Chapter 96 Ice Python
"It's not something you can ask about my young master's surname, it's better for you to know as little as possible!" Daniel also stepped out and stood in front of the old man.

"Hehe!" The old man had no choice but to back away after a smug smile. He also felt extremely wary of the four of them. He thought everything was under control, but he didn't expect the strength of the two big men to be so strong. , so that he had to guard against it.

"Wait for me to weaken your strength first! Otherwise, it will be very difficult for that icy heart to fall into my hands!" The old man also had a plan in his heart, at least to make the situation to the extent that he could fully control it, otherwise everything he did would be in vain. It's just a bamboo basket to fetch water, and it must be empty.

"Everyone, keep going! There are still many things ahead, far away from the icy heart!" The old man said to the remaining humanity.

"I'd better go back! I don't want to participate in such a dangerous thing, and I don't want the crystal nucleus anymore. The most important thing is to save my life!" An injured person had given up the idea of ​​moving on, so many There are only a dozen people left now, and they don't know what danger lies ahead. Good things are important, but if you lose your life to enjoy them, everything is useless. The man clasped his hands and turned away.

As soon as that person left, another one gritted his teeth and followed. Although they were not reconciled, their rationality prevailed and they chose to save their lives.

And as soon as that person left, there were about 12 people left here, which was one-third of the previous number.

"Is there anyone else who wants to quit?" The old man glanced at everyone, but no one said anything.

"In that case, let's move on!"

Under the leadership of the old man, everyone came to a flat ground.

"Cross this flat ground and walk about ten kilometers further, and you will reach the Land of Ice! But under the flat ground are hidden creatures that are difficult to deal with. If I am alone, I can barely pass through, but I will also be injured! We If so many people join forces, they should be able to take that guy down, and everyone can reduce their consumption!" said the old man standing in front of the platform.

"What is this place? Last time you didn't make it clear that you lost so many people. If you said it earlier, we would be fully prepared!" Daniel accused.

"Hehe, it's the old man's fault! People, it's easy to forget things when you get old. This time, the thing is an ice python. It's not comparable to those guys before in terms of size and strength, so please do your best. If we hide it, none of us will live!" The old man paused and explained that although everyone was very dissatisfied with his explanation, it is not good to criticize him too much at this time, after all, everyone is on the same page now. The grasshoppers on the rope can only work together.

"Let's go! Don't dawdle!" The boy couldn't wait any longer, although the place was extremely dangerous, but with his speed, no matter how strong the ice python was, as long as he ran away wholeheartedly, that thing wouldn't be able to catch up to him.

The people also walked forward under the leadership of the old man. Everyone walked on thin ice every step, staring at their surroundings vigilantly, for fear that something would come out from somewhere and catch them by surprise.

Everyone walked to the middle without any movement, but everyone still did not relax their vigilance. Naturally, they will not repeat the same mistakes as last time, and this time they are ready to fight at any time.


Jiang Chen suddenly moved in place, and moved out to a place three meters away.

"What's the matter with you kid, why are you so startled!" Hearing Jiang Chen's sudden words, everyone was startled. The ice python didn't scare them, but Jiang Chen did.

"That thing is right under your feet!" What Jiang Chen saw was a few seconds later, the ice python broke through the ice and swallowed him in one bite, so Jiang Chen was quite frightened when he jumped out now.

"What?" Just after Jiang Chen finished speaking, the ice python broke out of the ice, and the bloody mouth immediately bit a person, leading the person to the sky, and the people around hurriedly dispersed!Looking at the huge body of the ice python, some people started to retreat again. Not only was this thing huge, but the eyes above its head were shining with a strange green light, which made people shudder.

"Shoot, don't hesitate!" The old man didn't have time to worry about other things, and hurriedly called everyone to shoot, and the others didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately blasted out his own blow.

bang bang bang...

Dali and Daniu's attacks were the most powerful, and the huge force would push the giant python more than ten meters away. The person who had not been swallowed was also spit out by the ice python under this blow, but the person's body was completely Stiff, with a chilly body, and a terrified expression on his face, he is probably dead.

"What!" Dali and Daniu were also incomparably amazed. Although the ice python was repelled by their blow, only a small amount of ice slag fell from the ice python, and there was almost no damage. One must know that Dali's iron Hammer is an existence that can break even the power of rules!The giant python only lost a little ice slag!

"Master, be careful! This thing is really difficult to deal with!" He reminded after striking a blow vigorously.


After the giant python was repulsed, the light in the snake's eyes became more bewitching, and the snake's mouth was spitting out, which made people feel uncomfortable. Although its icy body was stiff, it was also extremely flexible, especially on this ice, The body is like an arrow that is off the string, and it flies towards everyone.


A huge ice pit immediately appeared where the giant python hit, and the ice python also dived into the ice all of a sudden, submerging its figure.

"Damn it! Not only is that thing amazing in defense, it can also move freely in the ice!"

"Twelve o'clock direction! Be careful!" Jiang Chen used the time rule to spy on the ice-breaking location of the giant python. Although he couldn't beat him, it was impossible for the python to attack him.

With Jiang Chen's reminder, when everyone retreated from that direction without hesitation, a series of fierce attacks smashed towards it.

bang bang bang...

The giant python was struck down by a violent attack just as its head emerged, and many pieces of ice fell from its body.

"You guys are going to attack, I'll show you the direction!" Jiang Chen paused, now Jiang Chen will naturally not run away, he doesn't know where the Bingling Heart is, so naturally he has to use their hands to find it, otherwise he won't run away. won't stay.

"it is good!"

The two positions have already convinced everyone that Jiang Chen has that ability, so they gather their strength and wait for the giant python to show up!

"Eleven o'clock direction!" Jiang Chen roared, and everyone rushed away without reservation.

bang bang bang...

Before the ice python emerged, a huge deep hole was punched into the ice layer above, and it was naturally deterred by this force, so it did not emerge.

"Continuing like this is not an option. Our consumption is far greater than its consumption! If we continue like this, we will not be able to support it sooner or later!"

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(End of this chapter)

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