you are the love of my life

Chapter 146 Evasion Can't Solve Problems

Chapter 146 Evasion Can't Solve Problems
It is said that people who live in misfortune for a long time will gradually forget misfortune and get used to misfortune, but her heart is suffering from pain every day and gradually becomes numb.

She is probably God's omission. Why did she catch up with all the bad things by herself?

Maybe God heard her heart, and it rained as soon as it rained, and it poured down without warning.

The cold night and the icy rain made Qin Yise even more embarrassed...

People on the street were hiding from the rain or holding up umbrellas, but she hoped to wash herself clean with a heavy rain.

Homeless, like a displaced and injured animal, she didn't care about the size of the rain, she simply raised her head and let the rain wash over her face.

Sometimes ask yourself, what is life for?
She didn't know, but she seemed to be living just to live, repeating every day like a walking dead.

A car behind her was approaching from far to near, and the dazzling bright white illuminated her distressed body. Suddenly, an SUV occupied the sidewalk and followed Qin Yise unhurriedly.

She didn't respond at all, and still walked forward on her own, but the car stopped suddenly——

Ling Tuo got down from the driver's seat with a black umbrella, caught up with her and grabbed her wet arm: "Miss Qin, I have found you. Do you know where the young master has gone? He left It was a very important dinner party, and I ran out of the company without saying hello!"

"Where is he, how would I know."

The shirt on Qin Yise's body was crumpled, wet from the rain, and clinging to her body, she was extremely embarrassed.

She breathed out the air-conditioning, hugged her arm in despair, and rubbed it vigorously to keep herself warm.

Seeing her like this, Ling Tuo didn't want to ask any more questions. His intuition told him that something must have happened, and he pushed Qin Yise into the back seat regardless of 21: "I'll take you back to the apartment first. Let's talk about it later!"

Just as Qin Yise was about to refuse, the heater in the car instantly surrounded her, making her spineless to say the refusal.

Watching the wiper blades keep turning back and forth on the glass, familiar street signs gradually came into view, even though it was raining heavily and Ling Tuo was driving slower than usual, Qin Yise was still nervous for no reason: "No, I will Don't go to the apartment! In case he's there..."

"Miss Qin was hiding from the young master? But you're all wet, so you have to go back and change into clean clothes, right? The young master is busy with work and his whereabouts are uncertain, so he may not be at home. You are an adult, so don't be willful Are you having trouble with your own body?"

Ling Tuo comforted with a smile.

If she catches a cold, it's herself who suffers.

I really don't understand these people, the favor they can get at your fingertips, they insist on being so lofty and rejecting others for thousands of miles.

"There is a clean towel in the second dark compartment at the back. Wipe off the water first." Ling Tuo looked at her distressed state, pulled his lower lip, and said gently.

Although he didn't say it clearly, people are divided into groups and like things flock together. His thoughtfulness and meticulousness are obviously influenced by Rong Jinbei. Even the bodyguards around him are so elegant and dignified, which surprised Qin Yise.

When the tall off-road vehicle was parked in the underground garage of the community, the apartment was brightly lit, indicating that Rong Jinbei was at home.

Fortunately, he didn't make this trip in vain, Ling Tuo exhaled, thinking to himself that he was grateful.

Young master, you have to keep Miss Qin well...

 Recommended ticket!Recommended ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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