you are the love of my life

Chapter 120 Trying All Ways to Destroy

Chapter 120 Trying All Ways to Destroy

"How do you know?" Qin Yise raised her eyebrows in doubt and asked.

"The emails are all out. The president asked us to hand over the work to you. Also, don't forget to bring gifts when you come back. I heard that the health care products over there are very cheap. Secretary Qin, I want to make a list for you. "

Xiao Cheng bit her finger and said cutely.

The corner of Qin Yise's mouth twitched twice, and she looked at her blankly: "I don't understand what you're talking about."

Everyone in the secretary's room scoffed, thinking that she was too good at pretending.

Someone teased sourly: "We have been with Mr. Rong for so long, and we have never seen him take any woman on a business trip."

"That's right, you have repeatedly broken the precedent and said that you have no personal relationship with the president. Who would believe it!"

"If you don't believe me, you'll be defeated." Whatever they thought, Qin Yise didn't take it seriously on the surface, but in fact, her heart was already turbulent.

Where there are many women, there are many right and wrong.

Everyone started bombarding her again, and her ears were about to callus. She couldn't take it anymore, so she made an excuse and went to the bathroom. Someone immediately took out her mobile phone and tipped off to Qiao Man.

At this time, Qiao Man was already soaking in the bar, fooling around with friends of all kinds.

She just wants to know more friends, and these people can come in handy when she needs help.

Rong Jinbei has a clear understanding of the upper class circle, even covering the sky with one hand.

Only these unremarkable gangsters, he will not pay attention to them!
In the luxurious bar, the lights were dim, and Qiao Man was sitting in front of the bartender, surrounded by many men who wanted to buy her a drink.

Fatty Jin was holding a cigar in his mouth and gauze was wrapped around his hand, because he was implicated innocently because of David Wang molesting Qin Yise last night.

Rong Jinbei became ruthless, and everyone was terrified.

Without further ado, he asked the bodyguards to chop off two fingers of every man in the box last night who had a part in seeing them, as a punishment.

Not to mention the main culprit, whose hands and feet were mutilated, and thrown in a place like Macau, it is a miracle that he survived!
Fatty Jin immediately picked up the broken finger and went to the hospital to ask the doctor to pick it up for him, but the bones and tendons had been severed, so no matter how well the appearance was repaired, the hand would still be useless. Full of anger.

This beam is considered settled, and even if he meets people surnamed Qin and Rong, he will get upset with everyone!

Qiao Man's cell phone on the table turned on several times. He read the message clearly and didn't speak, just waiting to see what this chick was going to do.

After drinking two glasses of wine, the phone rang. Qiao Man answered the call, hung up and said without hesitation: "That woman is really lucky. She escaped last night. She was just a little bit away. It's over. If David Wang succeeds, will Brother Jin Bei still want a dirty woman?"

Young Master Jin squinted his eyes, took two puffs of the cigar in his mouth, then exhaled a puff of smoke, and said casually: "Manman, have you forgotten that Qin Yise is a woman who came out of that kind of place, she Where can I go clean?"

Qiao Man sneered: "Young Master Jin, think about it carefully, if a man sees his own woman being meddled with his own eyes, won't he feel pimples in his heart?"

Especially Brother Jin Bei, she knows best about his degree of cleanliness.

So it is certain that Qin Yise did not betray herself.

"what do you mean"

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(End of this chapter)

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