you are the love of my life

Chapter 149 Touching something that shouldn't be touched

Chapter 149 Touching something that shouldn't be touched
The words He Shaofeng said were like a curse in Rong Jinbei's ears, which lasted for a long time.

If she obediently admits her mistake and says that she didn't do it voluntarily, maybe he can be kinder and forgive her!
But she is really ignorant of flattery, knowingly committing a crime, and dare to die!

Rong Jinbei's tall figure enveloped her, leaning over, frowning, the overwhelming shadow made Qin Yise very uneasy.

She met his deep and indifferent eyes, her nose was full of his breath, and there was nowhere to hide the embarrassment in her heart...

"Stealing a man is so righteous, Qin Yise, you have impressed me many times, and you are worthy of your reputation!"

Whether it's at the party or at school, her private life is smooth and smooth.

After getting out of his bed, she can turn around and climb onto another man's bed. Anyway, she has experienced many battles, and she looks like an old hand, used to seeing all kinds of scenes.

Look, what a wealth of experience!

Rong Jinbei smiled mockingly, clasped one of her wrists vigorously, and let the blood in her palm flow out without any heartache.

This damn woman, what did she say to him in the office during the day, her waist is about to break?Body unable to bear it?
But in the end, she was having a good time fighting with other men in a blink of an eye, and her fighting power was so strong that it was astonishing!
Rong Jinbei gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "Since you like to be so cheap and use your body to repay the debt, then I will be beautiful as an adult, and let you pay off all the debts you owe with the principal and interest." ,how?"

This woman just can't treat her too well. The more you take her seriously, the less self-love she will be, and she will piss you off every minute.

As Rong Jinbei said, he unlocked the screen of the phone in his pocket, and a magnified high-definition photo came into Qin Yise's eyes.

The naked man was pressing her down, especially the expression on He Shaofeng's face was very intoxicated, as if he was silent in some kind of happiness and couldn't extricate himself.

Because of the angle of the photo, she only showed half of her face, but she didn't refuse at all in her behavior, on the contrary, she be very compatible with a man!
Qin Yise suddenly thought that there must be something wrong with the glass of water she drank before leaving get off work, otherwise why did she fall asleep as soon as she got in the taxi?
How did she get to the hotel afterwards? She has no memory at all. If He Shaofeng really did something to her, she has no way of checking...

This photo is too deliberate, the whole thing is clearly to make everyone misunderstand that she is hooking up and having a rough private life.

Just by whom?
Who took the photo secretly?

How could it be in Rong Jinbei's phone?
Qin Yise's eyes widened, countless questions flashed through her mind, and finally became a mess.

"It's not like this, I didn't betray your contract, I didn't!!" She shook her head vigorously, the sparkle in her eyes followed her shaking of her head, and the broken beads fell down.

Rong Jinbei let go of her hand, smiled mercilessly, his thin lips moved closer to her pale face, and said indifferently: "No one has ever dared to challenge my bottom line again and again, very good, you want to try How does it feel to piss me off?"

She shook her head and bit her lip, "No!"

"Then do you still want to go abroad? Stay far away from my sight, and never step back to China again?" He asked inscrutablely, the anger in his eyes made Qin Yise's body tremble uncontrollably .

She took a breath, resisted the sourness in her eyes, nodded, and replied softly: "Yes."

Thinking about it all the time!
(End of this chapter)

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