Chapter 106
The car window was half down, but Qiao Nansheng was still standing outside, also preparing to leave.

Rong Jinbei called out coldly, and stopped him: "Nan Sheng, please trouble you about tonight's matter, and uproot those cancerous tumors."

"Small meaning." The man smiled gently and understood the meaning of his words in seconds.

Overnight, several wealthy businessmen disappeared from City C.

The black Bentley was driving on the road, and the interior of the car was very quiet.

Qin Yise pressed against the car window, looked outside, not knowing what to say.

There were too many complicated emotions flashing in her eyes, and finally turned into a sigh, forced a smile, turned her head to look at the man beside her, and said in a low voice: "Thank you for helping me out again, so many debts, I really don't know when I'll be able to pay it off."

Her voice sounded normal.

But the lingering fear and panic that she tried to suppress finally leaked her true thoughts.

Rong Jinbei looked at her with deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He already knew it, but he didn't reveal it, and said half-jokingly: "Okay, if you can't afford it in this life, you can barely accept it with a promise."


Qin Yise turned her head speechlessly, she was not in the mood to joke at this moment.

"It turns out that the dignified, reserved and noble appearance of those real ladies are all fake, but their hearts are so vicious!" She complained to herself.

Whether it's Qiao Man or Xiao Feifei, they have opened her eyes and will remember these lessons.

"Don't think about it, it's all over. This kind of thing will never happen again under my nose. Those who bully you have also paid a heavy price."

Rong Jinbei's voice was as soft and magnetic as ever, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, with an imperceptible gentleness, and when he pronounced words, there was a coolness.

Qin Yise raised her eyes lazily, and laughed at herself: "The thing has already happened, what's the use of escaping. They said my family was bankrupt, and anyway, it's the same if I sell it. It's true that people are kind and deceived, Ma Shan Being……"

She stopped the car in time for the word "riding", but didn't say it.

The man beside him raised his eyebrows and followed her words: "How is Ma Shan treated?"

"Mr. Rong, what do you think?" Qin Yise blinked, pretending not to understand, and asked with a smile.

Rong Jinbei held her hand with one hand, squeezed it slightly, "If you ask me a man who thinks about his lower body, it's like indirectly reminding me to fulfill the obligations that a man should do!"

"What obligation?" Qin Yise hadn't turned her head around yet.

He half-truthfully said: "The obligation of riding a horse, you are still inexperienced, you should not be very proficient, I don't mind setting aside some time to teach you."

Qin Yise's face immediately turned red like an apple, and she calmly turned her head away.

"I'm not interested, you'd better save it and teach other women!"

Seeing her ungrateful appearance, just now she was still grateful for his life-saving grace, but now she got angry and immediately turned her face ruthlessly.

With joy in his eyes, Rong Jinbei looked at her with a light smile and said, "I really found another woman, what should you do?"


Pay off the debt, although it is a sky-high price, she won't have that much for a while, and the probability of taking the opportunity to run away should be much higher.

The man could easily see through her small thoughts, and really wanted to deal with her severely, but he also felt that it seemed very unkind to take advantage of the fire and rob her at such a time.

(End of this chapter)

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