Fighting against the sky: the wandering city

Chapter 47 Someone in the coffin

Chapter 47 Someone in the coffin

"Haha, I already feel that kind of imperial aura! The King Zhou of Shang must be inside!" Robber Tianxiong ignored the crowd, and stepped in through the gap by himself, his face full of excitement.

Naturally, everyone didn't want to stay when they saw this, and walked in with Thief Bear. The walls of the entire tomb were inlaid with crystals, shining brightly under the light. The entire tomb was as big as a playground, and the inside was neatly organized The ground is full of golden coffins.

"Damn it! This coffin is enough for us to spend our whole life, and there are hundreds of coffins here!" Some people became a little crazy when they saw this, but Liu Changfeng and his party seemed to be more calm, those drug dealers But they jumped on the golden coffin one by one crazily. Most of them sell drugs for money, but now as long as one coffin is transported out, they will have nothing to worry about for a lifetime. How can they be unhappy!
"Hahaha! The origin of the emperor, here I come!" Thief Tianxiong didn't even look at these piled up golden coffins, but looked at another coffin on the altar, which was different from these coffins. It is made of pure jade, with a dense green light on it.

But the Thief Tianxiong stopped immediately after taking a few steps, and the step he took was also stabilized in the air without stepping on it.

"Ultimate Bliss Rebirth Formation?" Thief Tianxiong took back his steps, and frowned deeply after taking a closer look. He found that the hundreds of golden coffins were not arranged randomly, but arranged according to certain rules. A set of formations, he has seen this formation before, but compared with this one, it looks extremely shabby.

"If my guess is right, the ones lying in each of these coffins are at least the existence of Daoyuan!" Seeing Thief Tianxiong's movements, Liu Changfeng and the thin man also came over. When it was said that the hundreds of coffins lying here were at least the existences of the Daoyuan state, they were extremely shocked. You must know that even in the hidden door, the existences of the Daoyuan state can be counted on their fingers!How could there be so many here!But Thief Tianxiong is naturally saying that they also know that this is probably true!

"The one lying in the coffin is King Zhou of Shang! It's just that if the strength of the Bliss Rebirth Formation is still there, I'm afraid that King Shang Zhou will be too domineering and I won't be able to take it down!" Robber Tianxiong is also aware of the power of the Bliss Rebirth Formation, He can extract the origin and life energy of other people to supplement the consumption of the master, which means that they are continuously sending power to King Zhou of Shang. Although King Zhou of Shang was dead at the beginning, this thing lasts for a hundred years to make a dead It is not difficult for a person to come back to life. According to historical records, King Shang Zhou’s original cultivation base was the same as heaven and earth, and he also had the true origin of the emperor. No one knows how terrible it will be if he is resurrected. No one knows about the resurrection of King Zhou!But Na Daji is alive, and most of King Zhou of Shang is also alive, but it is unknown to what extent the strength of the two survives.

With so much origin and power extracted, if King Shang Zhou jumped out of the coffin, it is estimated that none of the people present would be able to leave alive.

Although Thief Tianxiong was prepared, if King Shang Zhou's strength exceeded expectations, then he would have no choice.

"Go up and have a look! If the source of formation is still turning, you all retreat!" Thief Tianxiong also directed towards the people he brought.


Those people heard the words and approached the jade coffins on the altar cautiously, while people from other forces were thinking about how to move these golden coffins out, completely oblivious to what the leaders were doing!
"Boss, this source has no power to operate! And it's been a long time!" The people above checked and reported to Thief Tianxiong Hui.

"Okay!" Hearing that Robber Tianxiong raised his heart, he also moved towards the jade coffin. Liu Changfeng and Shouzi also followed. Naturally, they wanted to meet Shang Zhou who was thousands of years ago. What does the king look like!

On the altar, the jade coffin floated across the sky, flush with all sides, without any carvings on it, but the jade looked so pure that it seemed to be transparent. There were two people lying in it, a man and a woman!
"I have a feeling that the source of the emperor is inside!" Thief Tianxiong was a little excited, this is what he dreamed of, it didn't take much effort today, breaking open the tomb seems much easier than he imagined, and the source he It is also within reach.

"What's inside?" Jiang Chen also leaned over at this time, and after he carefully identified it, he found that the woman lying inside was dressed exactly the same as the previous female corpse, but that face was not the Mo Qinghan he had seen before. It can be seen vaguely from her appearance that this woman is definitely a person who can overwhelm the country and the city. Beside the woman is a man who is a little fatter. The man's face looks a little immature.

"Duan Rujun?" Jiang Chen was also shocked. After careful identification, he found that the person lying inside turned out to be Duan Rujun, or that person looked exactly like Duan Rujun.

"Jiang Chen? Are your injuries healed?" Liu Changfeng realized Jiang Chen when he heard Jiang Chen's exclamation. He was surprised to find that Jiang Chen, who was covered with scars yesterday, had come here, and he looked like something. Nothing is the same.

"Take some panacea and everything will be fine!" Jiang Chen was sloppy and focused all his attention on the jade coffin.

"Director Liu, have you noticed that the man lying here is very similar to Duan Rujun!"

"Major?" Hearing this, Liu Changfeng also took a closer look, and his face also revealed a look of shock, "This, this, this..."

"What's swollen? Do you know the people inside?" The Tomb Robber had been sizing up Jiang Chen when Jiang Chen appeared, and he didn't turn his attention back to the jade coffin until Liu Changfeng was surprised.

"That's right, he looks like a friend of mine!" Jiang Chen nodded.

"Impossible! The origin of the emperor is still there, it must be King Zhou of Shang, it is impossible to be that friend you know!" Robber Tiantomb insisted that the person lying inside must be King Zhou of Shang.

"It doesn't matter, open the coffin first! Take out the source inside!" Thief Tianxiong licked his chapped lips, his bloodthirsty eyes couldn't wait any longer.

"Get out of the way, I want to open the coffin!" Thief Tianxiong shouted back those around him, and drew a symbol on the jade coffin with his bare hands.


The talisman shone brightly under the urging of Thief Sky Bear, and then penetrated the coffin lid, penetrated in, and the talisman fell to the corpse inside.

"Hahaha, today the source of the emperor belongs to me, Thief Sky Bear!" The body inside the body glowed brightly when the talisman hit it, and Thief Sky Bear laughed wildly when he saw this, looking a little scary.

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(End of this chapter)

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