you are the love of my life

Chapter 133 Want Her To Die

Chapter 133 Want Her To Die
She just can't see any woman being together with Rong Jinbei all day, inseparable, lonely men and widows will inevitably fall in love with each other for a long time.

Especially that night in the nightclub, he was full of anger to save Qin Yise from the siege, and then hugged her intimately to leave, that scene could not dissipate in Qiao Man's heart for a long time.

She must kick Qin Yise out of the game and make this woman disappear forever, and no one can hinder her anymore!

Moreover, since she returned to China, Rong Jinbei's attitude has been very cold, without the intimacy of the past.

But don't be afraid, she still has tricks...

Qiao Man brushed her hair by her ears, her face was still burning with pain, she warned word by word: "Qin Yise, don't be ignorant, I kindly remind you that if I leave proudly, at least I still have some dignity." Otherwise, in the end, the creditors will chase after the door, and no one will care about the end of the road. How pitiful is it to sleep on the street?!"

Qin Yise didn't want to talk nonsense with her, so she raised her foot and was about to walk past her. Just as she tilted her shoulder, the phone in her pocket vibrated, and the caller ID was President Rongda.

She answered immediately, and the man's voice came over without any emotion: "Go to the financial department immediately and bring up all the reports for this quarter. I will give you 3 minutes!"

"Uh, isn't 3 minutes too little?"

Before Qin Yise could finish speaking, the other party had already hung up the phone indifferently.

Qiao Man took the opportunity to snatch her mobile phone, and asked jealously, "Whose phone is it, is it Brother Jin Bei? What did he ask you to do?"

"I'm going to work, please don't make trouble for no reason, Miss Qiao, and return the phone to me quickly."

"Hmph, work? Is your job to seduce men?" Qiao Man sneered, flipping through her recent contacts with her fingers.

Almost half of them were Rong Jinbei, this title hurt her eyes.

Qin Yise wanted to reach out to snatch the phone, but Qiao Man never gave her this chance.

For some reason, Qiao Man felt that there must be something more shameless in the album!

Such as bed photos, ambiguous photos, those kissing
The more she thought about it, the more she collapsed, and she opened the album angrily with her fingers. It was completely contrary to what she had imagined. There were only a few photos in it, and they were all documents and work schedules.

Qiao Man clicked on the recent photo and found that it seemed to be a confidential document, similar to an acquisition plan.

She rolled her eyes and showed a triumphant smile: "Okay, Qin Yise, I finally caught you, see you in the CEO's office, I want brother Jin Bei to see your true face clearly, You traitor!"

Qin Yise's face changed slightly when she heard the words, Qiao Man didn't give her a chance to refute, she had already turned around, and walked towards the CEO's office with her mobile phone in a show of power.

This woman's ability to add fuel to the fire is really unmatched. I think she didn't die fast enough, so I specially added oil and vinegar?

Qin Yise stared at her retreating back, bent her fingers, wishing to tear Qiao Man's body into pieces, but violence could not solve any problems.

She held back her sigh, went to the finance department to get the report, and then walked up the stairs to Rong Jinbei's office.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover it!

She is not a person who easily backs down when encountering problems.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Qin Yise gently opened the door, revealing a small gap, and Qiao Man's complaining voice came from inside: "Brother Jin Bei, that bitch Qin Yise dared to steal your secrets!" File, what a weasel, has no good intentions."

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(End of this chapter)

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