!" Hearing this, Xuanyuan also burst out laughing. The sound echoed in the room, but no one could catch his position. Mr. An couldn't Jiang Neither can Chen.

"But even if you know, what's the use? I killed people, but what can you do with me? Even if you know I'm here, how can you catch me? If I leave, none of you can keep it , but I remember all of you, one day I will kill you all, just wait and see!" The whole room was filled with Xuanyuan's wild laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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