Chapter 57
"You know about me?" Mengyao was also a little surprised. She naturally knew what Jiang Chen was talking about. She was also worried about this matter recently. She never thought that Jiang Chen could know what was on her mind.

"Hehe, you can tell what's on Teacher Mengyao's mind at a glance! Don't worry, I'm here for everything, and the Fan family can't force you! I'm very tired today, I'll go back and have a rest first, and call me if I need anything!" Jiang Chen said Mengyao smiled, then turned to leave, and Mengyao looked at the background of Jiang Chen's disappearance for a long time before she came to her senses.

"He knows the Fan family?" Mengyao murmured in her heart, Jiang Chen has become a mysterious existence in her heart now, "Can he really help me?"

"How is it possible! He's just a child!" Mengyao laughed at herself, and then began to tidy up her desk...

Jiang Chen is driving his own car, and now he just wants to go back to Mo's house, have a good rest and not think about anything. As for the Liu family's revenge, he doesn't have to worry at all. Although he is not strong, there are strong people behind him!
As soon as Jiang Chen returned to Mo's house, he fell into a deep sleep. Even Mo Qinghan called him several times but he didn't wake him up. He didn't wake up until midnight...

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Qinghan, who was sleeping soundly beside him, and felt a sense of warmth in his heart. Although young, Jiang Chen is already a family man, and his wife is still such a beautiful and gentle woman. Jiang Chen thought he was very unlucky, but now that he thinks about it, he is still the luckiest person in the world.

"I don't know what happened to Xiaoyue!" Jiang Chen sighed and shook his head, unconsciously lit another cigarette, looked at the stars in the sky through the window, and fell into deep thought.

"Honey... what are you thinking?" Jiang Chen just started to meditate on what happened recently when Mo Qinghan's voice sounded behind him.

"Hehe, why are you awake! I'm thinking about what happened to me recently, it's incredible to think about it!" Jiang Chen took a cigarette and turned around, hugged Mo Qinghan, and kissed her forehead lightly for a moment.

"What's incredible? What you don't understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When you are surprised by some things, many people have become accustomed to them!"

"Yeah! I thought the earth was just an ordinary world, but I didn't expect it to be the birthplace of the rules of the universe, so that ordinary people can become extraordinary by comprehending the rules! It is similar to my Dou Qi Continent! "Jiang Chen couldn't help sighing when he thought of the Douqi Continent. He didn't expect that he would have this day on Earth. He even felt a little lucky. Although in the Douqi Continent he could be a disciple of an aristocratic family and enjoy his whole life, he also knew that The cruelty of the Douqi Continent is no weaker than here, not only that, if he stays in the Douqi Continent, there is absolutely no hope of aspiring to the pinnacle of the Douqi Continent, but here, he has the most amazing and powerful supreme source rule, the time source rule!

"Are you really from the Dou Qi Continent?" Mo Qinghan was also a little surprised when she heard the words. Although Jiang Chen told her this, she just took it as a joke and didn't take it to heart at all. Until now Jiang Chen brought it up again, It was only then that she began to believe that there were other places besides Earth.

"Indeed, but these are not important anymore! I have settled down on Earth, and if I can cultivate my rules to the level of a Taoist master, I think I can easily shuttle between all walks of life!" Jiang Chen's rule is time As a rule, as long as there is space, there must be time. That is to say, time can travel anywhere, but it is not easy to cultivate to the highest level, but it is not without any hope.

"By the way, you are at home, have you heard about Duan Rujun? When I came back, there were already troops stationed there. Have you found the tomb of King Zhou of Shang?"

"I heard from my father that they searched the entire Changbai Mountain and couldn't find them! I don't know where they are hiding!"

"Have you hidden it?" Jiang Chen was also a little surprised when he heard the words. With Duan Rujun's emperor's original rules, if he was born, most people would definitely submit to his rules. Why did he suddenly hide?Could it be that the emperor's rules also have restrictions, which made Duan Rujun scruples, so he dared not easily set foot in the world?
Of course, all of this is Jiang Chen's speculation, and the specific reason is probably only known by Duan Rujun himself.

"By the way, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you look so much more beautiful!" Jiang Chen focused his attention on Mo Qinghan as soon as he changed the subject. Thinking of Mo Qinghan's taste, Jiang Chen couldn't hold it back, and wanted to eat like a hungry wolf. Jumping forward, seeing each other for a few days is like three autumns, especially for a little goblin like Mo Qinghan!And Mo Qinghan also let go of his body under Jiang Chen's teasing, revealing the big white rabbit that people can't stop, looking like a gentleman...

"Old driver, take me..."

Just as Jiang Chen rushed over, his phone rang...

"Damn it, who disturbed people's cleanliness in the middle of the night!" Jiang Chen didn't care about whose phone it was at this time, he only cared about Cai Mo Qinghan, but the phone kept ringing non-stop, making Jiang Chen very irritable...

"Damn it..." Jiang Chen cursed, got up and picked up the phone, saw that it was Mengyao calling, so it was hard to hang up, so he had to answer...

"Hello, Teacher Mengyao?"

"Jiang Chen, I want to talk to you..."


", okay?"

"Now?" Jiang Chen couldn't agree immediately when he heard the words. After all, it was midnight, and it's not good to go out now, not to mention, Jiang Chen is on fire right now.

"Honey, who is it... Hurry up, can't you take a good rest in the middle of the night..." Mo Qinghan snorted, Jiang Chen's tender face also flushed, and Mo Qinghan's voice must have been heard on the other end of the phone, It took a while to answer.

"It seems that it is not convenient for you, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Said the other side also hung up the phone.

"Honey, hurry up..." Mo Qinghan couldn't wait any longer, and before Jiang Chen put down the phone, Mo Qinghan rushed over and threw Jiang Chen down...

"You little goblin...!" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth, and now he couldn't care less. The phone rang with Mo Qinghan as soon as he flicked the phone. After half an hour, the phone rang again...

Jiang Chen was speechless, and when he saw it, it was Mengyao calling again...

"Teacher Mengyao..."

"Is it over?"

"Still tossing..." Jiang Chen didn't shy away from it, since Mengyao found out, there was no need to hide it.

"...Honey,... hurry up! I..."

"Okay, you do things first! Come to me after you're done! I'm chatting with flowers and tea!" After finishing speaking, the other side also hung up the phone.

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(End of this chapter)

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