Chapter 322

Hearing this, Jiang Chen didn't reply immediately, but paused for a while before speaking slowly.

"Let me just say, it's impossible for the forces in Star City not to know about this! But you're right, I'm indeed from there! And I'm at the helm of Yongshou!" Jiang Chen's face was calm, as if he was running such a big company. As if it was a big deal, he seemed extremely indifferent.

"Hahaha, I'm sure I was right!" Hearing this, Gao Ziming's face beamed with joy, "From the moment I saw my eldest cousin, I knew that my eldest cousin is not a mortal, and his demeanor definitely did not come from a valley!"

"The ravine! Hehe, is it true that those who are not in Star City are in the ravine in the eyes of your Star City!" Jiang Chen was not angry when he heard the words, but looked very indifferent, although it sounded a little wrong .

"Where is there?" Gao Ziming knew that he had spoken too much when he heard the words, and he quickly apologized, especially after he knew that Jiang Chen was the helm of Yongshou, he respected him more and more. Although he was a rich second generation, but for Jiang Chen. Such a self-reliant, prosperous person is still very admired, and Jiang Chen is about the same age as him.

The business is not weaker than their Gao family. You must know that Luo An's three giants are equivalent to the big family of this star city, and they are much stronger than their Gao family. He has no reason to look down on these people, let alone Yongshou is the kind of existence that Luo's security department is occupied by a force, and it is not only a little bit stronger than their Gao family.

"What an offense you said just now! Big cousin, don't blame me!"

"You also know that the people in our Star City are all arrogant and arrogant, and they are somewhat prejudiced against outsiders!" Gao Ziming also directly confessed that this is something that everyone is accustomed to. Presumably, Jiang Chen's existence should not I would mind such words, otherwise Jiang Chen would not be able to get to where he is today!
"Big cousin is young and promising, he should be a role model for my generation! If I don't dislike it, I want to follow my big cousin in the future. The rich second generation like us are also idlers who usually have nothing to do. I don't want me In the future, I will rely on my family to survive, and I want to rely on my own strength to be self-reliant! I hope my cousin will give me a chance!" Gao Ziming looked sincere, and it didn't look like he was joking.

And Zhao Min hurriedly interrupted when he heard the words, "But he is also a person who fights and kills every day, and you can't learn anything from him! You should improve your strength well, and if you need to rely on your fists in the future, you can solve it! "

"Eh?" Gao Ziming was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect Zhao Min to persuade me like this.

"Yes, I actually want to cooperate with my brother! Since my brother has such an intention, I will not shirk it. I also plan to develop my own power in this Star City. It will be much easier if I have my brother's help!" Jiang Chen After a little thought, he agreed. What he said was also the result of his own thinking. Star City is not other places. If you want to stand firm, you must have external force!
And this Gao family seems to be able to take advantage of it. He will definitely be suppressed by the local forces when he settles in Star City, and he is weak in Star City, so he will definitely not be able to take advantage. different.

"What? You plan to settle in Star City?" Hearing this, Gao Ziming was taken aback. What he said just now was a joke, and even with him, he wanted to go to Luo'an with Jiang Chen to develop instead of staying in Star City. You must know that the development of Star City has basically been finalized by now, and it cannot tolerate the entry of external forces. I didn't expect Jiang Chen to have this idea, which really surprised Gao Ziming.

"Yes, Luo'an is just my first step out of Baishan, and Star City is my second step! Of course, at the same time, other small and medium-sized cities are also my development goals, and Star City is just one of the more important ones!" Jiang Jiang Chen doesn't hide anything. He has no intention of concealing his ambition, or ambition. Of course, he can't be timid if he is a man with ambitions everywhere. , even if he failed, it would be a big deal to start all over again, and there seemed to be few people in the world who could kill him, so he didn't worry about his life being in danger.

Hearing Jiang Chen's glance like this, Gao Ziming's heart was also in a hurry. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to have such ambitions!It’s good that the forces that came out of Baishan took root in Luo’an. I didn’t expect to take it down in one fell swoop. Not only that, but now they are also stationed in Star City, a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, and there is a tendency to develop to the whole empire. It's unbelievable, unbelievable!

Gao Ziming sighed endlessly, his age was almost the same as his, but there was such a gap, which really made people feel ashamed.

He knows that Jiang Chen's Yongshou is mainly based on real estate, while his Gao's is mainly based on precious gold and silver jewelry. There is no conflict between the two businesses. If they cooperate, they may get a lot of benefits. You know Well, real estate is one of the people's livelihoods, and it has always been the biggest earner. Everyone wants to get a share of it, but it's just helpless, and they can't break through this industry barrier.

"Actually, I have my own ideas about cooperation. However, it's better for me to tell the elders in my family about such a big matter. After all, I can't decide this matter!" He doesn't know whether it's good or bad for Xingcheng, and he also knows that Jiang Chen intends to use his power, but it's only natural to use each other.

"I think the elders in your family should have no opinion on this matter. You must know that such an opportunity is really rare. I will open a branch in Star City, and your Gao family can invest in it. You should also know the profits of real estate. Where, so I won't explain so much!"

"I know that real estate has always been led by the Fan family, and now my biggest enemy is also the Fan family, so standing with me is bound to be against the Fan family! Only one of us can survive, and I am now Single strength is weak, and you have to rely on many things from the Gao family, so it can be regarded as a relatively high-risk investment!"

"Risks and benefits coexist, everyone understands this truth! There is no such thing as making you count money for nothing, so you should go back and explain this matter clearly to the old men in the family! Whether it is good or bad, everyone also has a low point in their hearts!"

"If the Gao family is willing to cooperate, I am willing to contribute 40.00% of the shares of this branch company. I personally want 40.00%. The remaining 20.00% will be found by other partners. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible! This way I can start preparing !"

(End of this chapter)

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