Chapter 63

It’s been almost five years since I first started writing books at the end of 12. Someone asked me before, saying that my vest should be a god’s vest!When I read stories, why do I always have a sense of depression and disappointment? I just smile and don’t answer. In fact, I really don’t have the face to say anything. As the first batch of authors on the creation site, I still don’t feel salty until now. Not bad, although I haven't heard how prosperous the author who came from the original is, but I also keep my mouth shut to outsiders.

I have written a lot of things for so many years, but the results are mediocre. I am really embarrassed to say that the authors who started the station for 13 years to encourage and encourage each other have slowly dispersed over the years. Some have gone to other stations, some Some of them have already closed their pens, and very few of them can persist. The experience of being an author is really not enough for outsiders.

Most of them are from being complacent at the beginning, to worrying about gains and losses, to being disheartened later, and finally being as flat as water.

Some people say, 'Writing a book, don't be surprised'.

But when it came to me, it was difficult.

Fortunately, I persevered.

When this book was put on the shelves, I was looking forward to it a lot before, and I also made an appointment with a few masters I knew to use the chapters for pk. I'm sorry to be so cheeky and ask for some chapters, let's pass this situation calmly!

Like most authors, I thought, write a book, be famous, make money.From then on, I lazily ate my old books every day, and did nothing but write books.However, in the process of writing a book.I have experienced a lot, a lot of prosperity has been stripped from me, and a lot of human feelings have been alienated from me.

Today, if someone asks me why I write a book, I probably won’t be able to answer it myself.

It feels like I was pursuing it at the beginning, and it seems that it is no longer so important.My book is being written and someone is reading it, maybe that's enough.

This speech is from some old friends
Don't blame anyone who sees it

Tomorrow is May, friends who have monthly tickets, come and get some tickets, thank you!
There are basically four updates every day, one update for new books, fewer updates when you are busy, but continuous updates, and if everyone supports you well, ten updates a day is not a literary problem!I hope everyone will leave more messages, comments, chat in groups, and support genuine reading!let's work hard together!come on!
Welcome to Mingshao Book Club, group number: 411025424
(End of this chapter)

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