135 Depends on you
"I heard that your father painstakingly cultivated you just to use you as the most advantageous bargaining chip to attract money. The rumors are indeed true!"

Rong Jinbei's frivolous and disgusted eyes swept across her face, and his icy voice pierced people's hearts like the winter snow.

His voice was always low, without even a slight ups and downs, and the arc of the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, was more frightening than anger!

Qin Yise forcefully forced back the tears in her eyes, swallowing her weakness, "Mr. Rong, it only takes you a few words to kill or punish. Is it interesting to beat around the bush like this? What did you do yourself? What else do you need?" Are you provocative?"

He snorted softly, "What did I do? You should come up with real evidence and let the lawyer stand in court to accuse me. As for whether it is meaningful or not, you should know what the answer is when you seduce me!"

In the gap of silence, he suddenly said again, "Secretary Qin, as a mortgage, you have neither the ability to redeem yourself, nor can you find a second buyer as generous as me."

"Since this body is your greatest asset, if I refuse to accept it, it will be too disappointing to your kindness. You must be there on call before I get tired of playing with it, so you don't have to pay back the 70 billion, how about it? "

There is no warmth in Rong Jinbei's eyes, and he is so superior when talking about a deal.

Qin Yise sorted out her thoughts, "Isn't Rong always looking down on you? I am a notorious bad girl, and I can't compare with those wealthy daughters you know. In the eyes of outsiders, I can't even be considered a qualified celebrity. Standing beside Mr. Rong will only lower your grade, and you will be criticized by the media, so why are you wasting time on me?"

"Miss Qin, I think you've put the cart before the horse. It's one thing if I don't think highly of you. What you should do is another. And you're brave enough, you dare to test me many times bottom line!"

Rong Jinbei reached out and stroked her cheek.

She resisted the trembling and met his eyes, his eyes were so cold.

But his embrace was very warm, and the two of them were breathing disorderly, even though they were so close together, there was no ambiguity at all.

Qin Yise didn't know what to say, she was dumbfounded and kept a posture, sitting on his lap and not daring to move.


Rong Jinbei took out his mobile phone from his pocket without interest, and handed it to her...

She widened her eyes in astonishment, and she didn't respond for a long time. He returned the phone to her, did it mean that his anger disappeared?
But who would have thought that his next sentence would directly send her into hell.

"Remember this account first, and I will settle it with you slowly in the future! If the theft of commercial secrets spreads, you and the entire Qin family will never even think about gaining a foothold in City C. This kind of low-level mistake, I hope Miss Qin grows up." Remember, so before I get tired of you, you should be honest and content, or I will keep Qin Shi and continue to live on for a while!"

Qin Yise clenched her fists and said with a slight smile, "In this case, Mr. Rong might as well send our whole family to prison, or drive us out of the country. We will never see each other again. It is peace of mind and no worries for the future."

Rong Jinbei snapped her chin, and reminded her coldly: "I want to stay out of the matter and evade responsibility, I advise you to give up this desire as soon as possible."


Qin Yise frowned, her jaw hurt.

The strength in Rong Jinbei's hand suddenly increased, as if it was going to break her bones.

(End of this chapter)

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