Chapter 308

Although they are the bosses of the area, they are nothing in front of Jiang Chen.

Naturally, they cannot change the decision made by Jiang Chen, let alone violate it. Jiang Chen is no different from an ancient emperor in front of them. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. It is for the construction of human society, and it is not considered a bad thing.

"I will give you a certain amount of time to adapt. During this period, I will selectively forgive you for some inappropriate things, but only for those minor things. Some things have gone too far, and I will only let the fire burn. It’s so prosperous, I’m going to burn you all together! If you don’t believe me, you can try it, I will definitely not let you down!” Jiang Chen said earnestly, and now his empty words have enough deterrent force.

The competition in the Liu family just now contrasted his strength and confirmed his title as Luo An No. 1, so although these people are dissatisfied now, they are all in their hearts, and they dare not make any changes to them Just because Jiang Chen is too young will not underestimate his courage.

No one wants to be the role model that Jiang Chen wants to set, but Jiang Chen's idea is to let them be a new person, which makes it difficult for them to accept for a while. After all, they do bad things every day and are suddenly asked to only do bad things one day. It feels like the sky is one place, so Jiang Chen has to give them a certain amount of time to adapt. Jiang Chen has also thought a lot about this aspect.

This is what I want to accept the status quo of Luo An. Doing some big moves and cooperating with the government will not only strengthen the construction of corporate culture and social culture, but also improve the reputation of the company. This is a profitable business.

Therefore, Jiang Chen will not stop his actions. Regardless of whether these people are satisfied or not, Jiang Chen will only continue to do so.

"Next, I will send someone to contact you further! You just need to cooperate well. Now I will ask you, if any of you have any opinions, we can raise them. I guarantee in my name that I will not Angry, but if you go down and complain now without commenting, don’t blame me!”

Jiang Chen also directly pointed out that he first explained the rules. Although what he did was a bit of a pitfall for these bosses, it was also a real service to the people. Strengthening the construction of social morality is what Jiang Chen must step out of. step!
"Since everyone has no objections, let's contact the person I sent in a while!" Seeing that there was no response from the crowd, Jiang Chen paused, then turned and walked away.

The rest of the matter will be left to Ah San. He just needs to practice quietly. There is no big deal, and Jiang Chen doesn't need to come out anymore!

As soon as Jiang Chen left, the pot exploded immediately below.

"Damn it, this is asking us to correct our evil and return to the right! This kid is not ordinary. He actually has this ability, and even has the idea of ​​building Luo'an into a world-class civilized city. If it can be achieved, it can be regarded as a gift for us. Roan took a breath!"

"Well, there doesn't seem to be a city with such a title in the empire. Although there are many prosperous cities, there are no cities that are truly civilized! Star City is no exception. Although it is the core of the empire, internal conflicts continue. It’s intensifying, and it can’t beat the saying of a harmonious civilized city!”

"I don't have any objections to this approach! As a Luo'an native, it's a way to give myself some credit. Secondly, I've already planned to wash my hands in a golden basin. It's just that there are heavy grievances with each other. I will definitely have a lot of trouble if I quit. I really hope that he can build this harmonious society!"

Although there is a lot of noise downstairs, most of them are still willing to cooperate. They are all knowledgeable people who can be the leaders of the first district, and they also have their own sense of honor and disgrace. It seems that being a boss is not as easy as everyone imagined. Only those who have been there know the hardships involved.

There are more than 300 people, and naturally some discordant voices are indispensable.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be a big loss for us to change like this? I used to drive a BMW, but now I'm afraid I can only ride a tricycle!"

"That's right, the one we can be the boss is not full of ruthlessness, and changes as soon as he says change, how is this possible! Although I also want to make some contributions to Roan, this contribution requires too much effort!"

"Me too, I have raised a big family! Wife, mistress, mistress... until the age of 20, the monthly living expenses are hundreds of thousands. Without this money, where can I support my family?" !"

"Hahaha, I've heard that all the girls in your family are ranked 20. If you didn't say it yourself, I really couldn't believe it!"

Although these people were dissatisfied, they didn't dare to blame Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen's strength lies there. If they dare to talk nonsense, everyone will know what will happen.

"Let's think about what to do in the future! I'm afraid no one of your 20 wives can bear it for you!"

"We are all civilized people, so don't say or do uncivilized things!" Ah San also stood in the center of the stage at this time, and said to the people below.

"I will send out a leaflet to everyone in a while. There are 1 copies in total. After you go back today, you must each have one, and you must urge them to understand the content on it and implement it! Three days later I will It will be taken back in a unified way, and random checks will be carried out during this process. If anyone does not do what I said, then I am sorry, Luo An does not welcome you, and your little brothers, in addition to expelling you, will also I will give you some punishment, and there will be some rewards for doing well!"

"Okay, after a while at the exit, each of you will report the number of people in your hands, and I will send you a corresponding number of brochures!"

When Ah San was talking, no one dared to speak out, and after he left, everyone just looked at each other's expressions.

Soon, the rally came to an end. Although the contents were different, the results were similar. Some people were happy and some were worried. After receiving the leaflets, they all went to their own territories.

These orders were then sent out.

"What? Boss, we have to be good in the future? How can this be possible! That's why I came here!"

After the bosses went back, those areas were also very surprised, and they all expressed their dislike for this thing without exception. Most of the younger brothers were bullies, and they did not have the wisdom of their bosses, and they were full of impulsiveness. breath.

"Boss, what the hell is going on! We bully people well, why don't we allow it all of a sudden, what kind of good citizens are we, we bastards, who wants to be restrained by this?"

(End of this chapter)

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