you are the love of my life

Chapter 137 Provoking Discord

Chapter 137 Provoking Discord
Rong Jinbei played with her little hand and asked casually.

"Why don't you let me go, let go of the Qin family?" Qin Yise lowered her voice with a hint of bewilderment.

Although there are big problems in her family, without his intervention, there will be trouble sooner or later.

But at least she can handle it. From childhood to adulthood, no matter how sinister people's hearts are, she still lives well?
All because of him.

If he hadn't set a trap for Dad, the Qin family wouldn't have gone bankrupt.


Qin Yise questioned uncomfortably, clenched her fist and beat his chest, Rong Jinbei remained motionless, letting her vent.

Qin Yise wished she could bite off a piece of his flesh, but she immediately gained the upper hand with reason, and she had no capital to fight him now.

"If you want an answer, I can tell you that I fell in love with you and wanted you to be my woman, so I dug a hole by the way and waited for your father to jump into it. If someone else made the move, Qin's fate would be nothing but It will be even worse, do you understand?!"

Rong Jinbei said arrogantly, his eyes fell on her lips, her teeth made a row of teeth marks, and the mottled blood made his pupils shrink.

The sunlight outside shone in through the glass, but she shrank like a tortoise in her shell.
Looking at her misty eyes, Rong Jinbei felt unbearable.

She adjusted her breathing as gently as possible, suppressing the anger in her heart little by little.

Qin Yise didn't know if she was too stupid, or if this man's temper was so bad, his usual elegance was just a disguise.

Because of this, Qiao Man knew him well, so a slight provocation hit the nail on the head!

Even if he is wronged and resentful, because the object is him, he can't hate him.

When her thoughts were overwhelming, the man suddenly pinched her chin and asked in a hoarse voice, "Who are you showing this face to? Huh?"

Qin Yise rolled her eyes, couldn't help trembling, but still fought back stubbornly: "It's none of your business to show whoever I like!"

The corner of Rong Jinbei's mouth raised slightly: "You're still being hypocritical?"

He always reminded her repeatedly, did he treat her as a fool? What did he do behind his back to make her poor situation in the Qin family into the current dilemma.

He actually confidently asked himself for compensation?

Qin Yise gritted her teeth angrily, not wanting to pay attention to his sarcasm and calculations, got up and went into the bathroom
Rong Jinbei looked at her meandering back with scorching eyes, her smooth long hair was slightly messy.

There was the sound of rushing water from the bathroom, accompanied by the sound of her aggrieved sobs.

He hurt her deeply, and she almost never saw her cry, but now, because of him, she almost shed all her tears for the rest of her life

Rong Jinbei slammed his fist against the wall angrily. Even if the skin was broken and bleeding, the pain was nothing compared to her heartache.

The two people are separated by a wall, but like two worlds, they are far away from each other.

I am afraid that he will never be able to cross this gap.

Rong Jinbei slid down slowly along the wall, and sat slumped on the ground, his whole body was shrouded in loneliness, his hair was messy like a chicken coop, and he looked extremely decadent. This is an unprecedented phenomenon...

Qin Yise closed her eyes. In the eyes of that man, even if she was just a tool, she must be extremely bad.

Oh, ridiculous life.

(End of this chapter)

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