Chapter 290

Compared with Ankang, Liu Yang is much younger, about forty years old, so he looks very young. Young people naturally have ambitions, but now it seems that his ambition is not enough!

Most of Anjia's assets flowed out. Luo An is considered the largest Yongshou. Since Changjiang Foods was taken by Anjia, it will naturally fall into Jiang Chen's hands now. It can be said that Jiang Chen completely ate the assets of Changjiang Group , and at the same time ate most of the An family's strength, which can be regarded as the absolute head of Luo An.

As a real estate company, Yongshou will definitely develop vigorously in the hands of Jiang Chen in the future. It is natural for the Liu family to be squeezed out in the future. Now the Liu family must either hand over part of the equity like the An family in exchange for their own continuous benefits, or wait. Faced with the pressure of competition from Yongshou, of course this pressure is absolute. In a short time, Yongshou will definitely surpass the Liu family, and it will be time for the Liu family to roll up their bedding!

"How, are you interested?" Jiang Chen looked at the hesitant Liu Yang, and naturally hoped that the other party would compromise. After all, if he could absolutely control Luo An's movements, he would definitely save a lot of effort. There is no need to compete with the Liu family.

"Let me consider this matter!" He is not the only one who has the final say on the affairs of the Liu family. After all, there is an old man who is the backbone of the Liu family, like a pillar.

"Okay, I also hope that Mr. Liu can understand the general situation, just lie down and collect the money, and leave the tiring and dirty work to us juniors to do it! Hahaha!" Jiang Chen chuckled, it must be a matter of time for the Liu family to compromise here, The An family is already in the bag, and the Liu family will naturally follow.

"Since there's nothing else to do, I'll go back!" Liu Yang didn't want to linger any longer, so he got up and said goodbye to Ankang and Jiang Chen and left.

After Liu Yang left, Anjia also began to proceed with the follow-up transfer matters. All 30.00% of the equity was transferred to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen also succeeded Ankang as the chairman of Ansheng Group, out of support for Anjia , the name Ansheng Group is not allowed to be changed.

In the follow-up, Jiang Chen is the largest shareholder behind the Ansheng Group, and Jiang Chen acts in a low-key manner, and not many people know about it. Although Anjia's withdrawal has aroused many people's speculation, the speculation will not be obtained after all. any response.

Liu family
"The old man will probably come back tomorrow. Mr. Qian, what do you think our Liu family should do next?" After Liu Yang came back, he thought about this matter countless times. He didn't know what decision he should make in the end. It was the same way as An's family. , or fight Jiang Chen to the end!
"Let's make a decision on this matter after the old man comes back! After all, the Liu family was built by the old man alone. After so much effort, I probably don't want it to go to waste one day! According to my guess, the old man will choose to carry on!" Qian The old man nodded.

"I think so. At this age, the old man has more fighting spirit than us young people! I have to admire it!" Liu Yang was also very solemn. If the old man hadn't been seriously ill these years, the Liu family would not be in the current situation.

"In other words, the half of the assets that Haotian Technology wants should also be transferred!" Liu Yang paused and said, his Liu family holds 50.00% of the company's shares, and what the old man needs for treatment is half of the shares he controls, which is 20.00 %20.00, the remaining 20.00% of Wu is owned by his Liu family. In a large company, this [-]% of Wu's shares is already quite small.

If you agree to Jiang Chen's request and go halfway, then the remaining will only be 12.5%. This ratio is extremely limited for the Liu family, a real estate family.

So this is also what Liu Yang is worried about. The interests of the Liu family have been halved, and then halved again, leaving only 25% of the original, which is a quarter.

This is the last thing the Liu family wants to see.

"Let's take one step at a time now! We'll make arrangements when the old man comes back!" For these assets, Qian Lao didn't particularly care about them. After all, he was old, and he couldn't take the money with him after he died, so it was useless to ask for it.

"The An family has retired, there is no need for our Liu family to retreat!" As soon as Qian Lao finished speaking, a deep voice came in from outside the door. When the two heard the sound, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they were overjoyed!
"Old man?" Qian Lao was the first to react, and hurriedly opened the door, and he really saw the person he was thinking of in his mind outside the door, the old man of the Liu family.

The old man of the Liu family is full of energy, as if he has rejuvenated. Although his appearance has not changed, his temperament is still there and his body looks much tougher than before.

"Old man, are you back?" Elder Qian was very excited when he saw the old man of the Liu family.

Then Liu Yang also greeted him at this time, "Father, you are back! Aren't you coming back tomorrow? That's why I didn't send someone to pick you up!"

"What? Why don't you welcome me back?" The old man paused and laughed.

"How could it be! We are looking forward to your return, old man!" Qian Lao said with a mocking smile.

"I've heard all about you. I'm in such a good state that I can't stop there, so I rushed back a day early!" The old man of the Liu family paused.

"Haotian Technology is really powerful. The old man looks like a young man in his 50s and [-]s, with great aura!" Qian Lao also praised.

"Go ahead and sit down, let's talk about the matter of Haotian Technology!" The old man of the Liu family walked in to meet the two of them.

"Haotian technology is too developed, I intend to incorporate all the assets of the Liu family into it!" The old man of the Liu family also said after sitting down.

"What? Incorporate all the assets of the Liu family into Haotian Technology?" Liu Yang was shocked when he heard that, and Qian Lao's expression was not natural. The old man of the Liu family looked different from before.

"That's right! Haotian Technology, you all know that their technological power is too powerful, I am deeply impressed by it! There is nothing wrong with our Liu family being merged into it. Not only will we not lose anything, but we will also get their great strength. Support, now the situation of the Liu family is in need of foreign aid! And Haotian Technology is the best choice, only they have the power to make us win the best in Luoan! The An family may have to stand aside!" The old man of the Liu family nodded and said.

"What? Are we going to fight for the number one giant in Luo'an?" Liu Yang was shocked again when he heard the words. What the old man told them was really unacceptable. These things were things they had never thought about. Not at the time, but now that the An family has retired, they still haven't thought about it.

(End of this chapter)

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