Chapter 81 Auction
The concept of one in 56000 must be clear to everyone, and judging from Jiang Chen's indifferent expression, he is confident every time he bets!It's okay not to arouse suspicion.

"Cheating? Making money? I don't believe in evil, blame me!" Jiang Chen would not care about them. Although Jiang Chen's ability is considered cheating, so what, it won't affect his winnings!
"Boy, do you want to do it again! I have a check of [-] million, if you can guess it right, I will give it to you!" At this time, a middle-aged man also came over and said to Jiang Chen.

"100 million? Too little, don't talk to me if you don't have [-] billion!" Jiang Chen can win as much money as he wants, but once he starts playing, no one wants to talk to him if he makes others lose too badly. gambling.

"100 billion? Your tone is not small!" The middle-aged man was also a little upset when he heard the words. After all, the money was not blown by the northwest wind. Although he could take out 100 million casually, [-] billion is still a lot!

"How about this! You give me 100 billion, and I will play three hands with you, and I will bet on each hand! If I win, the 100 billion will be mine, and if I lose, I will give you 100 billion, how about it?" Jiang Chen didn't want to waste time either. Although he had 2000 million, it would still take a lot of time to win 100 billion, but the big event was about to begin, and Jiang Chen couldn't wait long.

"Win three?" The middle-aged man was also tempted.

"Okay, okay! I can take out 100 billion, but I have to change the wheel, I'm afraid you will do something!" The middle-aged man naturally suspected that Jiang Chen was out, otherwise it would be almost impossible to win three games in a row with a single bet. Possibly, so he asked for a different turntable.

"Fine, whatever you want!" Jiang Chen didn't care at all, how could he be afraid when his strength was there.

"Okay!" The man took out a check of 100 billion and pressed it in front of everyone, and then the turntable was replaced with a new one.

"Okay, let's start!" said the croupier.

"Place your bet, young man!" the middle-aged man stared at Jiang Chen and said.

"Red 26!" Jiang Chen said softly.

"I don't need to press, I will win if I am not 26!" the middle-aged man said.

"What? It turned out to be such a rule, then that kid will definitely lose!"

"You don't care, who made that kid so crazy! He even made such a gamble, let him die if he wants to die!"

"Boy, it depends on how you die!" The lady on the side also cursed Jiang Chen, she now has a handle on Jiang Chen, if something happens to Jiang Chen, that would be the best, then her troubles will be resolved up!
"Okay, open! 26 red!"

As the croupier's voice fell, the place fell into a dead silence again!Win four in a row!How is this possible? Almost everyone thinks this way.

"Continue to the next one! I'm in a hurry!" Jiang Chen urged calmly.

"Okay!" The young man said nothing with a sullen face.

"I press 23!"

"Go, 23!" The croupier was shocked when he opened the game, the kid actually won 5 hands in a row!How can this be!

"How is it possible?" The middle-aged man was not calm anymore. There must be ghosts inside, otherwise Jiang Chen would not be able to guess so many times. He is also a person who likes to calculate the probability, but Jiang Chen does not need to calculate the probability. What must happen is an inevitable event.

"Nothing is impossible! Continue with the last push! I'll press 16! Speed ​​up, I'm in a hurry!" Jiang Chen smiled, staring at the middle-aged man and said.

"it is good!"

The last move almost attracted everyone's attention. Five consecutive victories were unprecedented. What is the probability of six consecutive victories?The middle-aged man's heart was also beating non-stop. Although 100 billion is not a lot, it is not a small amount to him, and it only takes 2 minutes to add up.

"Go, 16! My God, it's 16!" The croupier was also shocked beyond measure. This is a six-game winning streak, and something unprecedented has happened!
"Okay, I'm leaving!" Jiang Chen took the middle-aged man's check and was about to leave. The next thing was about to start.

"Wait! I can't give you the 100 billion, let me give you 100 billion!" The middle-aged man pondered for a while, but he still couldn't bear to lose [-] billion like this, because earning money is not easy after all.

"Repent? Hehe, don't follow the rules! Do you know what will happen if you don't obey the rules here!"

Jiang Chen is not afraid of him doing it, and he will definitely be the one who suffers. After all, he is the one who doesn't obey the rules, and he can't control himself after making troubles.

"Okay, I'll remember you!" The middle-aged man also calmed down. He didn't dare to make trouble here, but he couldn't just settle the 100 billion so easily. After he got off the boat, he would trouble Jiang Chen again. !

After bidding farewell to the middle-aged man, Jiang Chen came to the first floor!The first floor is the largest existence. If the top floor gathers rich people, the other floor gathers rich and powerful people. The first floor is an auction house, and some things are auctioned from time to time. It may exist, whether it is an ordinary thing or something needed in the hidden door, there may be auctions here, and not everyone can enter the first floor, the most basic thing is to have a property certificate, after all, it is an auction house, and it is easy to get in. Tens of millions and hundreds of millions are common here. To come here, you must have proof of financial resources, and you also need someone to recommend you to become a VIP here. It is necessary to guarantee the referee to ensure the authenticity of the referee.

And this Jiang Chen had already made the best arrangements, spending [-] million to make himself a VIP.

When Jiang Chen entered, the place was already full of people, and the auction had already started. In Jiang Chen's impression, these things were not the most important. They were either antiques, calligraphy and paintings, or jade...

What Jiang Chen wanted was the finale, which was a kind of elixir. That kind of elixir was the one he ate at the beginning, the one that Huang Bao gave him, Daxiong Bushen Pill. Of course, the name of this elixir is not actually It's called Xiongxin Bushen Pill, but it's an elixir. It's the elixir of immortality, because this kind of elixir can greatly stimulate one's own original power. Anyone with the potential for rules will be activated by their own rules. Jiang Chen is In this way, before it was activated, it was just an ordinary person, but once activated, Jiang Chen stepped into the ranks of enlightened ones. Of course, without that kind of pill, it is not impossible to step into the ranks of enlightened ones. It depends on the opportunity, or someone is trying to guide it. Among a hundred individuals, ten have the potential to rule, and at most one of ten people can release the power of rules by themselves. All in all, it is very small to penetrate the rules by oneself Probability event, otherwise the enlightened person would have run all over the place.

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(End of this chapter)

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