Chapter 127
She walked in behind the man, and the cold air from the central air conditioner inside made Qin Yise shiver.

The two stood one on the left and one on the right, with a wide distance between them.

She secretly raised her eyes and looked at Rong Jinbei's side face. His thin lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were fixed on the jumping red numbers above the elevator, his hands were crossed on his chest, and his posture was dignified.

After the elevator stopped on the 22nd floor, the two walked to the door of the apartment in silence. After Rong Jinbei pressed a series of passwords, the electronic door opened automatically, and it was pitch black inside.

He flicked on the switch on the wall, and the luxurious and bright lights turned on instantly. The sudden brightness made Qin Yise's eyes a little uncomfortable. She raised her hand to block the glare.

And the man stood in the porch, changing his shoes leisurely, and said in a bad tone: "Go take a bath!"

Qin Yise's body froze, her eyebrows frowned slightly: "Didn't you ask me to cook?"

What kind of bath to take is simply inexplicable.

Rong Jinbei took off his suit and threw it on the sofa casually. He twisted his stiff neck and said in an arrogant tone:
"When you're hungry, of course you have to eat meat first, then eat, and wash it up immediately. Don't make me repeat it a third time. You didn't even give me a fraction of the interest. What right do you have to negotiate with me?"

"Rong Jinbei, you want to backtrack again? Hehe, I should have gotten used to it..."

She actually believed his promise naively, maybe her brain was caught by the door.

Qin Yise sneered sarcastically, and Rong Jinbei looked at her with no warmth in his eyes: "Am I going back on my word? Didn't your father want you to climb into my bed and get unlimited benefits from me, and even more want to take the 70 A one-hundred million loan is written off, isn't it?"

Qin Yise's legs stiffened, as if someone had tapped her acupoints and fixed there: "Yes! You're right, I'm a cheap commodity, and I'm up to you to trade."

She broke the jar, she had made up her mind to go abroad anyway, even if he didn't help her, she would find a way to leave, so it didn't matter what image she left in front of this man.

Rong Jinbei's cold eyes swept across her body, this woman would only show her claws when she was provoked.

He even dared to call him by his first name.

very good!

I wish she could always be this spineless.

His thin lips curled up slightly, and he said calmly: "Now you finally admit it? When you were confident with me, your conscience was eaten by a dog?"

Who is he beating around the bush!
Qin Yise bit her lower lip, and a row of teeth marks appeared on her pink lips. She followed his words and said, "Yeah, not only have my conscience been eaten by dogs, but also all my profits have been taken up by animals. No, Boss Rong will take pity on me, and take me in for a few more nights?"

Rong Jinbei glanced at her face sharply, as if he wanted to crush her bones, his cold eyes like hell Shura wanted to pierce her mask, "Say it again, who is the beast? Who is the beast?" dog?"

Qin Yise trembled from the shock in his eyes, suppressed her fear, and explained with a forced smile, "It's not about you anyway."

"Oh? Besides me, is there another man who took advantage of you? Tell me, and I'll send someone to chop off his hands!"

This rascal, the devil.
"I have a bad memory, I forgot."

She smiled perfunctorily.

It took a lifetime of courage now to bear his tyrannical moodiness.

(End of this chapter)

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